Смерч войны - Эндрю Робертс
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Pabst, Helmut, The Outermost Frontier: A German Soldier in the Russian Campaign 1986
Pack, Stanley, The Battle for Crete 1973
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Padfield, Peter, Donitz: The Last Fuhrer 1984
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Paine, Lauran, The Abwehr: German Military Intelligence in World War Two 1984
Panter-Downes, Mollie, London War Notes 1939—1945 1972 Papagos, Alexander, The Battle of Greece 1940—1941 1949
Paris, Edmond, Genocide in Satellite Croatia 1941—1945 1981
Parker, Matthew, Monte Cassino 2003
Parker, R.A.C. The Second World War 200
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Pimlott, Ben, Hugh Dalton 1985
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Pink, M. Alderton, The Letters of Horace Walpole 1938
Pitt, Barrie, The Crucible of War: Western Desert 1941, 1980
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Pleshakov, Constantine, Stalin's Folly: The Secret History of the German Invasion of Russia, 2005
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Ponting, Clive, 1940: Myth and Reality 1990
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Price, Arthur, The Spitfire Story 1995
Probert, Henry, Bomber Harris: His Life and Times 2001
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Raczynski, Count Edward, In Allied London 1962
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Rawlings, Leo, And the Dawn Came Up Like Thunder 1972
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Read, Anthony, The DeviVs Disciples: The Lives and Times of Hitler's Inner Circle 2003
Read, Anthony, and Fisher, David, The Deadly Embrace: Hitler, Stalin and the Nazi-Soviet Pact 1939-1941 1988
Rees, Laurence, The Nazis: A Warning from History 1999
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Reitlinger, G., The Final Solution 1953
Reynolds, David, Rich Relations: The American Occupation of Britain 1942-1945 1995
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Rhodes, Richard, Masters of Death: The SS Einsatzgruppen and the Invention of the Holocaust 2002
Richardson, Charles, From Churchill's Secret Circle to the BBC: The Biography of Sir Ian Jacob 1991
Ridley, Jasper, Mussolini 1997
Ritchie, Charles, The Siren Years 1974
Roberts, Andrew, «The Holy Fox»: A Life of Lord Halifax 1992.
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Roberts, Frank, Dealing with Dictators 1991
Roberts, Geoffrey, Stalin's Wars 2006
Roberts, Walter E., Tito, Mihailovic and the Allies 1941—1945 1987
Rohwer, Jurgen, The Critical Convoy Battles of March 1943 1977
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Rolf, David, Prisoners of the Reich: Germany's Captives 1939— 1945 mi
Rollings, Charles, Prisoner of War: Voices from Captivity during the Second World War 2007
Rooney, David, Stilwellthe Patriot 2005