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Парфюм. История ароматов XX века - Лиззи Остром






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June Owen, “New Party Service Features Everything That’s Hawaiian, New York Times, 9 June 1955.


Об истории британского общества в 1950-х годах: David Kynaston, Family Britain, 1951—57 (Tales of a New Jerusalem), Bloomsbury, 2010; Virginia Nicholson, Perfect Wives in Ideal Homes: The Story of Women in the 1950s, Viking, 2015.


Об увеличении количества автомобилей в Британии: http://www.vads.ac.uk/learning/designingbritain/html/crd_cultrev.html, посещение 2 мая 2015 г.

Об истории Юлиуса Саманна: Hilary Greenbaum and Dana Rubinstein, “Who Made Those Little Trees Air Fresheners?”, New York Times Magazine, 2 March 2012.

Об исках компании Car-Freshner в отношении конкурентов: http://www.worldipreview.com/article/norway-court-rules-in-air-freshener-case, посещение 11 мая 2015 г.

John Cheever, «The Chimera», The New Yorker, 1 July 1961.


«Vogue’s Perfume Coloring Book», Vogue, American edition, 15 November 1962.

George Gobel, “How to Take Command at the Perfume Counter”, Vogue, American edition, December 1957.

Советы мужьям при покупке парфюма: «Perfume Investment Guide for Men», Vogue, American edition, December 1958.

О жизни Кристиана Диора: Marie France Pochna, Christian Dior: The Man Who Made the World Look New, Arcade Publishing, 1996.


Rona Jaffe, The Best of Everything, Simon & Schuster, 1958.

Catherine Finerty, “Different Women After Five. Fragrance Is What They Remember You By”, Charm, October 1954.

Helen Gurley Brown, Sex and the Single Girl, B. Geis Associates, 1962.

Max Factor advertisement for Hypnotique, c. 1960, at: http://www.parfumo.net/Perfumes/Max-Factor/Hypnotique, посещение 13 июля 2015 г.

Max Factor advertisement for Hypnotique, featured in The Raleigh Register, 3 November 1958.

О феномене Брайди Мерфи: Herbert Brean, “Bridey Murphy Puts Nation in a Hypnotizzy”, LIFE, 19 March 1956.


Об искусстве и условностях приключенческих журналов: Max Allan Collins et al., Mens Adventure Magazines in Postwar America: The Rich Oberg Collection, Taschen, 2008; Adam Parfrey, Its a Mans World: Mens Adventure Magazines – The Postwar Pulps, Feral House, 2002.

Более подробно о мужественности: David M. Earle, All Man!: Hemingway, 1950s Mens Magazines, and the Masculine Persona, Kent State University Press, 2009.

Clint Dunathan, «Good Evening», The Escanaba Daily Press, 11 April 1949.

C. Patrick Thompson, «The Perfumed Age», Britannia and Eve, March 1949.

Свингующие шестидесятые: 1960–1969

Boyreau, Jacques, The Male Mystique: Mens Magazine Ads of the 1960s and 70s, Chronicle Books, 2004.

Cracknell, Andrew, The Real Mad Men: The Renegades of Madison Avenue and the Golden Age of Advertising, Running Press, 2012.

Evans, Paul, The 1960s Home, Shire Publishing, 2010.

Forbes, Evelyn, Hairdressing and Beauty as a Career, B.T. Batsford, 1961.

Holdeman, Angie, “Its a Mans, Mans, Mans World: Popular Figures and Masculine Identities in 1960s America, California State University, 2007.

Miles, Barry: London Calling: A Countercultural History of London Since 1945, Atlantic Books, 2010.

Ogilvy, David, Confessions of an Advertising Man, Mayflower Books, 1966.

Caron advertisement for Fleurs de Rocaille, 1963, at: http://file.vintageadbrowser.com/6r3ishbrn9ii80.jpg/, посещение 19 мая 2015 г.

Coty advertisement for Emeraude, 1964, at: http://file.vintageadbrowser.com/udosht2mo67au5.jpg/, посещение 19 мая 2015 г.

Century Creations advertisement for Centaur Cologne, 1967, at: http://vintage-ads.livejournal.com/3698754.html, посещение 13 июля 2015 г.


О том, что Майкл Джексон предположительно использовал этот аромат: http://www.jeandesprez.com/balaversaillesexclusive.html, посещение 3 мая 2015 г.


Thomas Browne, Christian Morals – With the Life of the Author, Read Books, 2008.

Fabergé advertisement for Brut, 1960s, at: http://brutaftershave.blogspot.co.uk, посещение 13 мюля 2015 г.

Fabergé advertisement for Brut 33, c. 1976, at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C5tLfiu7an4, посещение 15 июля 2015 г.

Об использовании тестостерона в спорте: John M. Hoberman and Charles E. Yesalis, «The History of Synthetic Testosterone», Scientific American, February 1995.

О теории мозга и Движение за человеческий потенциал: http://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2014/07/you-alreadyuse-way-way-more-than-10-percent-of-your-brain/374520/, посещение 12 мая 2015 г.


Alan Watts, The Book: On the Taboo Against Knowing Who You Are, Souvenir Press, 2009.

Regency Cosmetics advertisement for Jade East, featured in Ebony, June 1969.

«Watts on Zen», LIFE, 21 April 1961.

The corporate history of Shiseido, in: Geoffrey Jones, Beauty Imagined: A History of the Global Beauty Industry, Oxford University Press, 2011.


Об игрушках середины двадцатого века Stephen Kline, Out of the Garden: Toys, TV, and Childrens Culture in the Age of Marketing, Verso Books, 1995; M.G. Lord, Forever Barbie: The Unauthorized Biography of a Real Doll, William Morrow, 1994.


О Лондоне 1960-х годов: David Johnson and Roger Dunkley, Gear Guide, 1967: Hip-Pocket Guide to Britains Swinging Carnaby Street Fashion Scene, Atlas, 1967; Rainer Metzger, London in the Sixties, Thames & Hudson, 2012.

Yardley advertisement for Oh! de London, 1960s, at: http://www.parfumo.net/Perfumes/Yardley/Oh_de_London, посещение 13 июля 2015 г


Реклама Eau Sauvage: http://www.hprints.com/search/Eau-Sauvage-Christian-Dior/, посещение 12 мая 2015 г..

О стиле жизни холостяков в послевоенной Америке: Elizabeth Fraterrigo, «Playboy» and the Making of the Good Life in Modern America, Oxford University Press, 2009; Bill Osgerby, Playboys in Paradise: Masculinity, Youth and Leisure-Style in Modern America, Bloomsbury Academic, 2001.

О ванных комнатах и уходе за собой: David Grayson, “The Man in his Bath”, Playboy, July 1957.

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