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Голодный мозг. Как перехитрить инстинкты, которые заставляют нас переедать - Стефан Гийанэй






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199 «система реагирования на угрозы»: H. Klüver and P. C. Bucy, Preliminary Analysis of Functions of the Temporal Lobes in Monkeys, Archives of Neurology and Psychiatry 42, no. 6 (1939): 979–1000.

200 «преодолеть самые сложные испытания»: M. Davis and P. J. Whalen, The Amygdala: Vigilance and Emotion, Molecular Psychiatry 6, no. 1 (January 2001): 13–34.

200 «прилежащие ткани»: Ibid.

201 «система реагирования на угрозы»: Ibid.; Y. M. Ulrich- Lai and J. P. Herman, Neural Regulation of Endocrine and Autonomic Stress Responses, Nature Reviews Neuroscience 10, no. 6 (June 2009): 397–409; J. LeDoux, Anxious: Using the Brain to Understand and Treat Fear and Anxiety, 1st ed. (New York: Viking, 2015), 480.

201 «под понятием стресса»: LeDoux, Anxious.

201 «наличие потенциальной угрозы»: Ibid.

202 «эффект от возникшей ситуации»: Davis and Whalen, The Amygdala; LeDoux, Anxious.

202 «решить ее во что бы то ни стало»: Davis and Whalen, The Amygdala.

202 «закрыть глаза»: Ibid.; LeDoux, Anxious.

202 «симпатическую нервную систему»: Davis and Whalen, The Amygdala; Ulrich- Lai and Herman, Neural Regulation; LeDoux, Anxious.

203 «гипоталамо-гипофизарной системы (ось ГГН)»: Ibid.

204 «гормон стресса кортизол»: Ulrich- Lai and Herman, Neural Regulation”; LeDoux, Anxious.

205 «предстоящей оплаты счетов»: K. E. Habib, K. P. Weld, K. C. Rice, J. Pushkas, M. Champoux, S. Listwak, et al., Oral Administration of a Corticotropin- Releasing Hormone Receptor Antagonist Signifi cantly Attenuates Behavioral, Neuroendocrine, and Autonomic Responses to Stress in Primates, Proceedings of the National Acad emy of Sciences of the United States of Amer i ca 97, no. 11 (May 23, 2000): 6079–84.

205 «более эффективную реакцию»: E. A. Phelps and J. E. LeDoux, Contributions of the Amygdala to Emotion Pro cessing: From Animal Models to Human Be hav ior, Neuron 48, no. 2 (October 20, 2005): 175–87.

206 «кажется контролируемым»: A. Breier, M. Albus, D. Pickar, T. P. Zahn, O. M. Wolkowitz, and S. M. Paul, Controllable and Uncontrollable Stress in Humans: Alterations in Mood and Neuroendocrine and Psychophysiological Function, American Journal of Psychiatry 144, no. 11 (November 1987): 1419–25.

206 «поддерживали свой обычный вес»: V. Michopoulos, M. Higgins, D. Toufexis, and M. E. Wilson, Social Subordination Produces Distinct Stress- Related Phenotypes in Female Rhesus Monkeys, Psychoneuroendocrinology 37, no. 7 (July 2012): 1071–85.

207 «поведение подопытных обезьян резко изменилось»: V. Michopoulos, D. Toufexis, and M. E. Wilson, Social Stress Interacts with Diet History to Promote Emotional Feeding in Females, Psychoneuroendocrinology 37, no. 9 (September 2012): 1479–90.

207 «прекратили переедать»: C. J. Moore, Z. P. Johnson, M. Higgins, D. Toufexis, and M. E. Wilson, Antagonism of Corticotrophin- Releasing Factor Type 1 Receptors Attenuates Caloric Intake of Free Feeding Subordinate Female Rhesus Monkeys in a Rich Dietary Environment, Journal of Neuroendocrinology 27, no. 1 (January 2015): 33–43.

208 «жир в области талии»: H. Cushing, The Basophil Adenomas of the Pituitary Body and Their Clinical Manifestations. Pituitary Basophilism, Bulletin of the Johns Hopkins Hospital L (1932): 137–95.

208 «результате опухоли»: L. K. Nieman and I. Ilias, Evaluation and Treatment of Cushing’s Syndrome, American Journal of Medicine 118, no. 12 (December 2005): 1340–46.

