Странная обезьяна. Куда делась шерсть и почему люди разного цвета - Александр Соколов
5. Walsh S., Chaitanya L., Clarisse L., Wirken L., Draus-Barini J., Kovats L., et al. Developmental Validation of the HIrisPlex System: DNA-Based Eye and Hair Colour Prediction for Forensic and Anthropological Usage // Forensic Science International: Genetics (2014), 9: 150–161.
6. Draus-Barini J., Walsh S., Pośpiech E., Kupiec T., Głąb H., et al. Bona Fide Colour: DNA Prediction of Human Eye and Hair Colour From Ancient and Contemporary Skeletal Remains // Investigative Genetics (2013), 4: 3.
7. Chaitanya L., Zupanic I., Susan P., Joze W., Tomaz B., Kayser Z. M. Bringing Colour Back After 70 Years: Predicting Eye and Hair Colour From Skeletal Remains of World War II Victims Using the HIrisPlex System // Forensic Science International: Genetics (Jan 2017), 26: 48–57.
8. Fiegl A. The Real Richard III: 3-D Reconstruction and Linguistic Research Reveal English King’s Face, Voice // National Geographic News (2013).
9. King T., Fortes G., Balaresque P., et al. Identification of the Remains of King Richard III // Nature Communications (2014), 5: 5631.
10. Cerqueira C. C. S., Côrtes V. R. P., Zambra F. M. B., Salzano F. M., Hünemeier T. H., and Bortolini M.-C. Predicting Homo Pigmentation Phenotype Through Genomic Data: From Neanderthal To James Watson // American Journal of Human Biology (Sept — Oct 2012), 24 (5): 705–9.
11. Chaitanya L., Breslin K., Zuniga S., Wirken L., Pospiech E., et al. The HIrisPlex-S system for Eye, Hair and Skin Colour Prediction from DNA: Introduction and Forensic Developmental Validation // Forensic Science International: Genetics (July 2018), 35: 123–135.
12. Pospiech E., Chen Y., Kukla-Bartoszek M., Breslin K., Aliferi A., et al. Towards Broadening Forensic DNA Phenotyping Beyond Pigmentation: Improving the Prediction of Head Hair Shape from DNA // Forensic Science International: Genetics (Nov 2018), 37: 241–251.
13. Archaic Genome Browser. https://bioinf.eva.mpg.de/jbrowse/.
1. Александр Соколов об эффективности популяризации науки. Выступление 17 июня 2018 года на cпециальной конференции «Ученые против мифов — ПРОФИ». https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DNsLG1HfOqk.