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Без раздумий. Скрытые силы, заставляющие нас покупать - Гарри Беквит






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Нацелена ли она больше на достижение положительных результатов, чем на избегание отрицательных?

Борьба с синдромом дефицита внимания

Способны ли вы достучаться даже до человека, который говорит по сотовому? Или, если органы чувств вашего потенциального покупателя заняты чем-то другим, вас, скорее всего, не заметят?

Уверены ли вы, что завоевываете не просто внимание, но длительное внимание потенциальных клиентов, становясь знакомым для них и облегчая им выбор?

Добиваетесь ли вы внимания честным и естественным путем?

Главенствующая роль настроя

Создаете ли вы впечатление исключительного качества своего товара или услуги?

Создавая впечатление превосходного качества, все ли маркетинговые каналы вы используете?

Полностью ли вы отслеживаете все процессы, удостоверяясь, что отвечаете ожиданиям клиента (или превосходите их)?


Mustang: An American Classic, Mike Mueller.

Iacocca, Lee Iacocca and William Novak9.

A Hard Day's Write, Steve Turner.

Sunday With Sullivan, Bernie Wilson.

Can't Buy Me Love: The Beatles, Britain, and America, Jonathan Gould.

Let It Bleed: The Rollings Stones, Altamont and the End of the Sixties, Ethan A. Russell.

Like A Rolling Stone: Dylan at the Crossroads, Greil Marcus.

Grant Wood: The Autobiography of an American Masterpiece, Thomas Hoving.

Out of Nowhere: The Inside Story of How Nike Marketed the Culture of Running, Geoff Hollister.

Just Do It: The Nike Spirit in the Corporate World, Donald Katz.

Swoosh: The Unauthorized Story of Nike and the Men Who Played There, J. B. Strasser.

Love Is All Around: The Making of the Mary Tyler Moore Show, Robert S. Alley, Irby B. Brown, and Grant A. Tinker.

McDonalds: Behind the Arches, John F. Love10.

People of Plenty, David Potter.

The Mind and Its Stories: Narrative Universals and Human Emotion, Patrick C. Hogan.

On the Origin of Stories, Brian Boyd, Harvard University Press.

This Is Your Brain on Music, Daniel J, Levitin.

The Substance of Style, Virginia Postrel.

The Art Instinct: Beauty, Pleasure and Human Evolution, Denis Dutton.

Survival of the Prettiest, Nancy Etcoff.

The Creators, Daniel Boorstin.

Decision Traps, J. Edward Russo and Paul J. H. Schoemaker.

Uncertainty, David Lindley.

More Than You Know, Michael Maubossin.

Think Twice: Harnessing the Power of Counterintuition, Michael J. Maboussin.

The Paradox of Choice, Barry Swarz11.

Decidedly Irrational, Daniel Ariely.

How We Decide, Jonah Lehrer12.

How We Know What Isn't So, Thomas Gilovich.

Homo Ludens, Johan Huizinga13.

The Courtier, Baldassare Castiglione (Кастильоне Б. «Придворный»).

Candide, Voltaire (Вольтер «Кандид»).

The Great Gatsby, F. Scott Fitzgerald (Фицджеральд Ф. «Великий Гэтсби»).

The Pursuit of Loneliness, Phillip Slater.

The Culture of Narcissism, Christopher Lasch.

The American Mind, Henry Steele Commager.

America: The National Experience, Daniel Boorstin14.

America: The Democratic Experience, Daniel Boorstin15.

The Image, Daniel Boorstin.

Maslow on Management, Abraham Maslow16.

The New Brain, Richard Restak.

Civilization and its Discontents, Sigmund Freud (Фрейд З. «Недовольство культурой»).

The Lonely Crowd, David Reisman.

Loneliness: Human Nature and the Need for Social Connection, John T. Cacioppo and William Patrick.

Bowling Alone, Robert Putnam.

Stumbling On Happiness, Daniel Gilbert.

Hard Facts, Dangerous Half-Truths and Total Nonsense, Jeffrey Pfeiffer and Robert L. Sutton17.

The Knowing-Doing Gap, Jeffrey Pfeiffer and Robert L. Sutton18.

Influence, Robert Cialdini19.

The Marketing Imagination, Theodore Levitt.

The Wisdom of Crowds, James Surowecki.

Outliers, Malcolm Gladwell20.

Blink, Malcolm Gladwell21.

Historian's Fallacies: Toward a Logic of Historical Thought, David Hackett Fischer.

Remembering Denny, Calvin Trillin.

The White Album, Joan Didion.

Slouching Toward Bethlehem, Joan Didion.

Trust, Francis Fujikawa.

Traffic, Tom Vanderbilt.

"The Unicycling Clown Phenomenon: Talking, Walking and Driving With Cell Phone Users," Ira E. Hyman, Applied Cognitive Psychology 24 (9), December 2009.

"If It's Hard to Read, It's Hard to Do," Hyunjin Song and Norbert Schwarz, Psychological Science 19 (10), May 2008, 987–988.

''The Dark Side of Self- and Social Perception: Black Uniforms and Aggression in Professional Sports," M. G. Frank and Thomas Gilovich, Journal of Personal and Social Psychology, January 1988 54 (1): 74–85.

"Predicting Short-Term Stock Fluctuations By Using Processing Fluency," Adam Alter and Daniel Oppenheimer, Studies 1 and 2. (May 2, 2006).

"The Keats Heuristic: Rhyme as Reason In Aphorism Interpretation," Matthew McGlone and Jessica Tofighbakhsh. Poetics, 26 (4), May 1999, 235–244.

"Red Enhances Human Performance In Contests," Russel A. Hill and Robert A. Barton, Nature 435 (293), May 19, 2005, 1226–1229.

"Blue or Red? Exploring the Effect of Color on Cognitive Task Performance," Ravi Mehta and Juliet Zhu, Science 27 323 (5918), 1226–1229, February 5, 2009.

"The Bidder's Curse," Young Han Lee and Ulrike Malmendier, NBER Working Paper No. W13699, December 2007.

"Prospect Theory: An Analysis of Decision under Risk, "Daniel Kahneman and Amos Tversky, Econometrica, 47 (2), March 1979 pp. 263–291.

"You Are How You Eat: Fast Food and Impatience," Chen-Bo Zhong, and Sanford E. DeVoe, Psychological Science (в печати).

"Mind-Set Matters Exercise and the Placebo Effect," Ellen Langer and Alia Crum, Psychological Science, February 2007.

Видеоролик «Невидимая горилла» можно посмотреть на http://viscog.beckman.uiuc.edu/grafs/demos/15.html

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