208 «пищевое поведение испытуемых»: P. A. Tataranni, D. E. Larson, S. Snitker, J. B. Young, J. P. Flatt, and E. Ravussin, Effects of Glucocorticoids on Energy Metabolism and Food Intake in Humans, American Journal of Physiology 271, no. 2 pt. 1 (August 1996): E317–E325.

209 «аналог кортизола у грызунов»: K. E. Zakrzewska, I. Cusin, A. Sainsbury, F. RohnerJeanrenaud, and B. Jeanrenaud, Glucocorticoids as Counterregulatory Hormones of Leptin: Toward an Understanding of Leptin Re sis tance, Diabetes 46, no. 4 (April 1, 1997): 717–19.

209 «NPY, которые провоцируют чувство голода»: R. Ishida-Takahashi, S. Uotani, T. Abe, M. Degawa- Yamauchi, T. Fukushima, N. Fujita, et al., Rapid Inhibition of Leptin Signaling by Glucocorticoids In Vitro and In Vivo, Journal of Biological Chemistry 279, no. 19 (May 7, 2004): 19658–64; A. M. Strack, R. J. Sebastian, M. W. Schwartz, and M. F. Dallman, Glucocorticoids and Insulin: Reciprocal Signals for Energy Balance, American Journal of Physiology 268, no. 1 pt. 2 (January 1995): R142–R149.

210 «сходные с синдромом Кушинга»: E. J. Brunner, T. Chandola, and M. G. Marmot, Prospective Effect of Job Strain on General and Central Obesity in the Whitehall II Study, American Journal of Epidemiology 165, no. 7 (April 1, 2007): 828–37; J. P. Block, Y. He, A. M. Zaslavsky, L. Ding, and J. Z. Ayanian, Psychosocial Stress and Change in Weight Among US Adults, American Journal of Epidemiology (January 1, 2009), doi: 10.1093/aje/kwp104; A. Kouvonen, M. Kivimäki, S. J. Cox, T. Cox, and J. Vahtera, Relationship Between Work Stress and Body Mass Index Among 45,810 Female and Male Employees, Psychosomatic Medicine 67, no. 4 (August 2005): 577–83; T. Chandola, E. Brunner, and M. Marmot, Chronic Stress at Work and the Metabolic Syndrome: Prospective Study, BMJ 332, no. 7540 (March 2, 2006): 521–25.

210 «незначительных количествах»: E. Epel, R. Lapidus, B. McEwen, and K. Brownell, Stress May Add Bite to Appetite in Women: A Laboratory Study of Stress- Induced Cortisol and Eating Be hav ior, Psychoneuroendocrinology 26, no. 1 (January 2001): 37–49; E. Newman, D. B. O’Connor, and M. Conner, Daily Hassles and Eating Behaviour: The Role of Cortisol Reactivity Status, Psychoneuroendocrinology 32, no. 2 (February 2007): 125–32.

210 «чрезмерной секреции кортизола»: Breier, Albus, Pickar, Zahn, Wolkowitz, and Paul, Controllable and Uncontrollable Stress.

212 «но и ее качество»: APA, Stress in Amer i ca; D. A. Zellner, S. Loaiza, Z. Gonzalez, J. Pita, J. Morales, D. Pecora, et al., Food Se lection Changes Under Stress, Physiology and Be hav ior 87, no. 4 (April 15, 2006): 789–93; G. Oliver, J. Wardle, and E. L. Gibson, Stress and Food Choice: A Laboratory Study, Psychosomatic Medicine 62, no. 6 (December 2000): 853–65.

212 «обычной водой»: A. M. Strack, S. F. Akana, C. J. Horsley, and M. F. Dallman, A Hypercaloric Load Induces Thermogenesis but Inhibits Stress Responses in the SNS and HPA System, American Journal of Physiology 272, no. 3 pt. 2 (March 1997): R840–R848.

212 «дает такой же эффект»: S. E. la Fleur, H. Houshyar, M. Roy, and M. F. Dallman, Choice of Lard, but Not Total Lard Calories, Damps Adrenocorticotropin Responses to Restraint, Endocrinology 146, no. 5 (May 2005): 2193–99.

213 «последствия реакции на стресс»: Y. M. Ulrich- Lai, M. M. Ostrander, I. M. Thomas, B. A. Packard, A. R. Furay, C. M. Dolgas, et al., Daily Limited Access to Sweetened Drink Attenuates Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenocortical Axis Stress Responses, Endocrinology 148, no. 4 (April 1, 2007): 1823–34.

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