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Вирусы. Откуда они берутся, как передаются людям и что может защитить от них - Андерс Фомсгорд






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4. Bena´rd, V. B., Castle, P. E., Jenison, S. A., et al. (2017). For the New Mexico HPV Pap Registry Steering Committee: Population-based incidence rates of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia in the human papillomavirus vaccine era. JAMA Oncology.: 3(6): 833–837.

5. Baldur-Felskov, B., Dehlendorff, C., Munk, S., & Kjaer, B. (2014). Early Impact of Human Papillomavirus Vaccination on Cervical NeoplasiauNationwide Follow-up of Young Danish Women. Jnci-Journal Of The National Cancer Institute, 106(3): Djt460.

6. Bollerup, S. K., Baldur-Felskov, B., Blomberg, M., Baandrup, L., Dehlendorff, C., & Kjaer, S. (2016). Significant Reduction in the Incidence of Genital Warts in Young Men 5 Years Into the Danish Human Papillomavirus Vaccination Program for Girls and Women. Sexually Transmitted Diseases, 43(4): 238–242.

7. Langer-Gould, A., Qian, L., Tartof, S., Brara, S., Jacobsen, S., Beaber, B., Tseng, H. (2014). Vaccines and the Risk of Multiple Sclerosis and Other Central Nervous System Demyelinating Diseases. JAMA Neurology, 71(12), 1506–1515.

ГЛАВА 9. Секс, финики, колбаса и разрушение печени. Гепатиты АВС

1. Donnelly, M., Scobie, L., Crossan, C., Dalton, H., Hayes, P., & Simpson, K. (2017). Review article: Hepatitis E – a concise review of virology, epidemiology, clinical presentation and therapy. Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics, 46(2): 126–141.

2. Victor, J., Knudsen, J., Nielsen, L., Fomsgaard, A., Thybo, S., Bygbjerg, I., & Westh, H. (1994). Hepatitis A vaccine. A new convenient single-dose schedule with booster when long-term immunization is warranted. Vaccine, 12(14): 1327–1329.

3. Corbet, S., Bukh, Jens, Heinsen, A., & Fomsgaard, A. (2003). Hepatitis C Virus Subtyping by a Core-Envelope 1-Based Reverse Transcriptase PCR Assay with Sequencing and Its Use in Determining Subtype Distribution among Danish Patients. Journal of Clinical Microbiology, 41(3): 1091–1100.

4. Heinsen, A., Bendtsen, F., Fomsgaard, A., & Heinsen, A. (2000). A phylogenetic analysis elucidating a case of patient-to-patient transmission of hepatitis C virus during surgery. The Journal of Hospital Infection, 46(4): 309–313.

5. Frank, C., Mohamed, M., Strickland, G., Lavanchy, D., Arthur, R., Magder, L., Sallam, I. (2000). The role of parenteral antischistosomal therapy in the spread of hepatitis C virus in Egypt. The Lancet, 355(9207): 887–891.

6. Misra, S., Dieterich, D. T., Saberi, B., Kushner, T. (2018). Direct-acting antiviral treatment of acute hepatitis C virus infections. Expert Review Anti-infective Therapy. 16(8): 599-610.

7. Ramirez, S., & Bukh, J. (2018). Current status and future development of infectious cell-culture models for the major genotypes of hepatitis C virus: Essential tools in testing of antivirals and emerging vaccine strategies. Antiviral Research, 158: 264–287.

ГЛАВА 10. Петер и Панум. Вирус кори

1. DR, dokumentar (2011). Menneskets farlige fjende. Copenhagen Film; www. copenhagenfilm.dk og https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HxuTn2jZtPY (besøgt sommer 2019).

2. Martins, C., Garly, M., Bale, C., Rodrigues, A., Njie-Jobe, J., Benn, C., Aaby, P. (2014). Measles virus antibody responses in children randomly assigned to receive standard-titer edmonston-zagreb measles vaccine at 4.5 and 9 months of age, 9 months of age, or 9 and 18 months of age. The Journal of Infectious Diseases, 210(5): 693–700.

