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Счастье вместе. Нескучное руководство по семейной жизни - Белинда Ласкомб






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17. Sarah Arpin, Cynthia Mohr, Alicia Starkey, Sarah Haverly and Leslie Hammer. A Well Spent Day Brings Happy Sleep: Findings from a Dyadic Study of Capitalization Support. Presented at 2017 convention of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology.

18. Gurit E. Birnbaum, Harry T. Reis, Moran Mizrahi, Yaniv Kanat-Maymon, Omri Sass, and Chen Granovski-Milner. Intimately Connected: The Importance of Partner Responsiveness for Experiencing Sexual Desire. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 111, no. 4 (2016): 530–546, https://­doi.org/­10.1037/­pspi000­0069.

19. William H. Masters and Virginia E. Johnson. Human Sexual Response (Boston: Little, Brown, 1970), 219.

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21. J. A. Hess and T. A. Coffelt. Verbal Communication about Sex in Marriage: Patterns of Language Use and Its Connection with Relational Outcomes. The Journal of Sex Research 49, no. 6 (2012): 603–612, https://­doi.org/­10.1080/­002­24499.2011.619­282.

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27. Jennifer M. Ostovich and John Sabini. How Are Sociosexuality, Sex Drive, and Lifetime Number of Sexual Partners Related? Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 30, no. 10 (2004): 1255–1266, https://­doi.org/­10.1177/­014­616­720­426­4754.

28. B. Komisaruk, B. Whipple, A. Crawford, W. C. Liu, A. Kalnin, and K. Mosier. Brain Activation during Vaginocervical Self-stimulation and Orgasm in Women with Complete Spinal Cord Injury: fMRI Evidence of Mediation by the Vagus Nerves. Brain Research 1024, nos. 1–2 (2004): 77–88, https://­doi.org/­10.1016/­j.brainres.2004.07.029.

29. D. Herbenick, M. Mullinax, and K. Mark. Sexual Desire Discrepancy as a Feature, Not a Bug, of Long-term Relationships: Women’s Self-reported Strategies for Modulating Sexual Desire. The Journal of Sexual Medicine 11, no. 9 (2014): 2196–206, https://­doi.org/­10.1111/­jsm.12625.

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34. Sari M. van Anders, Lisa Dawn Hamilton, Nicole Schmidt, and Neil V. Watson. Associations between Testosterone Secretion and Sexual Activity in Women. Hormones and Behavior 51, no. 4 (2007): 477–482, https://­doi.org/­10.1016/­j.yhbeh.2007.01.003.

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