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Почему мы едим то, что едим. Наука о том, как наш мозг диктует нам, что есть - Рейчел Херц






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40. D. W. Tang, L. K. Fellows, and A. Dagher, «Behavioral and neural valuation of foods is driven by implicit knowledge of caloric con-tent», Psychological Science 25 (2014): 2168–2176.

41. Chris Fuhrmeister, «Google Wants to Counit the Calories in Your Food Porn Photos», Eater, June 2, 2015, http://www.eater. com/2015/6/2/8715449-google-calorie-count-photos-im2calories.

42. J. Cantor et al., «Five years later: Awareness of New York City’s calorie labels declined, with no changes in calories purchased», Health Affairs 34 (2015): 1893–1990.

43. S. N. Bleich et al., «Reducing sugar-sweetened beverage consumption by providing caloric information: How black adolescents alter their purchases and whether the effects persist», American Journal of Public Health 104 (2014): 2417–2424.

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46. B. Wansink and K. Van Ittersum, «Bottoms up! The influence of elongation on pouring and consumption volume», Journal of Consumer Research 30 (2003): 455–463; Wansink, «Environmental factors that increase the food intake and consumption volume of unknowing consumers».

47. A. S. Attwood et al., «Glass shape influences consumption rate for alcoholic beverages», PLoS ONE 7 (2012): e43007.

48. Dixon, «Cadbury facing revolt».

49. C. Spence, «Assessing the influence of shape and sound symbolism on the consumer’s response to chocolate», New Food 17 (2014): 59–62.

50. M. T. Fairhurst et al., «Bouba-Kiki in the plate: Combining crossmodal correspondences to change flavour experience», Flavour 4 (2015): 22.

51. P. C. Stewart and E. Goss, «Plate shape and colour interact to influence taste and quality judgments», Flavour 2 (2013): 27.

52. P. Liang et al., «Visual influence of shapes and semantic familiarity on human sweet sensitivity», Behavioral Brain Research 253 (2013): 42–47.

53. Spence, «Assessing the influence of shape and sound symbolism on the consumer’s response to chocolate».

54. См. C. Spence and M. K. Ngo, «Assessing the shape symbolism of the taste, flavour, and texture of foods and beverages», Flavour 1 (2012): 12.

55. V. Harrar and C. Spence, «The taste of cutlery: How the taste of food is affected by the weight, size, shape, and colour of the cutlery used to eat it», Flavour 2 (2013): 1-13.

56. A. J. Bremner et al., «‘Bouba’ and ‘Kiki’ in Namibia? A remote culture make similar shape-sound matches, but different shapetaste matches to Westerners», Cognition 126 (2013): 165–172.

58. Wadhera and Capaldi-Phillips, «A review of visual cues associated with food».

59. Там же.


60. K. Okajima, J. Ueda, and C. Spence, «Effects of visual texture on food perception,» Journal of Vision 13 (2013): 1078, http:// jov.arvojournals.org/article.aspx?articleid=91924.


1. WD-50, in New York City in 2013.

2. https://www.starchefs.com/features/ten-international-pio-neers/ recipe-sound-of-the-sea-heston-blumenthal.shtml.

3. A.-S. Crisinel et al., «А bitLersvveet symphonyy System;-!tically modulating the taste of food by changing the sonic properties of the soundtrack playing in the background», Food Quality and Preference 24 (2012): 201–204.

4. C. Spence, «Crossmodal correspondences: A tutorial review», Attention, Perception and Psychophysics 73 (2011): 971–995.

5. C. Spence, M.U. Shankar, and H. Blumenthal, «‘Sound bites’: Auditory contributions to the perception and consumption of food and drink», in F. Bacci and D. Melcher, eds., Art and the Senses (London: Oxford University Press, 2010).

6. F. Rudmin and M. Cappelli, «Tone-taste synesthesia: A replication», Perceptual and Motor Skills 56 (1983): 118.

7. R. E. Cytowic, The Man Who Tasted Shapes (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2003).

8. C. Offord, «Hearing things», The Scientist Magazine, March 1,2017:17–18.

9. Об этом рассказал Джеймс Петри, шеф-повар ресторана The Fat Duck ведущим передачи The World на Public Radio International, 16 февраля, 2012.

10. C. Spence and O. Deroy, «On why music changes what (we think) we taste», i-Perception 4 (2013): 137–140.

11. M. Zampini and C. Spence, «The role of auditory cues in modulating the perceived crispness and staleness of potato chips», Journal of Sensory Studies 19 (2004): 347–363.

12. Spence, Shankar, and Blumenthal, «‘Sound bites’».

13. Max Read, «The New Sun Chips Bags Are Louder Than a Lawnmower», Gawker, August 17, 2010, http://gawker.com/5615444/ the-new-sun-chips-bags-are-louder-than-a-lawnmower.

14. Децибелы – логарифмическая единица уровней. Это значит, что звук разрывания нового пакета SunChips, равный 95 дБ, был примерно в десять раз громче звука разрывания обычного пакета в 70–75 дБ.


15. 70 дБ на 25 % громче 50 дБ.

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17. K. S. Yan and R. Dando, «A crossmodal role for audition in taste perception», Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 41 (2015): 590–596.

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21. P. Jackman, «Of Wine and Song», Globe and Mail, May 15, 2008.

22. L. D. Stafford, E. Agobiani, and M. Fernandes, «Perception of alcohol strength impaired by low and high volume distraction», Food Quality and Preference 28 (2013): 470–474.

23. M. Sullivan, «The impact of pitch, volume and tempo on the atmospheric effects of music», International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management 30 (2002): 323–330.

24. C. Caldwell and S. A. Hibbert, «The influence of music tempo and musical preference on restaurant patrons’ behavior», Psychology and Marketing 19 (2002): 895–917.

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