3. Martins, C. I., Benn, C. S., Andersen, Bale, Schaltz-Buchholzer, Vu An, Garly. (2014). A Randomized Trial of a Standard Dose of Edmonston-Zagreb Measles Vaccine Given at 4.5 Months of Age: Effect on Total Hospital Admissions. 209(11): 1731–1738.

4. Higgins, J., Soares-Weiser, K., López-López, J., Kakourou, A., Chaplin, K., Christensen, H., Reingold, A. (2016). Association of BCG, DTP, and measles containing vaccines with childhood mortality: Systematic review. British Medical Journal Publishing Group, 355: I5170.

ГЛАВА 11. Бомба, которая всегда с тобой. «Болезнь поцелуев», опоясывающий лишай и другие проявления герпеса

1. Virgin, H., Wherry, E., & Ahmed, R. (2009). Redefining chronic viral infection. Cell, 138(1): 30–50.

2. Fomsgaard, A., Kirkby, N., Jensen, I., & Vestergaard, B. (1998). Routine diagnosis of herpes simplex virus (HSV) encephalitis by an internal DNA controlled HSV PCR and an IgG-capture assay for intrathecal synthesis of HSV antibodies. Clinical and Diagnostic Virology, 9(1): 45–56.

3. Erik S. Barton, Douglas W. White, Jason S. Cathelyn, Kelly A. Brett-Mcclellan, Michael Engle, Michael S. Diamond, & Herbert W. Virgin Iv. (2007). Herpesvirus latency confers symbiotic protection from bacterial infection. Nature, 447(7142): 326–329.

ГЛАВА 12. Вирус-гигант, прилетевший с Марса? Пандоравирус и прочие странности

1. Philippe, N., Legendre, M., Doutre, G., Couté, Y., Poirot, O., Lescot, M., Abergel, C. (2013). Pandoraviruses: Amoeba viruses with genomes up to 2.5 Mb reaching that of parasitic eukaryotes. Science (New York, N.Y.), 341(6143): 281–286.

2. La Scola, B., Audic, S., Robert, C., Jungang, L., De Lamballerie, X., Drancourt, M. … Raoult, D. (2003). A giant virus in amoebae. Science (New York, N.Y.), 299(5615): 2033.

3. Arslan, D., Legendre, M., Seltzer, V., Abergel, C., & Claverie, J. (2011). Distant Mimivirus relative with a larger genome highlights the fundamental features of Megaviridae. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 108(42): 17486–17491.

4. Imakawa, K., & Nakagawa, S. (2017). The Phylogeny of Placental Evolution Through Dynamic Integrations of Retrotransposons. Molecular Biology Of Placental Development And Disease, 145: 89–109.

5. Denner, J. (2016). Expression and function of endogenous retroviruses in the placenta. APMIS, 124(1-2), 31–43.

6. Paez-Espino, D., Eloe-Fadrosh, E. A., Pavlopoulos, G. A., Thomas, A. D., Huntemann, M., Mikhailova, N., Rubin, E., Ivanova, N. N., & Kyrpides, N. C. (2016). Uncovering the Earth’s virome. Nature, 536: 425–430.

7. Zimmer, C. (2015). A planet of Viruses. The University of Chicago Press.

8. Schulz, F., Yutin, N., Ivanova, N., Ortega, D., Lee, T., Vierheilig, J., Woyke, T. (2017). Giant viruses with an expanded complement of translation system components. Science (New York, N. Y.), 356(6333): 82–85.

9. Kristensen, D., Mushegian, A., Dolja, V., & Koonin, E. (2010). New dimensions of the virus world discovered through metagenomics. Trends In Microbiology, 18(1): 11–19.

10. Halary, Temmam, Raoult, Desnues, & Halary, S. (2016). Viral metagenomics: Are we missing the giants? Current Opinion in Microbiology, 31: 34–43.

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