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Парфюм. История ароматов XX века - Лиззи Остром






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Chas. Prizer & Co. advertisement for Hai Karate, featured in LIFE, 6 October 1967.


Jenny Diski, The Sixties, Profile Books, 2010.

Annie Gottlieb, Do You Believe in Magic?: The Second Coming of the 60s Generation, Times Books, 1987.

О путешествиях в Индию в 1960-х годах: Rory MacLean, Magic Bus: On the Hippie Trail from Istanbul to India, Penguin, 2008.

Advice Bureau about being refused service…’: «The Last Word on… Aromatic Males», New Scientist, 1 May 1974.


О моде Пако Рабанна: Jean Clemmer and Paco Rabanne, Nues, Éditions Pierre Belfond, 1969.

О создании аромата Calandre: Michael Edwards, Perfume Legends: French Feminine Fragrances, Michael Edwards & Co., 1996.

Зажигательные семидесятые: 1970–1979

Dirix, Emmanuelle, 1970s Fashion: The Definitive Sourcebook, Goodman-Fiell, 2014.

Kaufman, Will, American Culture in the 1970s, Edinburgh University Press, 2009.

Sandbrook, Dominic, State of Emergency: The Way We Were: Britain, 1970–1974, Penguin, 2011.

Sandbrook, Dominic, Seasons in the Sun: The Battle for Britain, 1974–1979, Penguin, 2013.

Schulman, Bruce J., The Seventies: The Great Shift in American Culture, Society, and Politics, Da Capo Press, 2001.

Shepherd, Janet, and Shepherd, John, 1970s Britain, Shire Publications, 2012.

О голливудских блокбастерах: Tom Shone, Blockbuster: How the Jaws and Jedi Generation Turned Hollywood into a Boom-Town, Simon & Schuster, 2004.

О бренде Boots на британском рынке красоты: Geoffrey Jones, Beauty Imagined: A History of the Global Beauty Industry, Oxford University Press, 2010.

О попытке движения за освобождение женщин самостоятельно создать аромат по рецепту: Kay Marsh, “The Scent-agon Papers”, The Daily Herald, 18 August 1971.


О меняющейся роли женщины на телевидении и в рекламе: Sherrie A. Inness (ed.), Disco Divas: Women and Popular Culture in the 1970s, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2003.


«Scent with Intent», Vogue, American edition, December 1971.

О популяризации ароматерапии в Британии: J. Bensouilah, “The History and Development of Modern-British Aromatherapy”, The International Journal of Aromatherapy, Volume 15, Issue 3, 2005; Robert Tisserand, The Art of Aromatherapy, C.W. Daniel Co., 1977.

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Turin, Luca, and Sanchez, Tania, Perfumes: The A – Z Guide, Profile, 2008.


О балладах и музыке 1970-х годов: Mitchell Morris, The Persistence of Sentiment: Display and Feeling in Popular Music of the 1970s, University of California Press, 2013.

Жизнь Барри Шиппа: http://articles.chicagotribune.com/1999–09–08/news/9909080032_1_mr-shipp-fragrance-sold/, посещение 12 мая 2015 г.

Реклама Musk Oil для Jōvan в: Ebony, December 1975.


О влиянии бутика Biba: Barbara Hulanicki, From A to BIBA, Hutchinson & Co., 1983; Barbara Hulanicki, The Biba Years: 1963–1975, V&A Publishing, 2014.

«Fall Fashions in Fragrance», Vogue, American edition, September 1973.


Andrew P. Tobias, Fire and Ice: The Story of Charles Revson, the Man Who Built the Revlon Empire, William Morrow & Co., 1976.

Revlon advertisement for Fire and Ice lipstick, featured in LIFE, 10 November 1952.

Revlon advertisement for Charlie, featured in Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, 26 March 1973.

О влиянии культуры диско: Alan Jones and Jussi Kantonen, Saturday Night Forever: The Story of Disco, Mainstream Publishing, 1999; Peter Shapiro, Turn the Beat Around: The Rise and Fall of Disco, Faber & Faber, 2009.


О рынке молодежных товаров в 1970-х годах: Patrick E. Jamieson and Daniel Romer (eds), The Changing Portrayal of Adolescents in the Media Since 1950, Oxford University Press, 2008.

Fabergé advertisement for Babe, 1977, at: https://www. youtube.com/watch?rqQICIChgA, accessed 13 July 2015.


О противоречивой рекламной кампании для Opium с участием Софи Даль: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/1077165.stm/, посещение 12 мая 2015 г.

О культуре потребления в 1970-х годах: Sam Binkley, Getting Loose: Lifestyle Consumption in the 1970s, Duke University Press, 2007.

О стиле Yves Saint Laurent: Patricia Mears and Emma McClendon, Yves Saint Laurent + Halston: Fashioning the 70s, Yale University Press, 2015.

О влиянии и культуре «Студии-54»: Anthony Haden-Guest, The Last Party: Studio 54, Disco, and the Culture of the Night, William Morrow, 1997.

О декаде «я»: Tom Wolfe, “The “Me” Decade and the Third Great Awakening”, New York Magazine, 23 August 1976.


Henry Post, «Going Baroque», New York Magazine, 29 June 1981.

On hedonism and party culture of the 1970s, see: Robert Hofler, Party

Animals: A Hollywood Tale of Sex, Drugs, and Rock nRoll Starring the Fabulous Allan Carr, Da Capo Press, 2010.

Эгоистичные восьмидесятые: 1980–1989

Turner, Alwyn W., Rejoice! Rejoice!: Britain in the 1980s, Aurum Press, 2010.

Rose, George, Hollywood, Beverly Hills, and Other Perversities: Pop Culture of the 1970s and 1980s, Ten Speed Press, 2008.

Evans, Peter William, and Deleyto, Celestino, Terms of Endearment: Hollywood Romantic Comedy of the 80s and 90s, Edinburgh University Press, 1990.

Honeycutt, Kirk, John Hughes: A Life in Film, Race Point Publishing, 2015.

Sivulka, Juliann, Soap, Sex, and Cigarettes: A Cultural History of American Advertising, Cengage Learning, 2011.

Xenophon, The Symposium, trans. H.G. Dakyns, featured in: The Complete Xenophon Anthology, Bybliotech, 2012.

Morris, Desmond, Manwatching: A Field Guide to Human Behavior, Harry N.Abrams, 1979.

Geoffrie W. Beattie, ‘Truth and Lies in Body Language”, New Scientist, 22 October 1981.

Carole Jackson, Color Me Beautiful, Ballantine Books, 1985.

«What is your glove size?» Kibbe, 32, asks a tall brunette…»: Kim Hubbard, «Even If You Look Like the Pentagon, Make-over Man David Kibbe Claims He Can Bring Out the Beauty Within», People, 26 October 1987.

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