Вирусы. Скорее друзья, чем враги - Карин Меллинг
Polydnavirus: Bezier, A. et al., Polydnaviruses of braconid wasps derive from an ancestral nudivirus, Science 2009; 323: 926.
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Prionen: Mahal, S.P. et al., Transfer of a prion strain leads to emergence of strain variants, PNAS2010; 107:22653.
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Sambavirus: Campos, R. K., Sambavirus: Mimivirus from rain forest, The Brazilian Amazon, Virol. J. 2014; 11:95.
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Eyes: Yutin, N. and Koonin, E.V., Proteorhodopsin genes in giant viruses, Biology Direct 2012; 7:34.
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Endogenous viruses: Weiss, R.A., The discovery of endogenous retroviruses, Retrovirol. 2006; 3:67.
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Sleeping beauty: Luft, F.C. et al., Sleeping Beauty jumps to new heights, Mol. Med. 2010; 88:641.
Fish: Amemiya, C.T. et al., African coelacanth genome insights into tetrapod evolution, Nature 2013; 496:311.
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