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Горечь войны - Найл Фергюсон






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129 Robbins, First World War, pp. 155ff. Ср. Moynihan, God on Our Side.

130 Fuller, Troop Morale, p. 156.

131 Kellet, Combat Motivation, p. 194.

132 Freud, Thoughts, pp. 1–25.

133 Freud, Civilization, pp. 26–81. См. также его Why War, pp. 82–97.

134 Hynes, War Remembered, pp. 8f.

135 Fussell, Great War, pp. 19, 27.

136 Graves, Goodbye, p. 151.

137 Winter J., Great War, p. 292.

138 Parker P., Old Lie, p. 199.

139 Audoin-Rouzeau, French Soldier, p. 225.

140 Jünger, Storm of Steel, p. 18.

141 Ibid., pp. 22f.

142 J. Winter, Great War, p. 296; Hynes, War Imagined, p. 201.

143 Ellis, Eye-Deep in Hell, p. 167.

144 Coker, War in the Twentieth Century, p. 67.

145 Ibid., p. 34.

146 Creveld, Transformation of War, pp. 218–233.

147 Wilson T., Myriad Faces, p. 10; Hynes, Soldier’s Tale, p. 39.

148 Fussell, Great War, pp. 168f.

149 Ibid., p. 27.

150 Hynes, Soldier’s Tale, p. 38. См. также на стр. 33 довоенные слова генерал-майора М. Ф. Римингтона о том, что из охотников выходят хорошие кавалеристы, “потому что охотник готов рисковать из любви к риску”.

151 Winter D., Death’s Men, p. 91.

152 Jünger, Storm of Steel, p. 276.

153 Ellis, Eye-Deep in Hell, p. 168.

154 Macdonald, They Called It Passchendaele, p. xiii.

155 Winter J., Great War, p. 292; Bond, British “Anti-War” Writers, p. 826.

156 Coker, War in the Twentieth Century, p. 162.

157 Jünger, Storm of Steel, pp. xii, 41, 43, 91, 209.

158 Gilbert S., Soldier’s Heart, p. 216ff.

159 Wilson T., Myriad Faces, pp. 57–64.

160 Winter D., Death’s Men, p. 210.

161 Audoin-Rouzeau, French Soldier, p. 227.

162 Jünger, Storm of Steel, pp. 48f, 258ff.

163 Hynes, Soldier’s Tale, p. 40.

164 Gammage, Broken Years, p. 90.

165 Simpson A., Hot Blood, p. 168.

166 Winter D., Death’s Men, p. 211.

167 Broch, Sleepwalkers, pp. 444f.

168 Audoin-Rouzeau, French Soldier, p. 222.

169 Fussell, Great War, p. 171.

170 Jünger, Storm of Steel, pp. 55f, 171f, 207, 244.

171 Ellis, Eye-Deep in Hell, p. 100.

172 Hynes, Soldier’s Tale, pp. 56f.

173 Ibid., p. 294; D. Winter, Death’s Men, pp. 82f; Audoin-Rouzeau, French Soldier, p. 223.

174 Freud, Thoughts, p. 22.

175 Becker, Great War, pp. 107–111.

176 Fussell, Great War, pp. 71–74.

177 Audoin-Rouzeau, French Soldier, p. 222.

178 Ellis, Eye-Deep in Hell, pp. 98–101.

Глава 13. Дилемма победителя

1 Hynes, Soldier’s Tale, p. 48.

2 Reeves, Film Propaganda, p. 469.

3 Welch, Cinema and Society, pp. 34, 39.

4 Deist, Military Collapse, p. 203.

5 Sheffield, Redcaps, p. 56.

6 War Office, Statistics of the Military Effort, pp. 358–362.

7 Hussey, Kiggell and the Prisoners, p. 46.

8 Scott, Captive Labour, pp. 44–52.

9 Jackson R., Prisoners, pp. 77–82.

10 Ibid., pp. 78f.

11 Ibid., p. 48.

12 Dungan, They Shall Not Grow Old, p. 137.

13 Noble, Raising the White Flag, p. 75.

14 Fussell, Great War, p. 177.

15 Keegan, Face of Battle, pp. 48ff.

16 Hussey, Kiggell and the Prisoners, p. 47; Sheffield, Redcaps, p. 56.

17 Hussey, Kiggell and the Prisoners, p. 48. Эти нормы были включены в британское Руководство по военному праву.

18 Horne J., Kramer, German “Atrocities”, pp. 8, 26.

19 Ibid., pp. 28, 32f.

20 Jünger, Storm of Steel, pp. 262f.

21 Kraus, Die letzten Tage, pp. 579–582.

22 Gallinger, Countercharge.

23 Ibid., p. 40.

24 Ibid., p. 39.

25 Ibid., p. 42.

26 Ibid., p. 40.

27 Ibid., p. 48.

28 Ibid., p. 39.

29 Ibid., p. 38.

30 Ibid., p. 38.

31 Ibid., p. 39.

32 Ibid., pp. 29, 41f, 45f.

33 Ibid., p. 49.

34 Ibid., p. 48.

35 Ibid., p. 48.

36 Ibid., pp. 48f.

37 Ibid., p. 49.

38 Ibid., pp. 26ff.

39 Ibid., p. 49.

40 Ibid., p. 47.

41 Ibid., p. 47.

42 Ibid., p. 48.

43 Monash, Australian Victories, pp. 209–213.

44 Gallinger, Countercharge, p. 45.

45 Ibid., pp. 46f. Cf. Gibbs, Realities, p. 79.

46 Ibid., p. 37.

47 Hussey, Kiggell and the Prisoners, p. 47.

48 M. Brown, Imperial War Museum Book of the Western Front, p. 176.

49 Ibid., pp. 177f.

50 Maugham, Writer’s Notebook, p. 86.

51 Graves, Goodbye, p. 112.

52 Ibid., p. 153.

53 Brown M., Imperial War Museum Book of the Western Front, p. 31.

54 Sulzbach, With the German Guns, p. 187.

55 Finch, Diary, 31 July 1917.

56 Keegan, Face of Battle, p. 49. Cf. Bean, Australian Imperial Force, p. 772.

57 Keegan, Face of Battle, pp. 49f. Cf. A. Simpson, Hot Blood, p. 169.

58 Kellett, Combat Motivation, p. 190.

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