Полимат. История универсальных людей от Леонардо да Винчи до Сьюзен Сонтаг - Питер Бёрк
Rudbecksstudier (Uppsala, 1930); Sten Lindroth, Svensk Lä rdomshistoria, vol. 4, Stormaktstiden (Stockholm, 1975), 414–32, пер. в: Lindroth, Les chemins du savoir en Suède (Dordrecht, 1888), 57–70; он же, 'Rudbeck, Olaus', DSB XI, 586–8.
Lindroth, Stormaktstiden, 284–96, пер. в: Les Chemins, 71–82; Gunnar Eriksson, The Atlantic Vision: Olaus Rudbeck and Baroque Science (Canton, MA, 1994), 45, 50, 54–5, 100–112.
Kurt Johannesson, The Renaissance of the Goths in Sixteenth-Century Sweden (Berkeley, CA, 1991).
Håkan Håkansson, 'Alchemy of the Ancient Goths: Johannes Bureus's Search for the Lost Wisdom of Scandinavia', Early Science and Medicine 17 (2012), 500–22.
Ole Klindt-Jensen, A History of Scandinavian Archaeology (English translation, London, 1975), 30.
Paula Findlen (ed.), Athanasius Kircher: The Last Man Who Knew Everything (London, 2003); Joscelyn Godwin, Athanasius Kircher: A Renaissance Man and the Quest for Lost Knowledge (London, 1979), 5.
Daniel Stolzenberg, Egyptian Oedipus: Athanasius Kircher and the Secrets of Antiquity (Chicago, 2013).
Malcolm, 'Private and Public Knowledge', 297.
John T. Waterman (ed. and trans.), Leibniz and Ludolf on Things Linguistic (Berkeley, CA, 1977), 51, 53.
О традиции: Erik Iversen, The Myth of Egypt and its Hieroglyphs in European Tradition (1961: 2nd edn, Princeton, NJ, 1993).
Пейреск пишет о Кирхере как о «несколько излишне доверчивом», в то время как англичанин, посетивший в то время Рим (Роберт Саутвелл, позднее – президент Королевского общества), сообщал, что Кирхер считается «очень легковерным»: Findlen, Last Man, 141, 384.
Thomas Leinkauf, Mundus Combinatus: Studien zur Struktur der barocken Universalwissenschaft am Beispiel Athanasius Kirchers SJ (1602–1680) (Berlin, 1993), 75 and passim.
Pierre Bayle, Oeuvres Diverses (The Hague, 1737), vol. 1, 75.
Elisabeth Labrousse, Pierre Bayle (The Hague, 1963–4); она же, Bayle (Oxford, 1983); Helena H. M. van Lieshout, The Making of Pierre Bayle's Dictionnaire historique et critique (Amsterdam, 2001); Wiep van Bunge, 'Pierre Bayle et l'animal-machine', in Hans Bots (ed.), Critique, savoir et erudition au siècle des lumières (Amsterdam-Maarssen, 1998), 375–88, at 386.
bayle-correspondance.univ-st-etienne.fr/. См. также: Miranda Lewis, 'At the centre of the networked early modern world: Pierre Bayle', www.culturesofknowledge.org/?p=7326.
Marc Fumaroli, 'Nicolas Claude Fabri de Peiresc, prince de la république des lettres' (1996: rpr: Fumaroli, La République des Lettres [Paris, 2015], 56–90).
Nicholas Jolley (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Leibniz (Cambridge, 1995) – совместный труд двенадцати профессоров философии. Этот перекос скорректирован в: Maria Rosa Antognazza, Leibniz: An Intellectual Biography (Cambridge, 2007).
Sigrid von der Schulenberg, Leibniz als Sprachforscher (Frankfurt, 1973), 68–114; Daniel Droixhe, 'Leibniz et le finno-ougrien', in Tullio De Mauro and Lia Formigari (eds.), Leibniz, Humboldt and the Origins of Comparativism (Amsterdam and Philadelphia, 1990), 3–29; Shane Hawkins, ' «Selig wer auch Zeichen gibt»: Leibniz as historical linguist', The European Legacy 23 (2018), 510–21.
