Странная обезьяна. Куда делась шерсть и почему люди разного цвета - Александр Соколов
1. Basow S. A., Braman A. C. Women and Body Hair. Social Perceptions and Attitudes // Psychology of Women Quarterly (Dec 1998), 22 (4): 637–645. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/j.1471–6402.1998.tb00182.x.
2. Tiggemann M., Lewis C. Attitudes toward Women’s Body Hair: Relationship with Disgust Sensitivity // Psychology of Women Quarterly (2004), 28 (4).
3. Toerien M., Wilkinson S. Gender and Body Hair: Constructing the Feminine Woman // Women’s Studies International Forum (July — Aug 2003), 26 (4): 333–344.
4. Toerien M., Wilkinson S. and Choi P. Y. L. Body Hair Removal: The ‘Mundane’ Production of Normative Femininity // Sex Roles (2005), 52: 399–406.
5. Tiggemann M. & Kenyon S. J. The Hairlessness Norm: The Removal of Body Hair in Women // Sex Roles (1998), 39: 873–885.
6. Tiggemann M. & Hodgson S. The Hairlessness Norm Extended: Reasons for and Predictors of Women’s Body Hair Removal at Different Body Sites // Sex Roles (2008), 59: 889–897.
7. Toerien M., Wilkinson S. Gender and Body Hair: Constructing the Feminine Woman // Women’s Studies International Forum (July — Aug 2003), 26 (4): 333–344.
8. Toerien M., Wilkinson S. and Choi P. Y. L. Body Hair Removal: The ‘Mundane’ Production of Normative Femininity // Sex Roles (2005), 52: 399–406.
9. Boroughs M., Cafri G., and Thompson J. K. Male Body Depilation: Prevalence and Associated Features of Body Hair Removal // Sex Roles (May 2005), 52 (9/10).
10. Verinis J. S and Roll S. Primary and Secondary Male Characteristics: The Hairiness and Large Penis Stereotypes // Psychological Reports (1970), 26: 123–126.
11. Boroughs M., Cafri G., and Thompson J. K. Male Body Depilation: Prevalence and Associated Features of Body Hair Removal // Sex Roles (May 2005), 52 (9/10).
12. Boroughs M. and Thompson J. K. Body Depilation in Males: A New Body Image Concern? // International Journal of Men’s Health (Sept 2002), 1 (3): 247–257.
13. Dixson A. and others. Masculine Somatotype and Hirsuteness as Determinants of Sexual Attractiveness to Women // Archives of Sexual Behavior (Mar 2003).
14. Dixson B. J., Dixson A. F., Li B., and Anderson M. J. Studies of Human Physique and Sexual Attractiveness: Sexual Preferences of Men and Women in China // American Journal of Human Biology (2017), 19: 88–95.
15. Dixson B. J., Dixson A. F., Morgan B., Anderson M. J. Human Physique and Sexual Attractiveness: Sexual Preferences of Men and Women in Bakossiland, Cameroon // Archives of Sexual Behavavior (2007), 36: 369–375.
16. Prokop P., Rantala M. J., Usak M., Senay I. Is a Woman’s Preference for Chest Hair in Men Influenced by Parasite Threat? // Archives of Sexual Behavior. (2013), 42: 1181–1189.
17. Dixson B. J., Dixson A. F., Bishop P. J. & Parish A. Human Physique and Sexual Attractiveness in Men and Women: A New Zealand-U. S. Comparative Study // Archives of Sexual Behavior (2010), 39: 798–806.
18. Penton-Voak I. S., Perrett D. I., Castles D. L., Kobayashi T., Burt D. M., Murray L. K., Minamisawa R. Menstrual Cycle Alters Face Preference // Nature (June 1999), Vol. 399.
19. Rantala M. J., Pölkki M., Rantala L. M. Preference for Human Male Body Hair Changes Across the Menstrual Cycle and Menopause // Behavioral Ecology (Mar. — Apr. 2010), 21 (2): 419–423.
20. Winkler E.-M., Christiansen K. Sex Hormone Levels and Body Hair Growth in! Kung San and Kavango Men from Namibia // American Journal of Physical Anthropology (Oct 1993), 92 (2): 155–164.
Глава 13. Не трогай волосы
1. Epstein F. H., Editor, Paus R., and Cotsarelis G. The Biology of Hair Follicles // New England Journal of Medicine (Nov 1999), Vol. 341.
2. Hamalainen H. A., Warren S. & Gardner E. P. Differential Sensitivity to Airpuffs on Human Hairy and Glabrous Skin // Somatosensory Research (1985), 2: 4, 281–302.
3. Там же.
4. Dean I. and. Siva-Jothy M. T. Human Fine Body Hair Enhances Ectoparasite Detection // Biology Letters (2012), 8: 358–361.
Глава 14. Слоны не потеют
1. Wright P. G. & Luck C. P. Do Elephants Need to Sweat? // South African Journal of Zoology (1984), 19 (4): 270–274. https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=87927.1371/journal.pone.0047018#pone.0047018-Wright2.
2. Myhrvold C. L, Stone H. A, Bou-Zeid E. What Is the Use of Elephant Hair? // PLoS One (2012), 7 (10), e47018.
3. Marett J. R. de la H. Race, Sex, and Environment: A Study of Mineral Deficiency in Human Evolution // Hutchinson’s Scientific and Technical Publications, 1936.
4. Stephenson W. The Ecological Development of Man. Sydney: Angus and Robertson, 1972.
5. Pobiner B. L. New Actualistic Data on the Ecology and Energetics of Hominin Scavenging Opportunities // Journal of Human Evolution (Mar 2015), 80: 1–16.
6. Shizuyo S. Hairless Mutation: A Driving Force of Humanization from a Human-Ape Common Ancestor by Enforcing Upright Walking While Holding a Baby with Both Hands // Genes to Cells (2012), 17: 264–272.
7. Shizuyo S. The Hairless Mutation Hypothesis Explains Not Only the Origin of Humanization from the Human. Ape Common Ancestor but also Immature Baby Delivery // Human Genet Embryol (2013), 3: 2.
8. Denda M., Menon G., and Elias P. M. Did Hairlessness Stimulate an Increase in Hominin Brain Size? Insights from the Cutaneous Neurosensory Interface and Comparative Vertebrate Morphology // Anthropol (2018), 6: 1.
9. Nilsson G. Brain and Body Oxygen Requirements of Gnathonemus Petersii, a Fish with an Exceptionally Large Brain // Journal of Experimental Biology (1996), 199 (Pt 3): 603–7.
10. Kverková K., Olkowicz S., Pavelkova Z., Šumbera R., Burda H., Bennett N., Němec P. Sociality Does not Drive the Evolution of Large Brains in Eusocial African Mole Rats // Scientific Reports (June 2018), 8 (9203).
Глава 16. Анекдот с бородой