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Парфюм. История ароматов XX века - Лиззи Остром






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Lentheric advertisement for Tweed, 1980s, at: https://youtube.com/watch?v=47Gm_NjTWB0, посещение 15 июля 2015 г.

Реклама Coty для Ex´cla-ma´tion, featured in Santa Cruz Sentinel, 18 December 1989.


Об общественных движениях 1980-х годов: Harvey O’Brien, Action Movies: The Cinema of Striking Back, Columbia University Press, 2012.


«Bargepole», Punch, Volume 296, 21 April 1989.

О жизни Фреда Хэймана: Rose Apodaca, Fred Hayman: The Extraordinary Difference – The Story of Rodeo Drive, Hollywood Glamour and the Showman Who Sold it All, A+R Projects, 2011.

Rita Mercs, «A Fuming Battle», Orange Coast Magazine, February 1989.

Реклама Fred Hayman для 273 из Sarasota Herald Tribune, 17 September 1990.


Об использовании ароматов в средствах для стирки: J.K. Funesti, «Perfumery Applications: Functional Products», in P.M. Muller and D. Lamparsky (eds), Perfumes: Art, Science and Technology, Blackie Academic & Professional, 1994.


О «культуре» яппи: Marissa Piesman and Marilee Hartley, The Yuppie Handbook: The State-of-the Art Manual for Young Urban Professionals, Pocket Books, 1984.


О жизни Глории Вандербильт: Clarice Stasz, The Vanderbilt Women: Dynasty of Wealth, Glamour, and Tragedy, Excel Press, 1999; GloriaVanderbilt, It Seemed Important at the Time: A Romance Memoir, Simon & Schuster, 2004.


Salvador Dalí, The Secret Life of Salvador Dalí, Dial Press, 1942.

“We take off our hat to Salvador Dalí for showing us how scented dreams are the stuff of which surrealism is made”, The Sketch, 20 May 1942.


Об изображении женщин в голливудских фильмах 1980-х годов: Marsha McCreadie, The Casting Couch and Other Front Row Seats: Women in Films of the 1970s and 1980s, Praeger, 1990.

Dan Greenberg, “What’s your poison?”, New Scientist, 18 September 1986.


Time magazine quote featured in: Genevieve Buck, “Erotic Ads Ensure That Nothin” Comes Between Calvin and Controversy’, Chicago Tribune, 15 January 1986.

О модном доме Calvin Klein: Steven Gaines and Sharon Churcher, Obsession: The Lives and Times of Calvin Klein, Carol Publishing Group, 1994.

Charles Bloche, «Message in a Bottle: The Marketing of Calvin Klein’s Obsession», The Boston Phoenix, 4 June 1985.


История постера L’Enfant фирмы Athena: http://www.independent.

co.uk/news/uk/this-britain/the-curse-of-man-and-baby-athena-and-thebirth-of-a-legend-432331.html, посещение 5 мая 2015 г.

Капризные девяностые: 1990–1999

Austin, Joe, and Willard, Michael Nevin (eds), Generations of Youth: Youth Cultures and History in Twentieth-Century America, New York University Press, 1998.

Birnbach, Lisa, The Official Pгеррy Handbook, Workman Publishing, 1980.

Crewe, Ben, Representing Men: Cultural Production and Producers in the Mens Magazine Market, Berg, 2003.

Gough-Yates, Anna, Understanding Womens Magazines: Publishing, Markets and Readerships in Late-Twentieth Century Britain, Routledge, 2002.

Jackson, Peter et al., Making Sense of Mens Magazines, Blackwell Publishers, 2001.

Jones, Mark et al. (eds), Fake?: The Art of Deception, University of California Press, 1990.

Klein, Naomi, No Logo: Taking Aim at the Brand Bullies, Picador, 1999.

Massoni, Kelley, Fashioning Teenagers: A Cultural History of SeventeenMagazine, Left Coast Press, 2010.

Moore, Ryan, Sells Like Teen Spirit: Music, Youth, and Social Crisis, New York University Press, 2009.

Turner, Alwyn W.: A Classless Society: Britain in the 1990s, Aurum Press, 2013.


О росте рынка минеральной воды в 1980-х и 1990-х годах:

Bernice Kanner, “On the Water Front”, New York Magazine, 9 May 1988.


Louisa May Alcott, Little Women, Roberts Brothers, 1868.


Цитата из сериала «Бухта Доусона», 103 серия, 10 февраля 1998 г.


О торговле контрафактными товарами в Британии в 1990-х годах: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/hot-on-the-scent-of-the-calvin-kleinfakers-1265505.html, accessed 5 May 2015; Glenda Cooper, «On the Scent of the Fake Products… Which Devalue the Real Thing», Independent, 27 June 1997.

Новый век

«Princess Margaret Goes in Swimming and British Press Has a Crisis», LIFE, 16 May 1949.

Что еще почитать

Aftel, Mandy, Essence & Alchemy: A Book of Perfume, Gibbs Smith, 2001.

Alavi, Dariush, Le Snob: Perfume, Hardie Grant Books, 2012.

Anon., Fragrance and Fashion, Silverdale Books, 2000.

Beaulieu, Denyse, The Perfume Lover: A Personal History of Scent, Collins, 2012.

Daly Goggin, Maureen, and Fowkes Tobin, Beth (eds), Material Women, 1750–1950: Consuming Desires and Collecting Practices, Ashgate, 2009.

Drobnick, Jim, The Smell Culture Reader, Berg, 2006.

Dyhouse, Carol, Glamour: Women, History, Feminism, Zed Books, 2011.

Edwards, Michael, Perfume Legends: French Feminine Fragrances, Michael Edwards & Co., 1996.

Gilbert, Avery, What the Nose Knows, Crown Publishers, 2008.

Groom, Nigel, The New Perfume Handbook, 2nd edn, Blackie Academic & Professional, 1997.

Herman, Barbara, Scent & Subversion: Decoding a Century of Provocative Perfume, Lyons Press, 2013.

Humble, Nicola, The Feminine Middlebrow Novel, 1920s to 1950s: Class, Domesticity, and Bohemianism, Oxford University Press, 2001.

Johnson, Jacqueline, Classic Perfume Advertising, 1920–1970, Schiffer

Publishing, 2007.

Jones, Geoffrey, Beauty Imagined: A History of the Global Beauty Industry, Oxford University Press, 2010.

Marsh, Madeleine, Compacts and Cosmetics: Beauty from Victorian Times to the Present Day, Remember When, 2009.

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