Книги онлайн и без регистрации » Домашняя » Почему мы едим то, что едим. Наука о том, как наш мозг диктует нам, что есть - Рейчел Херц

Почему мы едим то, что едим. Наука о том, как наш мозг диктует нам, что есть - Рейчел Херц






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47. N. Thiebaud et al., «Hyperlipidemic diet causes loss of olfactory sensory neurons, reduces olfactory discrimination, and disrupts odor-reversal learning», Journal of Neuroscience 34 (2014): 6970–6984.

48. L. D. Stafford and A. Whittle, «Obese individuals have higher preference and sensitivity to odor of chocolate», Chemical Senses 40 (2015): 279–284.

49. B. P. Patel et al., «Greater perceived ability to form vivid mental images in individuals with high compared to low BMI», Appetite 91 (2015): 185–189.

50. L. F. Donaldson et al., «Taste and weight: Is there a link?» American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 90 (2009): 800S-803S.


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13. R. A. de Wijk et al., «Food siroma affects bite; size», Flavour 1 (2012): 3–8.

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22. Kara Platoni’s website, «Live, Fast, Die Old», http://www.kara-platoni.com/stories/calorierestriction.html.

23. E. Kemps and M. Tiggemann, «Hand-held dynamic visual noise reduces naturally occurring food cravings and craving-related consumption», Appetite 68 (2013): 152–157.

24. J. Skorka-Brown et al., «Playing Tetris decreases drug and other cravings in real world settings», Addictive Behaviors 51 (2015): 165–170.

25. J. Andrade et al., «Use of a clay modeling task to reduce chocolate craving», Appetite 58 (2012): 955–963.

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29. N. J. Buckland, G. Finlayson, and M. M. Hetherington, «Pre-exposure to diet-congruent food reduces energy intake in restrained dieting women», Eating Behaviors 14 (2013): 249–254.

30. E. Kemps, M. Tiggemann, and S. Bettany, «Non-food odorants reduce chocolate cravings», Appetite 58 (2012): 1087–1090.

31. E. Kemps and M. Tiggemann, «Olfactory stimulation curbs food cravings», Addictive Behaviors 38 (2013): 1550–1554.

32. M. W. Firmin et al., «Effects of olfactory sense on chocolate craving», Appetite 105 (2016): 700–704.


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