Книги онлайн и без регистрации » Домашняя » Странная обезьяна. Куда делась шерсть и почему люди разного цвета - Александр Соколов

Странная обезьяна. Куда делась шерсть и почему люди разного цвета - Александр Соколов






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12. McCollum E. V., Simmonds N., Becker J. E., and Shipley P. G. Studies on Experimental Rickets. XXI. An Experimental Demonstration of the Existence of a Vitamin Which Promotes Calcium Deposition // Journal of Biological Chemistry (1922), 53: 293–312.

13. Zhang M., Shen F., Petryk A., Tang J., Chen X., Sergi C. «English Disease»: Historical Notes on Rickets, the Bone-Lung Link and Child Neglect Issues // Nutrients (2016), 8 (11): 722. Published 2016 Nov 15.

14. Hess A. F., Unger L. J. Prophylactic Therapy for Rickets in a Negro Community // Journal of the American Medical Association (1917), LXIX (19): 1583–1586.

15. Hess A. F., Unger L. J., Pappenheimer A. M. A Further Report on the Prevention of Rickets Inrats by Light Rays // Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine (1922), 19: 238–39.

16. Steenbock H. The Induction of Growth Promoting and Calcifying Properties in a Ration By Exposure to Light // Scienсe (Sept 1924), 60 (1549): 224–5.

17. Hess A. F. and Weînstock M. Some Properties of Cholestérol and Phytosterol Activated by Irradiation // Experimental Biology and Medicine (1924–25), 22: 319.

18. Hume E. M., Lucas N. S., Smith H. H. On the Absorption of Vitamin D from the Skin // Biochemical Journal (1927), 21 (2): 362–367.

19. Cruickshank E. M. and Kodice E. The Vitamin D Content of Tissues of Rats Irradiated with Ultraviolet Light. Abstracts of communications, 1955.

20. Aoki K. Sexual Selection as a Cause of Human Skin Colour Variation: Darwin’s Hypothesis Revisited // Annals of Human Biology (Nov-Dec 2002), 29(6): 589–608.

21. Клинические рекомендации Российской ассоциации эндокринологов «Дефицит витамина D у взрослых». Министерство здравоохранения Российской Федерации, 2016. https://rae-org.ru/system/files/documents/pdf/kr342_deficit_vitamina_d_u_vzroslyh.pdf.

22. Shelley R. K., Schwartz R. P., Kirkman H. N., Jr, Charlton P. A., Calikoglu A. S., and Davenport M. L. Nutritional Rickets in African American Breast-Fed Infants // Journal of Pediatrics (Aug 2000), 137 (2): 153–157.

Глава 24. Один шаг до гипотезы

1. Johnson R. European Cloth and «Tropical» Skin: Clothing Material and British Ideas of Health and Hygiene in Tropical Climates // Bulletin of the History of Medicine (2009), 83 (3): 530–560.

2. Woodruff C. E. The Effects of Tropical Light on White Men. New York: Rebman Company, [etc., etc.], 1905.

3. Johnson R. European Cloth and «Tropical» Skin: Clothing Material and British Ideas of Health and Hygiene in Tropical Climates // Bulletin of the History of Medicine (2009), 83 (3): 530–560.

4. Murray F. G. Pigmentation, Sunlight, and Nutritional Disease // American Antripologist (July — Sept 1934), 36 (3): 321–490.

5. Maxwell J. P. Further Studies in Osteomalacia // Proceedings of the Royal Society of Medicine (1930), 23(5): 639–652.

6. История Гренландии // Wikipedia. https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%98%D1%81%D1%82%D0%BE%D1%80%D0%B8%D1%8F_%D0%93%D1%80%D0%B5%D0%BD%D0%BB%D0%B0%D0%BD%D0%B4%D0%B8%D0%B8.

7. Соколов А. Б. Мифы об эволюции человека. — М.: Альпина нон-фикшн, 2020. С. 199.

8. Bolk L. Origin of Racial Characteristics in Man // American Journal of Physical Anthropology (1929) 13: 1–28.

Глава 25. Пронзительные лучи

1. Macht D. I.; Anderson W. T., Jr., and Bell F. K. The Penetration of Ultraviolet Rays into Live Animal Tissues // Journal of the American Medical Association (Jan 1928), 90: 161.

2. Hockberger P. E. A History of Ultraviolet Photobiology for Humans, Animals and Microorganisms // Photochemistry and Photobiology (2002), 76 (6): 561–579.

3. Blum H. F. Sunlight and Cancer of the Skin, JNCI // Journal of the National Cancer Institute (Dec 1940), 1 (3): 397–421.

4. Kirby-Smith J. S., Blum H. F., Grady H. G. Penetration of Ultraviolet Radiation into Skin, as a Factor in Carcinogenesis // Journal of the National Cancer Institute (Apr 1942), 2 (5): 403–412.

5. Fitzpatrick T. B. Introductory Lecture // Recent Progress in Photobiology. Academic Press, 1965, p. 368.

6. Thomson M. L. Relative Efficiency of Pigment and Horny Layer Thickness in Protecting the Skin of Europeans and Africans Against Solar Ultraviolet Radiation // Journal of Physiology (Feb 1955), 127 (2): 236–46.

7. Fitzpatrick T. B. Introductory Lecture // Recent Progress in Photobiology. Academic Press, 1965, p. 365.

8. Fitzpatrick T. B. Introductory Lecture // Recent Progress in Photobiology. Academic Press, 1965, p. 367–368.

9. Andersen K. E, Maibach H. I. Black and White Human Skin Differences // Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology (Sept 1979), 1 (3): 276–82.

Глава 26. Кожа моряка

1. Rusch H. P. and Baumann C. A. Tumor Production in Mice with Ultraviolet Irradiation. // American Journal of Cancer January (1939), 1, (35) (1): 55–62.

2. Blum H. F. Carcinogenesis by Ultraviolet Light. Princeton University Press, 2015.

3. Olson J. S. The History of Cancer: An Annotated Bibliography. ABC–CLIO, 1989, p. 100.

4. Roffo A. H. Cancer and Sun: Carcinomas and Sarcomas Caused by the Action of Sunlight on Skin Bull // Cancer (1934).

5. Funding G., Henriques O. M., Rekling E. Über Lichtkanzer. Internationaler Kongress für Lichtforschung, 1936.

6. Molesworth E. H. Rodent Ulcer. With Appendix // Medical Journal of Australia (1927), 1: 878–99, ref. 7.

7. Blum H. F. Sunlight and Cancer of the Skin // Journal of the National Cancer Institute December (Dec 1940), 1 (3): 397–421.

8. Osborne D. L, Hames R. A Life History Perspective on Skin Cancer and the Evolution of Skin Pigmentation // American Journal of Physical Anthropology (Jan 2014), 153 (1): 1–8.

9. Fajuyigbe D. and Young A. R. The Impact of Skin Colour on Human Photobiological Responses // Pigment Cell &Melanoma Research (2016), 29: 607–618.

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