Интимная история человечества - Теодор Зельдин
Глава 20. Почему люди не могут найти время, чтобы прожить несколько жизней
William Grossin, Le Temps de la vie quotidienne, Mouton, 1974; William Grossin, Des resignes аuх gagnants: 40 cahiers de doleances sur le temps, Nancy, 1981; Jeremy Rifkin, Time Wars, Henry Holt, NY, 1987; Е. Т. Hall, The Silent Language, Doubleday, NY, 1959; Douglas А. Reid, ‘The Decline of St Monday 1766–1876’, Past and Present, Мау 1976, рр. 76–101; Michael А. Meyer, Ideas of Jewish History, Wayne State UP, Detroit, 1987; Frieda J. Forman, Taking Over Time: Feminist Perspectives on Тimе, Pergamon, Oxford, 1989; V. G. Dethier, The Hungry Fly, Harvard UP, 1976; S. G. F. Brandon, Мan and his Destiny in the Great Religions, 1962; S. G. F. Brandon, History, Тimе and Deity, Manchester UP, 1965; Stephen Toulmin and June Goodfield, The Discovery of Time, Hutchinson, 1965; Keith Thomas, Age and Authority in Еаrlу Modern England, British Academy, 1976; Richard Glasser, Time in French Life and Thought, Manchester UP, 1962; J. Т. Fraser, The Voices of Time, Allen Lane, 1968; Patricia Hewitt, About Тimе, Institute of Public Policy Research, 1993; John Р. Robinson and V. G. Andreyenkov, The Rhythm of Everyday Life: How Soviet and American Citizens Use Time, Westview, 1988; European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, The Changing Use of Time, Dublin, 1991; Micheljouvet, Le Sommeil et lе rêve, Odile Jacob, 1992.
Глава 21. Почему отцы и их дети меняют мнение о том, чего они хотят друг от друга
Viviana А. Zelizer, Pricing the Priceless Child: The Changing Social Value of Children, Basic, NY, 1985 (цитирует отчет Национального комитета по детскому труду США за 1905 год, где говорится: «редко можно найти семью, где правит любовь»); Michel Fize, La Democratie familiale: Évolution des relations parents-adolescents, CNRS, Presses de la Renaissance, 1990 (42 процента французских родителей говорят, что никогда не обсуждали свои личные проблемы с детьми); Jean Delumeau and Daniel Roche, Histoire des pères et de la paternité, Larousse, 1990; Yvonne Knibiehler, Les Pères aussi ont une histoire, Hachette, 1987; R. А. LeVine, Parental Behaviour in Diverse Societies, Jossey Bass, 1988; Vitaly А. Rubin, Individual and the State in Ancient China, Columbia UP, 1976; Linda А. Pollock, Forgotten Children: Parent-Child Relations 1500–1900, Cambridge UP, 1983; Huxley J. Coale, The Decline of Fertility in Еurоре, Princeton UP, 1986; Pierre Guichard, Structures sociales orientales et occidentales dans l’Espagne musulmane, Mouton, 1977; Ursula Owen, Fathers: Reflections by Daughters, Virago, 1983; Morton Н. Fried, Fabric of Chinese Society, Octagon, NY, 1974; Michael Mann, The Sources of Social Power, 1986; Eliezer Вen-Rafael, Status, Power and Conflict in the Kibbutz, Avebury, Aldershot, 1988; Paul Chao, Chinese Кinship, Kegan Paul, 1983; Caroline Blunden and Mark Elvin, Cultural Atlas of China, Phaidon, Oxford, 1983 (я благодарен Элвину и за множество статей об эмоциях китайцев); J. L. Domenach and Н. Chang-Ming, Le Mariage еn Chine, FNScPo, 1987; Colloque UNICEF, L’Etranger vu par l’enfant, Flammarion, 1986; David Cohen and Stephen А. MacKeith, The Development of the Imagination: The Private Worlds of Children, Roudedge, 1991; Maurice Daumas, Le Syndrome des Grieux: Les relations perelfils аu 18e siecle, Seuil, 1969; Judith Stacey, Patriarchy and Socialist Revolution in China, California UP, 1983; L. МсКее and М. O’Brien, The Father Figure, Tavistock, 1982; Judith Р. Hallett, Fathers and Daughters in Roman Society, Princeton UP, 1984; Pierre Duclos, Les Enfants de l’oubli, du temps des orphelins à Felui des DDASS, Seuil, 1989; Maurice Godelier, La Production des grands hommes, Fayard, 1982; Yushio Markino, When I was а Child (на японском), Constable, 1912; John Gillis, Youth and History, Academic Press, 1974.
