Белые русские – красная угроза? История русской эмиграции в Австралии - Шейла Фицпатрик
Русская Атлантида (Челябинск, издается с 1998 г.)
Русский в Австралии (Russian Central Welfare Committee, 1950–1961)
Официальные и справочные издания
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National University, 1966–2012, 18 vols. (
Commonwealth of Australia, Parliamentary Debates. House of Representatives, Official Hansard.
Commonwealth of Australia, Parliamentary Debates, Senate, Official Hansard.
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Commonwealth Bureau of Census and Statistics, Census of the Commonwealth of Australia, 30th June 1947, part XVI, Canberra, 1950.
Commonwealth Bureau of Census and Statistics, Census of the Commonwealth of Australia, 30th June 1954, vol. VII, Canberra, 1962.
Commonwealth Bureau of Census and Statistics, Census of the Commonwealth of Australia, 30th June 1961, vol. VIII, Canberra, 1968.
Воспоминания, семейные истории, автобиографические романы
Многие прочие автобиографические очерки, которые публиковались в журнале «Австралиада» и четырехтомной «Истории русских в Австралии», перечисляются в примечаниях.
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Koval, Ramona. Bloodhound: Searching for My Father. Melbourne: Text Publishing Company, 2015.
Kuchina, Galina. Memoirs of Galina. Melbourne: Brolga Publishing, 2016.
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Mackay-Cruise, Barbara. Immigrants and Spies: My Father, My Memories: Noel W. Lamidey and the Birth of Australian Immigration. Sydney: Xoum Publishing, 2017.
Martin, Harry. Angels and Arrogant Gods. Canberra: AGPS, 1989.
McClelland, James. Stirring the Possum: A Political Autobiography. Sydney: Penguin, 1988.
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Natalenko, Ksana and Bohdan Natalenko. Lilya’s Journey: A Russian Memoir. Sydney: Simon & Schuster, 2004.
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Saranin, Alex. Child of the Kulaks. St Lucia: University of Queensland Press, 2004.
Schlusser, Eugene. Escape from the Sun: Surviving the Tyrannies of Lenin, Hitler and Stalin. Melbourne: Australian Scholarly Publishing, 2017. Sitsky, Bob. Growing Up in Tientsin: Family Migration from Russia to China, Memories from My Childhood and Background Information on Russian-Jewish Life in Northeast China. Sydney, 2015.
Избранные монографии и статьи
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