Louis Davillé, Leibniz historien (Paris, 1909); Carl J. Friedrich, 'Philosophical Reflections of Leibniz on Law, Politics and the State', Natural Law Forum 11 (1966), 79–91; Patrick Riley (ed.), The Political Writings of Leibniz (Cambridge, 1972); Franklin Perkins, Leibniz and China (Cambridge, 2004).
Miller, Peiresc's Mediterranean World, 394.
Maria Rosa Antognazza, Leibniz: An Intellectual Biography (Cambridge, 2009), 2, 206.
Delia K. Bowden, Leibniz as Librarian (1969); Hans G. Schulte-Albert, 'Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz and Library Classification', Journal of Library History 6 (1971), 133–52; Margherita Palumbo, Leibniz e la res bibliothecaria (Rome, 1993); Antognazza, Leibniz: An Intellectual Biography, 195–280.
Anna Rosa Antognazza, Leibniz: A Very Short Introduction (Oxford, 2016), 6.
Antognazza, Leibniz: An Intellectual Biography, 559.
Там же, 1.
Христиан Готлиб Йёхер, 1733, цит. по: Wellmon, Organizing Enlightenment, 49; Emil Du Bois-Reymond, Reden, цит. по: Lorraine Daston, 'The Academies and the Unity of Knowledge: The Disciplining of the Disciplines', Differences 10 (1998), 67–86, at 76.
Schulte-Albert, 'Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz'; Palumbo, Leibniz.
Antognazza, Leibniz: An Intellectual Biography, 236, 244.
István Hont, 'Samuel Pufendorf and the Theoretical Foundations of the Four-Stage Theory' (1986: воспроизведено в его же: Jealousy of Trade, Cambridge, MA, 2005, 159–84); Detlef Döring, 'Biographisches zu Samuel von Pufendorf', in Bodo Geyer and Helmut Goerlich (eds.), Samuel Pufendorf und seine Wirkungen bis auf die heutige Zeit, Baden-Baden 1996, 23–38; Mordechai Feingold (ed.), Before Newton: The Life and Times of Isaac Barrow (Cambridge, 1990); он же, 'Barrow, Isaac', ODNB 4, 98–102, at 102; Françoise Waquet (ed.), Mapping the World of Learning: The Polyhistor of Daniel Georg Morhof (Wiesbaden, 2000).
Pierre-Daniel Huet, Commentarius (The Hague, 1718); Charles Sainte-Beuve, Causeries de Lundi, 15 vols. (Paris, 1851–62).
Christopher Ligota, 'Der apologetischen Rahmen der Mythendeutung im Frankreich des 17. Jahrhunderts (P. D. Huet)', in Walter Killy (ed.), Mythographie der frü hen Neuzeit (Wiesbaden, 1984), 149–62, at 151.
Alphonse Dupront, Pierre-Daniel Huet et l'exégèse comparatiste au XVII siècle (Paris, 1930); Alain Niderst, 'Comparatisme et syncrétisme religieux de Huet', in Suzanne Guellouz (ed.), Pierre-Daniel Huet (Tübingen, 1994), 75–82; Elena Rapetti, Pierre-Daniel Huet: erudizione, filosofia, apologetica (Milan, 1999); April G. Shelford, Transforming the Republic of Letters: Pierre-Daniel Huet and European Intellectual Life, 1650–1720 (Rochester, NY, 2007).
Fabienne Gégou (ed.), Traité sur l'origine des romans (Paris, 1971), введение.
Léon Tolmer, Pierre-Daniel Huet: humaniste, physicien (Bayeux, 1949), 189–190, 215–218; M. de Pontville, 'Pierre-Daniel Huet, homme des sciences', in Guellouz, Huet, 29–42.
Цит. по: David S. Berkowitz, John Selden's Formative Years (Washington DC, 1988), 296.
Harold D. Hazeltine, 'Selden as Legal Historian', Festschrift H. Brunner (Weimar, 1910), 579–630; Paul Christianson, 'Selden, John', ODNB 49, 694–705; Gerald J. Toomer, John Selden: A Life in Scholarship, 2 vols. (Oxford, 2009); Timothy Brook, Mr Selden's Map