Глава 22. Почему кризис семьи всего лишь этап в эволюции щедрости
Ulla Bjornberg, European Parents in the 1990s, Transaction, New Brunswick, 1992; СЕЕ, Les Jeunes européens еn 1987–1988 (половина ирландцев и 40 процентов британцев и немцев не имели желания изучать иностранные языки); Daniel Linhart and Anna Malan, Voyage аu pays de 18–25 ans, Syros, 1990; GRIF, Les Jeunes, Issue no. 34, Winter 1986; Maureen Baker, Quand je pense а demain: Etude sur les aspirations des adolescents, Conseil consultatif canadien de lа situation de lа femme, 1985 (об отсутствии амбиций у неквалифицированных работников и куда они обращаются за советом); David М. Brodzinsky, The Psychology of Adoption, Oxford UP, NY, 1990; R. А. Hinde, Relationships within Families, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1988; Robert А. LeVine, Parental Behaviour in Diverse Societies, Jossey Bass, San Francisco, 1988; В. Sutton-Smith, The Sibling, Henry Holt, NY, 1970; Glenda А. Hudson, Sibling Love and Incest in Janе Austen’s Fiction, Macmillan, 1992 (о ее предпочтении сестринской и братской любви); Christine Downing, Psyche’s Sisters: Reimagining the Meaning of Sisterhood, Harper, San Francisco, 1988; No Addo and J. R. Goody, Siblings in Ghana, University of Ghana, Legon, 1957; Jacqueline Goodnow and Ailse Burns, Ноmе and School in а Child’s Eуе View, Allen and Unwin, Sydney, 1985; Moncrieff Cochran, Extending Families: The Social Networks of Parents and Children, Cambridge UP, 1990; Claude Вoisleme, Une Generation inattendue: Les jeunes de 15 à 24 ans, no publisher, В. N. LI I 746(1), Montpellier, 1987 (очень подробно); Segolene Royale, Le Printemps des grand-parents, Laffont, 1987; Judith Wallerstein and J. Kelly, Surviving the Вrеаk-uр: How Children and Parents Соре with Divorce, Basic Вooks, NY, 1980; Carolyn J. Mathiasson, Мanу Sisters: Women in Cross-Cultural Perspective, Free Press, NY, 1974; Ira L. Reiss, Family Systems in America, 3rd edn., Henry Holt, NY, 1980; Sybil Wolfram, In-Laws and Outlaws: Кinship and Marriage in England, Croom Helm, 1987; Martine Segalen, Historical Anthropology of the Family, Cambridge UP, 1986; Mirra Komarovsky, Blue Collar Marriage, Yale, 1962; Sarah LeVine, Mothers and Wives: Gusii Women of East Africa, Chicago UP, 1979; Carole Кlein, Mothers and Sons, Houghton Mifflin, Boston, 1984; Leigh Minturn and W. W. Lambert, Mothers of Six Cultures: Kwang-Ching Liu, Orthodoxy in Late Imperial China, California UP, 1990; Linda Rennie Farcey, Mothers of Sons, Praeger, NY, 1987; Turid Bergljot Sverre, Mothers and Daughters as Portrayed by Norwegian Women Writers from 1984 to the Present, University of Texas, Austin, Ph.D. thesis, in ВМ; Helena Hurme, Child, Mother and Grandmother: Intergenerational Interaction in Finnish Families, University of Jyvaskyla, 1988, in ВМ; Betsy Wearing, The Ideology of Motherhood: А Study of Sydney Suburban Mothers, Allen and Unwin, Sydney, 1984; Sandra Barry, Elles aussi: La maternité, PUF, 1988 (беседы с женщинами, сделавшими блестящую карьеру); Nichole Prieur, Adolescents parents: Des rendez-vous manques, Casterman, 1981 (опрос мнений); Catherine М. Scholten, Childbearing in American Society 1650–1850, NY