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Вирусы. Откуда они берутся, как передаются людям и что может защитить от них - Андерс Фомсгорд






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7. Mullis, K. B. (1990). The Unusual Origin of the Polymerase Chain Reaction. Scientific American, 262(4): 56–61.

8. Fomsgaard, A., Müller-Trutwin, M., Diop, O., Hansen, J., Mathiot, C., Corbet, S., & Allan, J. (1997). Relation between phylogeny of African green monkey CD4 genes and their respective simian immunodeficiency virus genes. Journal of Medical Primatology, 26(3): 120–128.

9. Corbet, S., Muller-Trutwin, M. C., Versmisse, P., Delarue, S., Ayouba, A., Lewis, J., & Mauclere, P. (2000). Env Sequences of Simian Immunodeficiency Viruses from Chimpanzees in Cameroon Are Strongly Related to Those of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Group N from the Same Geographic Area. The Journal of Virology, 74(1): 529–534.

10. Sharp, P., & Hahn, B. (2010). The evolution of HIV-1 and the origin of AIDS. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, 365(1552): 2487–2494.

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12. Colby, D., & Prusiner, S. (2011). Prions. Cold Spring Harbor Perspectives in Biology, 3(1), A006833.

ГЛАВА 2. Вспышки. Вирусы Эбола, Марбург и Ласса

1. Preston, R. (1994). The Hot Zone. New York: Random House.

2. Piot, P., & Marshall, R. (2012). No time to lose, a life in pursuit of deadly viruses (1st ed.). New York: W.W. Norton & Company.

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4. Wolf, Kann, Becker, Stephan, Brodt, De Leuw, Wolf, Timo. (2015). Severe Ebola virus disease with vascular leakage and multiorgan failure: Treatment of a patient in intensive care. The Lancet (London, England), 385(9976): 1428–1435.

5. Dunning, J., & Fischer, W. (2015). Ebola: The battle plan must include specific treatments. The Lancet (London, England), 385(9976): 1373–1375.

6. Rosenstierne, M. W., Karlberg, H., Bragstad, K., Lindegren, G., Stoltz, M. L., Salata, C., Kran, A. M., Dudman, S. G., Mirazimi, A., Fomsgaard, A. (2016). Rapid Bedside Inactivation of Ebola Virus for Safe Nucleic Acid Tests. Journal of Clinical Microbiology, 54(10): 2521–2529.

7. Towner, J. S., Khristova, M. L., Sealy, T. K., Vincent, M. J., Erickson, B. R., Bawiec, D. A., Nichol, S. T. (2006). Marburgvirus Genomics and Association with a Large Hemorrhagic Fever Outbreak in Angola. The Journal of Virology, 80(13), 6497–6516.

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ГЛАВА 3. «И разверзаются адовы врата…» Вирус гриппа

1. Iuliano, A., Roguski, K., & Chang, H. (2018). Estimates of global seasonal influenza-associated respiratory mortality: A modelling study. The Lancet (London, England), 391(10127): 1262.

2. Yan, J., Grantham, M., Pantelic, J., Bueno de Mesquita, P., Albert, B., Liu, F., Tellier, Raymond. (2018). Infectious virus in exhaled breath of symptomatic seasonal influenza cases from a college community. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 115(5): 1081–1086.

3. Taubenberger, J., Reid, A., Krafft, A., Bijwaard, K., & Fanning, T. (1997). Initial genetic characterization of the 1918 „Spanish“ influenza virus. Science (New York, N. Y.), 275(5307): 1793–1796.

4. Heisz, T. (2018). Den spanske syge, da historiens mest dødbringende epidemikom til Danmark (1. udgave, 1. oplag ed.). København: Politiken.

5. Oxford, J., & Gill, D. (2018). Unanswered questions about the 1918 influenza pandemic: Origin, pathology, and the virus itself. The Lancet (London, England). Infectious Diseases, 18(11): 348–354.

6. Oxford, J. (2001). The so-called Great Spanish Influenza Pandemic of 1918 may have originated in France in 1916. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological Sciences, 356(1416): 1857–1859.

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8. Abrahamson, J. S. (2011). Inside the 2009 Influenza Pandemic. World Health Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd.

9. Bragstad, K., Martel, C., Thomsen, J., Jensen, K., Nielsen, L., Aasted, B., & Fomsgaard, A. (2011). Pandemic influenza 1918 H1N1 and 1968 H3N2 DNA vaccines induce cross-reactive immunity in ferrets against infection with viruses drifted for decades. Influenza and Other Respiratory Viruses, 5(1): 13–23.

10. Bragstad, K., Vinner, L., Hansen, Mette S., Nielsen, J., & Fomsgaard, A. (2013). Polyvalent influenza A DNA vaccine induces heterologous immunity and protects pigs against pandemic A(H1N1)pdm09 virus infection. Vaccine, 31(18): 2281–2288.

11. Weibel, D., Sturkenboom, M., Black, S., De Ridder, M., Dodd, C., Bonhoeffer, J., Eindhoven MedTech Innovation Center. (2018). Narcolepsy and adjuvanted pandemic influenza A (H1N1) 2009 vaccines – Multi-country assessment. Vaccine, 36(41): 6202–6211. World Health Organization, Strengthening health security by implementing the International Health Regulations (2005); https://www.who.int/ihr/review_committee/en/ (besøgt sommer 2019).

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ГЛАВА 4. Плохой и еще хуже. Вирусы оспы и полиомиелита

1. Den Store Danske. USA og Nordamerika, besøgt sommer 2019. (http://denstoredanske.dk/Geografi_og_historie/USA_og_Nordamerika/Nordamerikas_kolonisationshistorie/Den_Fransk-indianske_Krig.).

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3. Heegaard, E., Fomsgaard, A. (2005). Koppeberedskab i Danmark. Ugeskrift for læger, 167(36): 3384–3387.

4. Permin, H., Petersen, P., Høiby, N. (2005). Det sidste tilfælde af kopper i Danmark: og de organisatoriske forhold i 1970. Medicinsk historisk årbog: 115–144.

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