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Города вам на пользу. Гений мегаполиса - Лео Холлис






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19 Whyte W.H. City: Rediscovering the Centre. New York: Doubleday, 1988. P. 3.

20 Ibid. P. 7.

21 Ibid. P. 57.

22 Ibid. P. 9.

23 Из доклада Ж. Теллинги на международной конференции New Town Conference 12 ноября 2010 года [www.newtowninstitute.org].

24 Gehl J., Koch J. Life Between Buildings: Using Public Space. Washington: Island Press, 2011. P. 29.

25 Gehl J., Gemzoe L. New City Spaces. Copenhagen: Danish Architectural Press, 2003. P. 54.

26 Ibid. P. 58.

27 Project for Public Spaces. The Origin of the Power of 10 [http://www.pps.org/reference/poweroften].

28 Lydon M., Bartman D., Woudstra R., Khawarzad A. Tactical Urbanism / The Next Generation of New Urbanists. 2011. Vol. 1. P. 1-2.


1 Geere C. Transcript: David Cameron sets out Britain’s hi-tech future // Wired. 2010. November 4 [http://www.wired.co.uk/ news/archive/2010-11/04/ david-cameron-silicon-roundabout].

2 Lee D. Bilbao, 10 Years Later // The New York Times. 2007. September 23 [travel.nytimes.com/2007/09/23/travel/23bilbao.html].

3 Fattah H. Celebrity Architects Reveal a Daring Cultural Xanadu for the Arab World // The New York Times. 2007. February 1 [http://www.nytimes. com/2007/02/01/arts/design/01isla. html].

4 Bettencourt L., Lobo J. et al. Growth Innovation, Scaling and the Pace of Life in Cities // PNAS. 2007. April 16. P. 7, 303.

5 Schama S. The Embarrassment of Riches. London: HarperCollins, 2004. P. 347.

6 Ibid. P. 303.

7 Creative Economy / UN. 2010. December. P. 38.

8 Florida R. Who’s Your City? New York: Basic Books, 2008. P. 99.

9 См. предисловие к книге: Moretti E. The Geography of Jobs. New York: Houghton Mifflin, 2012.

10 Florida R. Op. cit. P. 5 [Флорида Р. Кто твой город? М.: Strelka Press, 2014. P. 13].

11 Hotfelder A. Talking Travel with Richard Florida, author of Who’s Your City? // Gadling. 2008. May 1 [http://gadling. com/2008/05/01/talking-travel-with-richard-florida-author-of-whos-your-city].

12 Griffith G. The debate: Is Tech City working? // London Loves Business. 2011. December 6 [http:// www.londonlovesbusiness.com/ comment/the-debate-is-tech-city-working/1203.article].

13 Zimmerman J.I. Stuck, or Content // Citylab. 2011. December 21 [http://www.citylab.com/housing/2011/12/stuck-or-content/770].

14 Sassen S. Urban Age Project. London: LSE, 2011. P. 56.

15 См. сайт Tech Hub [www. techhub.com/about.html].

16 Kingsley P. Tech City: The Magic Roundabout // The Guardian. 2011. November 27 [http://www.guardian. co.uk/business/2011/nov/27/tech-city-digital-startups-shoreditch].

17 Nathan M., Vandore E., Whitehead R. A Tale of Tech City: The Fu-ture of Inner East London’s Digital Economy. London: The Centre for London, 2012. P. 109-110.


1 См. предисловие к книге: Novak M., Highfield R. SuperCooperators: Beyond the Survival of the Fittest. Edinburgh: Canongate, 2011.

2 The Wisdom of Crowds // The Economist. 2011. December 17 [http://www.economist.com/ node/21541709].

3 Jaffe E. Why People in Cities Walk Fast // Citylab. 2012. March 21 [www.theatlanticcities. com/jobs-and-economy/2012/03/ why-people-cities-walk-fast/1550].

4 Jacobs J. The Death and Life of Great American Cities. New York: Modern Library, 1993. P. 77-78 [ДжекобсД. Смерть и жизнь больших американских городов. М.: Новое издательство, 2011. С. 72].

5 Griffith P., Norman W, O’Sullivan C., Ali R. Charm Offensive: Cultivating Civility in 21st-Century Britain. London: Young Foundation, 2011.

6 Ibid.

7 Lindsay G. Demolishing Density in Detroit // Fast Company. 2010. March 5.

8 [www.cardiff.ac.uk/socsi/ undergraduate/introsoc/simmel. html].

9 Smith D. The Chicago School: A Liberal Critique of Capitalism. Hampshire: Macmillan Education, 1988. P. 123.

10 Sorkin M. Twenty Minutes in Manhattan. London: Reaktion Books, 2009. P. 89.

11 CEQR Technical Manual. 2010. March.

12 Wilson J.Q., Kelling G.L. Broken Windows // Atlantic Monthly. 1982 [www.manhattan-institute.org].

13 См. главу 1 в книге: Bratton W, Tumin Z. Collaborate or Perish: Reaching Across Boundaries in a Networked World. New York: Crown Business, 2012.

14 Nagy A.R., Podolny J. William Bratton and the NYPD // Yale School of Management: Case Studies. 2008. February 12 [http:// som.yale.edu/sites/default/files/ files/Case_Bratton_2nd_ed_Final_ and_Complete.pdf].

15 Can the can // The Economist. 2008. November [www.economist. com/node/12630201].

16 Putnam R. Bowling Alone: the Collapse and Revival of American Community. New York: Simon & Schuster, 2001.

17 Ibid. P. 19.

18 Minton A. Ground Control: Fear and Happiness in 21st-Century City. London: Penguin, 2009. P. 21.

19 Griffiths R. The Great Sharing Economy. Manchester: Cooperatives UK, 2012 [http:// www.uk.coop/sites/storage/public/ downloads/sharing_0.pdf]. P. 1.

20 Ibid. P. 4-11.

21 Policies for Shareable Cities: A Sharing Economy Policy Primer for Urban Leaders [www.shareable.net/blog/ policies-for-a-shareable-city].

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