Книги онлайн и без регистрации » Домашняя » Почему мы едим то, что едим. Наука о том, как наш мозг диктует нам, что есть - Рейчел Херц

Почему мы едим то, что едим. Наука о том, как наш мозг диктует нам, что есть - Рейчел Херц






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2. G. J. Privitera and H. E. Creary, «Proximity and visibility of fruits and vegetables influence intake in a kitchen setting among college students», Environment and Behavior 45 (2013): 876–886.

3. C. Michel et al., «A taste of Kandinsky: Assessing the influence of the artistic visual presentation of food on the dining experi-ence», Flavour 3 (2014): 1-11.

4. G. Morrot, F. Brochet, and D. Dubourdieu, «The color of odors», Brain and Language 79 (2001): 309–320.

5. M. Shankar et al., «An expectations-based approach to explaining the cross-modal influence of color on orthonasal olfactory identification: The influence of the degree of discrepancy», Attention, Perception, and Psychophysics 72 (2010): 1981–1993.

6. K. Dutton, «The power to persuade», Scientific American Mind 21 (2010): 24–31; F. Brochet, «Chemical object representation in the field of consciousness», 2001, заявка на получение гран-при Академии «Аморим» с последующей работой над докторской. Факультет энологии, Лаборатория общей энологии, Таланс, Франция.


7. H. Plassmann et al., «Marketing actions can modulate neural representations of experienced pleasantness», Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 105 (2008): 1050–1054.

8. R. S. Herz and J. von Clef, «The influence of verbal labeling on the perception of odors: Evidence for olfactory illusions?» Perception 30 (2001): 381–391.

9. I. E. de Araujo et al., «Cognitive modulation of olfactory processing», Neuron 46 (2005): 671–679.

10. B. C. Regan et al., «Fruits, foliage and the evolution of primate colour vision», Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 356 (2001): 229–283.

11. J. Johnson and F. M. Clydesdale, «Perceived sweetness and redness in colored sucrose solutions», Journal of Food Science 47 (1982): 747–752.

12. R. Fernandez-Vazquez et al., «Color influences sensory perception and liking of orange juice», Flavour 3 (2014): 1.

13. M. U. Shankar et al., «The influence of color and label information on flavor perception», Chemosensory Perception 2 (2009): 53–58.

14. D. A. Zellner, A. M. Bartoli, and R. Eckard, «Influence of color on odor identification and liking ratings», American Journal of Psychology 104 (1991): 547–561.

15. M. Shankar, C. A. Levitan, and C. Spence, «Grape expectations: The role of cognitive influences in color-flavor interactions», Consciousness and Cognition 19 (2010): 380–390.

16. Классический молекулярный гастрономический метод «сферификации».

17. См. D. Wadhera and E. D. Capaldi-Phillips, «A review of visual cues associated with food on food acceptance and consumption», Eating Behaviors 15 (2014): 132–143.

18. B. Wansink, «Environmental factors that increase the food intake and consumption volume of unknowing consumers», Annual Reviews of Nutrition 24 (2004): 455–479.

19. B. Piqueras-Fiszman and C. Spence, «The influence of the color of the cup on consumers’ perception of a hot beverage», Journal of Sensory Studies 27 (2012): 324–331; N. Gueguen, «The effect of glass colour on the evaluation of a beverage’s thirst-quenching quality», Current Psychology Letters, Behaviour, Brain and Cognition 11 (2003): 1–6.


20. V. Harrar, B. Piqueras-Fiszman, and C. Spence, «There’s more to taste in a coloured bowl», Perception – London 40 (2011): 880–882.

21. B. Piqueras-Fiszman et al., «Is it the plate or is it the food? Assessing the influence of the color (black or white) and shape of the plate on the perception of the food placed on it», Food Quality and Preference 24 (2012): 205–208.

22. O. Genschow, L. Reutner, and M. Wanke, «The color red reduces snack food and soft drink intake», Appetite 58 (2012): 699–702.

23. A. Geier, B. Wansink, and P. Rozin, «Red potato chips: Segmentation cues can substantially decrease food intake», Health Psychology 31 (2012): 398–401.

24. Чарльз Спенс, речь на симпозиуме Международного общества нейрогастрономии, 7 ноября 2015 года, Кентуккский университет.

25. «Feeling blue? Key to happiness is eating yellow food», Sunday Express, October 13, 2016, http://www.express. co.uk/news/uk/720769/eggs-cheese-yellow-food-happiness-scientific-research.

26. N. Diliberti et al., «Increased portion size leads to increased enerjgy intake in a restaurant meal», Obesity Research 12 (2004): 562–568.

27. B. Wansink, «Environmental factors that increase the food intake and consumption volume of unknowing consumers», Annual Reviews of Nutrition 24 (2004): 455–479.

28. B. Wansink and J. Kim, «Bad popcorn in big buckets: Portion size can influence intake as much as taste», Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior 37 (2005): 242–245.

29. D. Marchiori, O. Corneille, and O. Klein, «Container size influences snack food intake independently of portion size», Appetite 58 (2012): 814–817.

30. From D. Wadhera and E. D. Capaldi-Phillips, «A review of visual cues associated with food on food acceptance and consumption», Eating Behaviors 15 (2014): 132–143.

31. Там же.

32. B. Wansink, K. van Ittersum, and J. E. Painter, «Ice cream illusions: Bowls, spoons, and self-served portion sizes», American Journal of Preventive Medicine 31 (2006): 240–243.


33. B. Wansink, K. Van Ittersum, and J. E. Painter, «Ice-cream illusions: Bowls, spoons, and self-served portion sizes», American Journal of Preventive Medicine 31 (2006): 240–243; K. Van Ittersum and B. Wansink, «Plate size and color suggestibility: The Delboeuf Illusion’s bias on serving and eating behavior», Journal of Consumer Research 39 (2012): 215–228.

34. B. Wansink, J. E. Painter, and J. North, «Bottomless bowls: Why visual cues of portion size may influence intake», Obesity Research 13 (2005): 93-100.

35. B. Wansink and C. R. Payne, «Counting bones: Environmental cues that decrease food intake», Perceptual and Motor Skills 104 (2007) 273–276.

36. Wansink, Painter, and North, «Bottomless bowls».

37. См. Wadhera and Capaldi-Phillips, «A review of visual cues associated with food».

38. B. Wansink and P. Chandon, «Meal size, not body size, explains errors in estimating the calorie content of meals», Annals of internal medicine 145 (2006): 326–332.

39. https://www.ers.usda.gov/amber-waves/2011/march/will-calo-rie-labeling; Stephanie Rosenbloom, «Calorie Data to Be Posted at Most Chains», New York Times, March 23, 2010, http://www. nytimes.com/2010/03/24/business/24menu.html?_r=0.

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