Странная обезьяна. Куда делась шерсть и почему люди разного цвета - Александр Соколов
10. Fears T. R., Scotto J., and Schneiderman M. A. Skin Cancer, Melanoma, and Sunlight. // American Journal of Public Health (1976), 66: 461–464.
11. Greaves M. Was Skin Cancer a Selective Force for Black Pigmentation in Early Hominin Evolution? // Proceedings of the Royal Society (Feb 2014), 281(1781): 20132955.
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13. Solan F. Melanins: Skin Pigments and Much More — Types, Structural Models, Biological Functions, and Formation Routes // New Journal of Science (Mar 2014).
14. Jablonski N. G. The Evolution of Human Skin and Skin Color // Annual Review of Anthropology (2004), 33, 1: 585–623.
15. Szabó G., Gerald A., Pathak M., et al. Racial Differences in the Fate of Melanosomes in Human Epidermis // Nature (1969), 222: 1081–1082.
Глава 27. Рак или не рак — вот в чем вопрос
1. Blum H. F. Does the Melanin Pigment of Human Skin Have Adaptive Value? An Essay in Human Skin Have Adaptive Value? An Essay in Human Ecology and the Evolution of Race // Quarterly Review of Biology (Mar 1961 Mar), 36: 50–63.
2. Osborne D.L, Hames R. A Life History Perspective on Skin Cancer and the Evolution of Skin Pigmentation // American Journal of Physical Anthropology (Jan 2014), 153 (1): 1–8.
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5. Post P. W., Szabó G., Keeling M. E. A Quantitative and Morphological Study of Thepigmentary System of the Chimpanzee with the Light and Electron Microscope // American Journal of Physical Anthropology (Nov 1975), (3): 435–43.
6. Cruz-Inigo A., Ladizinski B. and Aisha S. Albinism in Africa: Stigma, Slaughter and Awareness Campaigns // Dermatologic clinics (2011), 29: 79–87.
7. Thomson M. L. Relative Efficiency of Pigment and Horny Layer Thickness in Protecting the Skin of Europeans and Africans Against Solar Ultraviolet Radiation // Journal of Physiology (1955), 127 (2): 236–246.
8. Cruz-Inigo A., Ladizinski B. and Aisha S. Albinism in Africa: Stigma, Slaughter and Awareness Campaigns // Dermatologic clinics (2011), 29: 79–87.
9. Отчет Красного Креста, 2008. https://www.ifrc.org/Global/Publications/general/177800-Albinos-Report-EN.pdf.
10. Jablonski N. G., Chaplin G. Skin Cancer Was Not a Potent Selective Force in the Evolution of Protective Pigmentation in Early Hominins // Proceedings of the Royal Society B. (2014), 281 (1789): 20140517.
Глава 28. Не раком единым
1. Loomis W. Skin-Pigment Regulation of Vitamin-D Biosynthesis in Man // Science (1967), 157: 501–6.
2. Holick M. F., MacLaughlin J. A., Doppelt S. H. Regulation of Cutaneous Previtamin D3 Photosynthesis in Man: Skin Pigment is Not an Essential Regulator // Science (Feb 1981), 211 (4482): 590–3.
3. Thomson M. L. Dyshidrosis Produced by General and Regional Ultra-Violet Radiation in Man // Journal of Physiology (Jan 1951), 112 (1–2): 22–30.
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6. Goldsmith L. A. Biochemistry and Physiology of the Skin. NewYork: Oxford University Press, 1983.
Глава 29. Сливаемся с фоном…
1. Чангизи М. Революция в зрении. — М.: АСТ, 2015. С. 17.
2. Cowles R. B. Some Ecological Factors Bearing on the Origin and Evolution of Pigment inthe Human Skin // American Naturalist (Sept — Oct 1959), 93 (872): 283–293.
3. Bolk L. Origin of Racial Characteristics in Man // American Journal of Physical Anthropology (1929), 13: 1–28.
4. Hamilton W. J. Life’s Color Code. New York: McGraw Hill, 1973, p. 172.
Глава 30. Казалось бы, при чем тут суслик?
1. Laurens H. and Foster P. C. The Effect of Artificial Radiant Energy on the Tissue Temperature Gradient in Men of Different Skin Colors and after Artificial Pigmentation // American Journal of Physiology-Legacy Content (1937), 118: 2, 372–378.
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3. Heer R. R. The Absorption of Human Skin between 430 and 1,010 Mμ for Black-Body Radiation at Various Color Temperatures // Science (1952), 115 (2975): 15–18.
4. Barnicot N. A. Climatic Factors in the Evolution of Human Populations // Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology (1959), 24: 115–129.
5. Baker P. T. Racial Differences in Heat Tolerance // American Journal of Physical Anthropology (1958), 16: 287–305.
6. Heer R. R. The Absorption of Human Skin between 430 and 1,010 Mμ for Black-Body Radiation at Various Color Temperatures // Science (1952), 115 (2975): 15–18.
7. Harrison G. A. Differences in Human Pigmentation: Measurement, Geographic Variation, and Causes // Journal of Investigative Dermatology (June 1973), 60 (6): 418–26.
8. Jablonski N. G. The Evolution of Human Skin and Skin Color // Annual Review of Anthropology (2004), 33: 1, 585–623.
9. Jablonski N. G., Chaplin G. Skin Cancer Was Not a Potent Selective Force in the Evolution of Protective Pigmentation in Early Hominins // Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences (2014), 281 (1789): 20140517.
10. Walsberg G. E. Consequences of Skin Color and Fur Properties for Solar Heat Gain and Ultraviolet Irradiance in Two Mammals // Journal of Comparative Physiology B. (1988), 158 (2): 213–21.