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Дизайн для реального мира - Виктор Папанек






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class="p1">Nelson, George. How to See. Boston: Little, Brown, 1977.

___. On Design. New York: Watson-Guptill, 1979.

___. Problems of Design. New York: Whitney Publications, 1957.

Newton, Norman T. An Approach to Design. Boston: Addison-Wes-ley Press, 1951.

Niece, Robert С Art: An Approach. Dubuque, Iowa: William C, Brown & Co., 1959.

Papanek, Victor. «Big Character» Poster No. 1: Work Chart for Designers, Charlottenlund, Denmark: Finn Sloth Publications, 1973.

___. Design For Human Scale. New York: Van Nostrand Rein-hold, 1983.

___. «Die Aussicht von Heute» [The view from today] in Design ist Unsichtbar (Design is Invisible). Vienna, Austria: Locker Verlag, 1981.

___. «Kymmenen Ymparistoa» [Environments for discovery]. Ornamo magazine (bilingual). Helsinki, Finland: February, 1970.

___. «Socio-Environmental Consequences of Design»

In Health & Industrial Growth. Holland: Associated Scientific Publishers, 1975. (CIBA Symposium XXII).

___. «Areas of Attack for Responsible Design» In Man-made Futures. London: Hutchinson, 1974.

___. «Friendship First, Competition Second» Casabella (Milan), December 1974.

___. «Project Batta Koya» Industrial Design, July-August 1975.

___. «On Resolving Contradictions Between Theory and Practice» Mobilia (Denmark), July-August 1974.

Papanek, Victor, and Hennessey, James. How Things Don't Work. New York: Pantheon Books, 1977.

___. Nomadic Furniture. New York: Pantheon, 1973.

___. Nomadic Furniture 2. New York: Pantheon, 1974.

Pentagram. Living by Design. London: Lund Humphries. 1978.

___. Pentagram. London: Lund Humphries, 1972.

Pile, John F. Design. Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, 1979.

Potter, Norman. What is a Designer. Things, Places, Messages. London: Hyphen Press, 1980.

Pye, David. The Nature & Aesthetics of Design. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1978.

Rand, Paul. Thoughts on Design. London: Studio Vista, 1970.

Schumacher, E. F. Good Work. New York: Harper & Row, 1979.

Vignelli, Massimo, and Vignelli, Leila. Design: Vignelli. New York: Rizzoli, 1981.

Промышленный дизайн

Aluminum Company of America. Design Forecast No. 1&.N0. 2. Pittsburgh: Aluminum Company of America, 1959, 1960.

Beresford, Evans J. Form in Engineering Design.Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1954.

Black, Misha. Australian Papers. Melbourne: Trevor Wilson, 1970.

Braun-Feldweg, Wilhelm. Industrial Design Heute. Hamburg, Germany: Rowohlt, 1966.

___. Normen und Formen Industrieller Produktion. Ravensburg, Germany: Otto Maier, 1954.

Chase, Herbert. Handbook on Designing for Quantity Production. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1950.

The Design Collection: Selected Objects. New York: Museum of Modern Art, 1970.

Doblin, Jay. One Hundred Great Product Designs. New York: Rein-hold, 1969.

Drexler, Arthur. Introduction to Twentieth Century Design. New York: Museum of Modern Art, 1959.

___. The Package. New York: Museum of Modern Art, 1959.

Dreyfuss, Henry. Designing for People. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1951.

Eksell, Olle. Design = Ekonomi. Stockholm: Bonniers, 1964.

Ekuan, Kenji. Industrial Design Lectures. Melbourne: Trevor Wilson, 1973.

Farr, Michael. Design in British Industry. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1955.

Friedman, William. Twentieth Century Design: U.S.A. Buffalo, N.Y.: Albright Art Gallery, 1959.

Functie en Vorm: Industrial Design in the Netherlands. Bussum, Holland: Moussault's Uitgeverij, 1956.

Gestaltende Industrieform in Deutschland. Diisseldorf, Germany: Econ, 1954.

Gloag, John. Self Training for Industrial Designers. London: Alien & Unwin, 1947.

