Странная обезьяна. Куда делась шерсть и почему люди разного цвета - Александр Соколов
6. Rifkin R. F., d’Errico F., Dayet-Boulliot L., and Summers B. Assessing the Photoprotective Effects of Red Ochre on Human Skin by in Vitro Laboratory Experiments // South African Journal of Science. (2015), 111(3–4), 1–8.
Глава 34. Микробов не впускать, воду не выпускать
1. Автобиография Ч. Дарвина // Дарвин Ч. Происхождение видов. — М.: Л.: Огиз-Сельхозгиз, 1935. С. 90.
2. Соколов А. Б. Ученые скрывают? Мифы XXI века. — М.: Альпина нон-фикшн, 2018.
3. Elias P. M., Williams M. L. Re-appraisal of Current Theories for the Development and Loss of Epidermal Pigmentation in Hominins and Modern Humans // Journal of Human Evolution (June 2013), 64 (6): 687–92.
4. Wilson K., Cotter S. C., Reeson A. F. and Pell J. K. Melanism and Disease Resistance in Insects // Ecology Letters (2001), 4: 637–649.
5. Khan R., Khan B. S. Diet, Disease and Pigment Variation in Humans // Medical Hypotheses (Oct 2010), 75 (4): 363–7.
6. Mackintosh J. A. The Antimicrobial Properties of Melanocytes, Melanosomes and Melanin and the Evolution of Black Skin // Journal of Theoretical Biology (July 2001), 211(2): 101–13.
7. Wassermann H. P. Human Pigmentation and Environmental Adaptation // Archives of Environmental Health: An International Journal (1965), 11: 5, 691–694.
8. Reed J. T., Ghadially R., Elias P. M. Skin Type, but Neither Race Nor Gender, Influence Epidermal Permeability Barrier Function // Archives of Dermatology (Oct 1995), 131 (10): 1134-8.
9. Gunathilake R., Schurer N. Y., Shoo B. A., Celli A., Hachem J.-P., Crumrine D., Sirimanna G., et al. pH-Regulated Mechanisms Account for Pigment-Type Differences in Epidermal Barrier Function // Journal of Investigative Dermatology. Elsevier (July 2009).
10. Hong S. P., Kim M. J., Jung M. Y., Jeon H., Goo J., Ahn S. K., Lee S. H., Elias P. M., Choi E. H. Biopositive Effects of Low-Dose UVB on Epidermis: Coordinate Upregulation of Antimicrobial Peptides and Permeability Barrier Reinforcement // Journal of Investigative Dermatology (Dec 2008), 128 (12): 2880–7.
11. Elias P. M., Williams M. L. Re-appraisal of Current Theories for the Development and Loss of Epidermal Pigmentation in Hominins and Modern Humans // Journal of Human Evolution (June 2013), 64 (6): 687–92.
12. Thyssen J. P., Thuesen B., Huth C., Standl M., Carson C. G., et al. Skin Barrier Abnormality Caused by Filaggrin (FLG) Mutations is Associated with Increased Serum 25-Hydroxyvitamin D concentrations // Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (Nov 2012), 130 (5): 1204–1207. e2.
13. Elias P. M., Williams M. L. Basis for the Gain and Subsequent Dilution of Epidermal Pigmentation During Human Evolution: The Barrier and Metabolic Conservation Hypotheses Revisited // American Journal of Physical Anthropology (Oct 2016), 161 (2): 189–207.
14. Strumia R. Skin signs in anorexia nervosa // Dermato-Endocrinology (Sep — Oct 2009), 1 (5): 268–270.
15. Jablonski N. G., Chaplin G. Epidermal Pigmentation in the Human Lineage is an Adaptation to Ultraviolet Radiation // Journal of Human Evolution (Nov 2013), 65(5): 671–5.
16. Grant W. B. The UVB-vitamin D (3) Pigment Hypothesis is Alive and Well // American Journal of Physical Anthropology (Dec 2016), 161 (4): 752–755.
17. Jones P., Lucock M., Veysey M., Beckett E. The Vitamin D-Folate Hypothesis as an Evolutionary Model for Skin Pigmentation: An Update and Integration of Current Ideas // Nutrients (Apr 2018), 10 (5), pii: E554.
18. Elias P. M., Williams M. L. Comment on: The Vitamin D-Folate Hypothesis as an Evolutionary Model for Skin Pigmentation: An Update and Integration of Current Ideas // Nutrients (Nov 2018), 10, 554: 10 (11), pii: E1753.
Глава 35. Витаминные страсти
1. Ravensbergen J., Brown C. L., Moore G. F., Frese R. N., van Grondelle R., Gust D., Moore T. A., Moore A. L., Kennis J. T. Kinetic Isotope Effect of Proton-Coupled Electron Transfer in a Hydrogen Bonded Phenol-Pyrrolidino [60] fullerene // Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences (Dec 2015), 14 (12): 2147–50.
2. Cornish D. A., Maluleke V., Mhlanga T. An Investigation into a Possible Relationship Between Vitamin D, Parathyroid Hormone, Calcium and Magnesium in a Normally Pigmented and an Albino Rural Black Population in the Northern Province of South Africa // Biofactors (2000), 11 (1–2): 35–8.
3. Bogh M. K., Schmedes A. V., Philipsen P. A., Thieden E., Wulf H. C. Vitamin D Production after UVB Exposure Depends on Baseline Vitamin D and Total Cholesterol but Not on Skin Pigmentation // Journal of Investigative Dermatology (Feb 2010), 130 (2): 546–53.
4. Робертс Э. Приручение. 10 биологических видов, изменивших мир. — М.: КоЛибри, 2019. С. 399–400.
5. Björn L. O. Vitamin D Synthesis May Be Independent of Skin Pigmentation Only with UV of Short Wavelength // Journal of Investigative Dermatology (Dec 2010), 130 (12): 2848–50.
6. Libon F., Cavalier E., Nikkels A. F. Skin Color is Relevant to Vitamin D Synthesis. // Dermatology (2013), 227 (3): 250–4.
Глава 36. Кто вы, мистер Холик?
1. Водовозов А. В. Пациент Разумный. Ловушки «врачебной» диагностики, о которых должен знать каждый. — М.: Эксмо. 2017.
2. Талантов П. В. 0,05. Доказательная медицина: от магии до поисков бессмертия. — М.: АСТ, 2019.
3. Мотова Е. В. Мой лучший друг — желудок. Еда для умных людей. — М.: АСТ, 2018.
4. Бутрий С. А. Здоровье ребенка: современный подход. Как научиться справляться с болезнями и собственной паникой. — М.: Эксмо, 2018.
5. Робертс Э. Приручение. 10 биологических видов, изменивших мир. — М.: КоЛибри, 2019. С. 398.
6. Holick M. F. Vitamin D: Importance in the Prevention of Cancers, Type 1diabetes, Heart Disease, and Osteoporosis // American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (Mar 2004), 79 (3): 362–71.
7. Holick M. F. Vitamin D: A Millenium Perspective // Journal of Cellular Biochemistry (Feb 2003), 88 (2): 296–307.
8. Holick M. Vitamin D: The Underappreciated D-Lightful Hormone that is Important for Skeletal and Cellular Health // Current Opinion in Endocrinology, Diabetes and Obesity (2002), 9: 87–98.