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Многоликая коррупция. Выявление уязвимых мест на уровне секторов экономики и государственного управления - Санджай Прадхана






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Источник: основано на Callister (1999) и Contreras (2002).

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Claridge, Gordon, Veasna Chea-leth, and In Van Chhoan. 2005. «The Effectiveness of Law Enforcement against Forest and Wildflife Crime: A Study of Enforcement Disincentives and Other Relevant Factors in Southwestern Cambodia.» East-West Management Institute, Conservation International, and U. S. Agency for International Development, Washington DC (September).

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Contreras-Hermosilla, A. 2002. «Law Compliance in the Forestry Sector: An Overview.» WBI Working Papers, World Bank Institute, Washington, DC, http://lnweb18.worldbank.org/eap/eap.nsf/2500ec5f1a2d9bad852568a3006f557d/c19065b26241f0b247256ac30010e5ff?OpenDocument.

Contreras-Hermosilla, A., and M. T. Vargas. 2002. «Social, Environmental and Economic Dimensions of Forest Policy Reforms in Bolivia.» Forest Trends, Washington, DC. http://www.forest-trends.org/whoweare/pdf/BoliviaEnglish.pdf.

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Dixit, Avinash K. 2004. Lawlessness and Economics: Alternative Modes of Governance. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.

Dykstra, Dennis P., George Kuru, Rodney Taylor, Ruth Nussbaum, William B. Magrath, and Jane Story. 2003. «Technologies for Wood Tracking: Verifying and Monitoring the Chain of Custody and Legal Compliance in the Timber Industry.» Discussion paper, Environment and Social Development, East Asia and the Pacific Region, World Bank, Washington, DC.

ECSSD/PROFOR (Europe and Central Asia Socially Sustainable Development Department/Program on Forests). 2005. «Forest Institutions in Transition: Experiences and Lessons from Eastern Europe.» World Bank, Washington, DC (February).

EIA (Environmental Investigation Agency) and Telapak Indonesia. 2001. «Timber Trafficking.» (September). http://www.eia-international.org.

EIA (Environmental Investigation Agency) and Telapak Indonesia. 2006. «America’s Free Trade for Illegal Timber: How US Trade Pacts Speed the Destruction of the World’s Forests.» http://www.eia-international.org/files/news312–1.pdf

Embido, Oscar. 2001. «Forest Law Enforcement and Investigation Techniques in the Philippines.» Paper delivered at the Forest Law Enforcement and Governance: East Asia Ministerial Conference, Bali, Indonesia, September 11–13. http://lnweb18.worldbank.org/eap/eap.nsf/2500ec5f1a2d9bad852568a3006f557d/c19065b26241f0b247256ac30010e5ff?OpenDocument.

FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization). 2001. «Global Forest Resources Assessment 2000.» FAO Forestry Paper 140, FAO, Rome.

FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization). 2005. «Best Practices for Improving Law Compliance in the Forest Sector.» FAO Forestry Paper 145, FAO and International Tropical Timber Organization, Rome.

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