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Внутренний голос. Почему мы говорим с собой и как это на нас влияет - Итан Кросс






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Abnormal Psychology 120 (2011): 752–757; и Benjamin L. Hankin, Lindsey Stone and Patricia Ann Wright. “Co-rumination, Interpersonal Stress Generation, and Internalizing Symptoms: Accumulating Effects and Transactional Influences in a Multi-wave Study of Adolescents,” Developmental Psychopathology 22 (2010): 217–235. Также см.: Rimé. “Emotion Elicits the Social Sharing of Emotion.”


Подробно о механизмах, запускающих руминацию, см. в работе Rusting and Nolen-Hoeksema “Regulating Responses to Anger.”


Andrew C. High and James Price Dillard. “A Review and Meta-analysis of Person-Centered Messages and Social Support Outcomes,” Communication Studies 63 (2012): 99–118; Frederic Nils and Bernard Rimé. “Beyond the Myth of Venting: Social Sharing Modes Determine Emotional and Social Benefits from Distress Disclosure,” European Journal of Social Psychology 42 (2012): 672–681; Stephen J. Lepore et al. “It’s Not That Bad: Social Challenges to Emotional Disclosure Enhance Adjustment to Stress,” Anxiety, Stress, and Coping 17 (2004): 341–361; Anika Batenburg and Enny Das. “An Experimental Study on the Effectiveness of Disclosing Stressful Life Events and Support Messages: When Cognitive Reappraisal Support Decreases Emotional Distress, and Emotional Support Is Like Saying Nothing at All,” PLoS One 9 (2014): e114169; и Stephanie Tremmel and Sabine Sonnentag. “A Sorrow Halved? A Daily Diary Study on Talking About Experienced Workplace Incivility and Next-Morning Negative Affect,” Journal of Occupational Health Psychology 23 (2018): 568–583.


Gal Sheppes. “Transcending the ‘Good and Bad’ and ‘Here and Now’ in Emotion Regulation: Costs and Benefits of Strategies Across Regulatory Stages,” Advances in Experimental Social Psychology 61 (2020). Более подробно о роли, которую временной фактор играет в социальном взаимодействии, см. в работе Rimé “Emotion Elicits the Social Sharing of Emotion.”


Christopher S. Wren. “2 Give Up After Holding 42 Hostages in a Harlem Bank,” New York Times, April 19, 1973; Barbara Gelb. “A Cool-Headed Cop Who Saves Hostages,” New York Times, April 17, 1977; Gregory M. Vecchi et al. “Crisis (Hostage) Negotiation: Current Strategies and Issues in High-Risk Conflict Resolution,” Aggression and Violent Behavior 10 (2005): 533–551; Gary Noesner, Stalling for Time (New York: Random House, 2010); “Police Negotiation Techniques from the NYPD Crisis Negotiations Team,” Harvard Law School, Nov. 11, 2019, источник: https://www.pon.harvard.edu/daily/crisis-negotiations/crisis-negotiations-and-negotiation-skills-insights-from-the-new-york-city-police-department-hostage-negotiations-team/.


Elaine O. Cheung, Wendi L. Gardner and Jason F. Anderson. “Emotionships: Examining People’s Emotion-Regulation Relationships and Their Consequences for Well-Being,” Social Psychological and Personality Science 6 (2015): 407–414.


Проект «Все изменится к лучшему», itgetsbetter.org/; “How It All Got Started,” источник: https://itgetsbetter.org/blog/initiatives/how-it-all-got-started/; Brian Stelter. “Campaign Offers Help to Gay Youths,” New York Times, Oct. 18, 2010; и Dan Savage. “Give ’Em Hope,” The Stranger, Sept. 23, 2010.


McNally, Bryant and Ehlers. “Does Early Psychological Intervention Promote Recovery from Posttraumatic Stress?”; и van Emmerik et al. “Single Session Debriefing After Psychological Trauma.”


Подробнее об эмпатии см. в статье Zaki, War for Kindness; de Waal and Preston. “Mammalian Empathy”; и Erika Weisz and Jamil Zaki. “Motivated Empathy: A Social Neuroscience Perspective,” Current Opinion in Psychology 24 (2018): 67–71.


В своей статье Eshkol Rafaeli and Marci Gleason. “Skilled Support Within Intimate Relationships,” Journal of Family Theory and Review 1 (2009): 20–37 специалисты по взаимоотношениям Эшколь Рафаэли и Марси Глисон предлагают критический обзор литературы, касающейся социальной поддержки. Они также подробно обсуждают, каким образом явная поддержка приводит к многочисленным негативным последствиям. Исследователи отмечают, что подобная ситуация может привести к акценту на источнике стресса, ощущению, что вы в долгу у партнера, подчеркнуть различия в паре, а если поддержка сопровождается критикой (какими бы благими ни были намерения), она может быть воспринята враждебно.


Niall Bolger, Adam Zuckerman and Ronald C. Kessler. “Invisible Support and Adjustment to Stress,” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 79 (2000): 953–61. Более подробно о результатах эксперимента см. в статье Niall Bolger and David Amarel “Effects of Social Support Visibility on Adjustment to Stress: Experimental Evidence,” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 92 (2007): 458–475.


Yuthika U. Girme et al. “Does Support Need to Be Seen? Daily Invisible Support Promotes Next Relationship Well-Being,” Journal of Family Psychology 32 (2018): 882–893.


Yuthika U. Girme, Nickola C. Overall and Jeffry A. Simpson. “When Visibility Matters: Short-Term Versus Long-Term Costs and Benefits of Visible and Invisible Support,” Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 39 (2013): 1441–1454.


Katherine S. Zee and Niall Bolger. “Visible and Invisible Social Support: How, Why, and When,” Current Directions in Psychological Science 28 (2019): 314–320. Также см.: Katherine S. Zee et al. “Motivation Moderates the Effects of Social Support Visibility,” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 114 (2018): 735–765.


Brittany K. Jakubiak and Brooke C. Feeney. “Affectionate Touch to Promote Relational, Psychological, and Physical Well-Being in Adulthood: A Theoretical Model and Review of the Research,” Personality and Social Psychology Review 21 (2016): 228–252.


Sander L. Koole, Mandy Tjew A. Sin and Iris K. Schneider. “Embodied Terror Management: Interpersonal Touch Alleviates Existential Concerns Among Individuals with Low Self-Esteem,” Psychological Science 25 (2014): 30–37.


Sander L. Koole, Mandy Tjew A. Sin and Iris K. Schneider. “Embodied Terror Management: Interpersonal Touch Alleviates Existential Concerns Among Individuals with Low Self-Esteem,” Psychological Science 25 (2014): 30–37. Также см.: Kenneth Tai, Xue Zheng and Jayanth Narayanan. “Touching a Teddy Bear Mitigates Negative Effects of Social Exclusion to Increase Prosocial Behavior,” Social Psychological and Personality Science 2 (2011): 618–626.


Francis McGlone, Johan Wessberg and Hakan Olausson. “Discriminative and Affective Touch: Sensing and Feeling,” Neuron 82 (2014): 737–751. Более подробно о той роли, которую C-волокна играют в социальной поддержке, см. в работе Jakubiak and Feeney “Affectionate Touch to Promote Relational, Psychological, and Physical Well-Being in Adulthood”.


India Morrison, Line S. Loken and Hakan Olausson. “The Skin as a Social Organ,” Experimental Brain Research 204 (2009): 305–314.


David S. Lee et al.

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