Hiesinger, Cathryn В., and Marcus, George H. (eds.). Design Since 1945. Philadelphia: Museum of Art, 1983.

Holland, Laurence B. (ed.). Who Designs America? New York: Anchor, 1966.

Jacobson, Egbert. Basic Color. Chicago: Paul Theobald, 1948.

Johnson, Philip. Machine Art. New York: Museum of Modern Art, 1934.

Latham, Richard. Industrial Design Lectures. Melbourne: Trevor Wilson, 1972.

Lippincott, J. Gordon. Design for Business. Chicago: Paul Theobald, 1947-

Loewy, Raymond. Never Leave Well Enough Alone. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1950.

Lucie-Smith, Edward. AHistory of Industrial Design. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1983.

Noyes, Eliot F. Organic Design. New York: Museum of Modern Art, 1941.

Pevsner, Nikolaus. An Enquiry into Industrial Art in England. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1937.

___. Pioneers of Modern Design. Middlesex: Penguin, 1970.

Read, Sir Herbert. Art in Industry. London: Faber, 1966.

Teague, Walter Dorwin. Design this Day. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1940.

Van Doren, Harold. Industrial Design, id ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1954.

Wallance, Don. Shaping America's Products. New York: Reinhold, 1956.

Yran, Knut…. A Joy Forever. Melbourne: IDIA, 1980.

Zanuso, Marco. Industrial Design Lectures. Melbourne: Trevor Wilson, 1971.

Кроме того при подготовке этой книги мной были использованы материалы следующих журналов:

Architectura Cuba (Cuba)

Arkkitehti-Lehti (Finland) Aspen (U.S.A.)

China Life (Peking) Craft Horizons (U.S.A.)

Der Spiegel (Germany) Design (England)

Design & Environment (U.S.A.)

Design in Australia (Australia)

Design Quarterly (U.S.A.)

Design Studies (England)

Designcourse (U.S.A.)

Designer (England)

Designscape (New Zealand)

Domus (Italy)

Dot Zero (U.S.A.)

Draken (Sweden)

Environment (U.S.A.)

Form (Sweden)

Form (Germany)

Form & Zweck (German Democratic Republic)

Graphis (Switzerland)

IDEA (Japan)

IDSA Journal (U.S.A.)

Industrial Design (U.S.A.)

Journal of Creative Behavior (U.S.A.)

Kaiser Aluminum News (U.S.A.)

Kenchiko Bunko (Japan)

Mimar: Architecture in Development (Singapore)

Mohilia (Denmark)

Modo (Italy)

Newsweek (U.S.A.)

Ornamo (Finland)

Ottagono (Italy)

Start (Yugoslavia)

Stile Industrie (Italy)

Sweden NOW (Sweden)

Time (U.S.A.)

Ulm (Germany)

&/sdo (Helsinki and Stockholm)

А также информация из следующих источников:

All Things Considered (U.S.A.)

BBC (England)

CBC (Canada)

NBC (U.S.A.)

CBS (U.S.A.)

ABC (U.S.A.)

ABC (Australia)

PBS (U.S.A.)

Associated Press

United Press International



Это книги Франка Ллойда Райта, Ле Корбюзье, Вальтера Гропиуса, Раймонда Лоуи, Ричарда Бакминстера Фуллера, Джорджа Нельсона.


Papanek V. Creative Engineering, t.l. Student Werkbook; t.2. Instructor's Handbook. Buffalo, SUNY, 1961.


Выставка Designs for the Real World в галерее Generali Foudation. Вена, сентябрь — декабрь 2002 г.


Papanek V. Miljon och miljonerna. Design som tjanst eller fortjanst? Stockholm, Bonniers, 1970.


Papanek V. Design for the Real World: human ecologie and social chance. Foreword by R.Buckminster Fuller. New York, Toronto, Bantham Books, 1971.


Dreyfus H. Designing for People. Foreword by R.Buckminster Fuller. New York, Grossman Publishers, 1967.


The Journal of the Ecological Design Association. Gloucester.


Papanek V. Big character Poster No. 1, New York, 1973; Nomadic Furniture (with Hennessey, Jeames). How to build and where to buy lightweight furniture. T.1–2, London Studio Vista,

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