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Странная обезьяна. Куда делась шерсть и почему люди разного цвета - Александр Соколов






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Глава 31. Бледная красавица

1. Darwin C. The Descent of Man, and Selection in Relation to Sex. New York: D. Appleton and Company, 1889, p. 604.

2. Van den Berghe P. L. and Frost P. Skin Color Preference, Sexual Dimorphismand Sexual Selection: A Case of Gene Culture Co‐Evolution? // Ethnic and Racial Studies (1986), 9: 1, 87–113.

3. Frost P. Human Skin Color: a Possible Relationship between its Sexual Dimorphism and its Social Perception // Perspectives in Biology and Medicine (Autumn 1988), 32 (1): 38–58.

4. Candille S. I., Absher D. M., Beleza S., Bauchet M., McEvoy B., Garrison N. A., Li J. Z., Myers R. M., Barsh G. S., Tang H., Shriver M. D. Genome-Wide Association Studies of Quantitatively Measured Skin, Hair, and Eye Pigmentation in four European Populations // PLoS One (2012), 7(10): e48294.

5. On the Generation of Animals by Aristotle, translated by Arthur Platt. Book I. https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/On_the_Generation_of_Animals/Book_I.

6. Frost P. Human Skin Color: a Possible Relationship between its Sexual Dimorphism and its Social Perception // Perspectives in Biology and Medicine (Autumn 1988), 32 (1): 38–58.

7. Van den Berghe P. L. and Frost P. Skin Color Preference, Sexual Dimorphismand Sexual Selection: A Case of Gene Culture Co‐Evolution? // Ethnic and Racial Studies (1986), 9: 1, 87–113.

8. Hamilton J. B., Hubert G. Photographic Nature of Tanning of the Human Skin as Shown by Studies of Male Hormone Therapy // Science (Nov 1938), 88 (2290): 481.

9. Там же.

10. Guthrie R. D. Evolution of Human Threat Display Organs // Journal of Evolutionary Biology (1970), 4: 257–302.

11. Kenichi A. Sexual selection as a cause of human skin colour variation: Darwin’s hypothesis revisited // Annals of Human Biology (2002), 29: 589–608.

12. Madrigal L., Kelly W. Human Skin-Color Sexual Dimorphism: a Test of the Sexual Selection Hypothesis // American Journal of Physical Anthropology (Mar 2007), 132 (3): 470–82.

13. Stephen I. D., Smith L., Stirrat M. J., Perrent D. I. Facial Skin Coloration Affects Perceived Health of Human Faces // International Journal of Primatology (2009), 30: 845–857.

14. Stephen I. D., Coetzee V., Perrett D. I. Carotenoid and Melanin Pigment Coloration Affect Perceived Human Health // Evolution and Human Behavior (2011), 32 (3): 216–227.

15. Abbeele J. Van D., Penton-Voak Ian S., Attwood A. S., Stephen I. D., Munafò M. R. Increased Facial Attractiveness Following Moderate, but not High Alcohol Consumption // Alcohol and Alcoholism (May — June 2015), 50 (3): 296–301.

16. From Sunlight to Sunless Tanners: the History of Our Obsession with Getting Tan. https://fashionista.com/2016/07/history-of-tanning

17. Васильев А. А. Судьбы моды. — М.: Альпина нон-фикшн, 2009.

18. Indoor tanning // Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indoor_tanning.

Глава 32. Виноваты фолаты

1. Branda R. F., Eaton J. W. Skin Color and Nutrient Photolysis: an Evolutionary Hypothesis // Science. (Aug 1978), 201 (4356): 625–6.

2. Там же.

3. Jablonski N. G., Chaplin G. The Evolution of Human Skin Coloration // Journal of Human Evolution (July 2000), 39 (1): 57–106.

4. Walter H. Remarks on the Environmental Adaptation of Man // Humangenetik (1971), 13: 85–97.

5. Olson R. L., Gaylor J., Everett M. A. Skin Color, Melanin, and Erythema // Archives of Dermatology (1973), 108 (4): 541–544.

6. Там же.

7. Webb A. R., Kline L., Holick M. F. Influence of Season and Latitude on the Cutaneous Synthesis of Vitamin D3: Exposure to Winter Sunlight in Boston and Edmonton Will Not Promote Vitamin D3 Synthesis in Human Skin // Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism (Aug 1988), 67 (2): 373–8.

8. Jablonski N. G., Chaplin G. The Evolution of Human Skin Coloration // Journal of Human Evolution (July 2000), 39 (1): 57–106.

9. Jablonski N. G. The Evolution of Human Skin and Skin Color // Annual Review of Anthropology (2004), 33: 585–623.

10. Там же.

11. Gambichler T., Bader A., Sauermann K., et al. Serum Folate Levels After UVA Exposure: a Two Group Parallel Randomised Controlled Trial // BMC Dermatology (2001), 1: 8.

12. Shaheen M. A. and Abdel F. Analysis of Serum Folate Levels after Narrow Band UVB Exposure // Egypt Dermatol Online Journal (2006), 2.

13. Fukuwatari T., Fujita M. and Shibata K. Effects of UVA Irradiation on the Concentration of Folate in Human Blood // Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry (2009), 73: 2, 322–327.

14. Hasoun L. Z., Bailey S. W., Outlaw K. K., Ayling J. E. Rearrangement and Depletion of Folate in Human Skin by Ultraviolet Radiation // British Journal of Dermatology (Oct 2015), 173 (4): 1087–90.

Глава 33. Немножко генетики

1. Rosenberg N., Murata M., Ikeda Y., Opare-Sem O., Zivelin A., Geffen E., Seligsohn U. The Frequent 5, 10-Methylenetetrahydrofolate Reductase C677T Polymorphism Is Associated with a Common Haplotype in Whites, Japanese, and Africans // American Journal of Human Genetics (Mar 2002), 70 (3): 758–762.

2. Cordain L., Hickey M. S. Ultraviolet Radiation Represents an Evolutionary Selective Pressure for the South-To-North Gradient of the MTHFR 677TT Genotype // American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (Nov 2006), 84(5): 1243; author reply: 1244–5.

3. Yafei W., Lijun P., Jinfeng W., et al. Is the prevalence of MTHFR C677T Polymorphism Associated with Ultraviolet Radiation in Eurasia? // American Journal of Human Genetics (2012), 57: 780–786.

4. Lucock M., Beckett E., Martin C., et al. UV‐Associated Decline in Systemic Folate: Implications for Human Nutrigenetics, Health, and Evolutionary Processes // American Journal of Human Biology (2017): 29, e22929.

5. Jones P., Lucock M., Veysey M., Jablonski N., Chaplin G., Beckett E. Frequency of Folate-related Polymorphisms Varies by Skin Pigmentation // American Journal of Human Biology (Mar 2018), 30 (2).

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