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Мистерия созвездия Лебедя - Эндрю Коллинз






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Munzel, S. C., and N. J. Conard, ‘Change and Continuity in Subsistence during the Middle and Upper Palaeolithic in the Ach Valley of Swabia (Southwest Germany)’, IJO 14 (2004), pp. 225— 243

Murphy, Anthony, and Richard Moore, ‘The Cygnus Enigma, Mythical Ireland, 1999–2004, www.mythicahreland.com/cygnus/

Nicholson, Philip T., ‘The Soma Codes Parts I-ПГ, EJVS 8:3 (27 March 2002), users.primushost.com/~india/ejvs/issues.html

Penmcott, Katie, ‘Carbon clock could show the wrong time’, PhysicsWeb, 10 May 2001, physicsweb.org/articles/news/5/5/7

Perlman, David, ‘Cave’s ancient treasure 77,000 year old artefacts could mean human culture began in Africa’, San Francisco Chronicle, 11 January 2002, www.sfgate.com/cgi.bin/ article. cgi?file=/c/a/2002/01/11/MN 151227.DTL

Pettitt, Paul, ‘Discovery, nature and preliminary thoughts about Britain’s first cave art’ Capra 5, www.shef.ac uk/-capra/ 5/pet-titt.html

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Samorini, Giorgio, ‘L’Amanita muscaria nella preistoria siberiana Flume Pegtymel’, Samormi Network, www.samormi.net/archeo/ tx_arc/arc jeg.html

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Whitehouse, Dr David, ‘Ice Age star map discovered’, BBC News, 9 August 2000, news.bbc.co.uk/l/hi/sci/tech/871930.stm

Windling, Terri, One is for Sorrow, Two is for Joy: The Magical Lore of Birds, The Endicott Studio’, www.endicott.studio.com/rdrm/ forbird.html

Witzel Michael, ‘Early Sanskritization Origins and Development of the Kuru State’, EJVS 1:4 (December 1995), pp. 1— 26, sers. pnmushost.com/~india /ejvs/ej vsO 104/ej vsO 104artide.pdf

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Прочие вебсайты

Cosmic Elk, www.cosmicelk.co.uk

Foundation for the Advancement of Mesoamerican Studies, Inc, www.famsi.org

The Swan Sanctuary, Shepperton, Middlesex, www.swanuk.org.uk

The Vintners’ Company, www.vintnershall.co.uk

The Vintners’ Company, virtual tour of Vintners’ Hall www.ehouse, co.uk/virtualtours/standard5/8030258.htm

The website of Denis Montgomery, www.sondela.co.uk

Материал книги посвящен событию, которое произошло много тысяч лет назад, о котором мы ничего не знали и которое через космологию, астрономию и религию оказало влияние практически на все проявления человеческой цивилизации, начиная с появления святилищ и религиозной архитектуры.

Эндрю Коллинз

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