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Микеланджело и Сикстинская капелла - Росс Кинг






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Cecchelli. La ‘Psyche’ della Farnesina. – Cecchelli Carlo. La ‘Psyche’ della Farnesina // Roma. 1923. P. 9–21.

Cellini. The Autobiography. – Cellini Benvenuto. The Autobiography of Benvenuto Cellini / Trans. George Bull. London: Penguin, 1956.

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Dotson. An Augustinian Interpretation of Michelangelo’s Sistine Ceiling. – Dotson Esther Gordon. An Augustinian Interpretation of Michelangelo’s Sistine Ceiling // Art Bulletin 61 (1979). P. 223–256, 405–429.

Ekserdjian. The Sistine Ceiling and the Critics. – Ekserdjian David. The Sistine Ceiling and the Critics // Apollo. December 1987. P. 401–404.

Elkins. Michelangelo and the Human Form. – Elkins James. Michelangelo and the Human Form: His Knowledge and Use of Anatomy // Art History 7 (June 1984).

Erasmus. Opus Epistolarum Des. Erasmi Roterdami. – Erasmus Desiderius. Opus Epistolarum Des. Erasmi Roterdami / Ed. P. S. Allen. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1910.

Erasmus. The Praise of Folly and Other Writings. – Erasmus Desiderius. The Praise of Folly and Other Writings / Ed. and trans. Robert M. Adams. New York: W. W. Norton, 1989.

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Fischel. Raphael’s Auxiliary Cartoons. – Fischel Oskar. Raphael’s Auxiliary Cartoons // Burlington Magazine. October 1937. Р. 167–168.

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Freedberg. Painting in Italy, 1500–1600. – Freedberg Sidney. Painting in Italy, 1500–1600. London: Penguin, 1971.

Freedberg. Painting of the High Renaissance in Rome and Florence. – Freedberg Sidney. Painting of the High Renaissance in Rome and Florence. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1972.

Gage. Colour and Culture. – Gage John. Colour and Culture: Practice and Meaning from Antiquity to Abstraction. London: Thames and Hudson, 1993.

Giannotti. Dialogi di Donato Giannotti. – Giannotti Donato. Dialogi di Donato Giannotti / Ed. Deoclecio Redig de Campos. Florence: G. C. Sansoni, 1939.

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Gilbert. On the Absolute Dates of the Parts of the Sistine Ceiling. – Gilbert Creighton E. On the Absolute Dates of the Parts of the Sistine Ceiling // Art History 3 (June 1980). P. 162–163.

Gilbert. Titian and the Reversed Cartoons of Michelangelo. – Gilbert Creighton. Titian and the Reversed Cartoons of Michelangelo // Gilbert. Michelangelo on and off the Sistine Ceiling. P. 151–190.

Goethe. Italian Journey. – Goethe Johann Wolfgang von. Italian Journey / Trans. W. H. Auden and Elizabeth Mayer. London: Penguin, 1970.

Goldscheider. Michelangelo: Drawings. – Goldscheider Ludwig. Michelangelo: Drawings. London: Phaidon, 1951.

Golzio. Raffaello nei documenti. – Golzio Vincenzo. Raffaello nei documenti, nelle testimonianze de contem-poranei, e nella letteratura del suo secolo. Vatican City: Panetto and Petrelli, 1936.

Gombrich. A Classical Quotation in Michelangelo’s Sacrifice of Noah. – Gombrich Ernst. A Classical Quotation in Michelangelo’s Sacrifice of Noah // Journal of the Warburg Institute. 1937. P. 69.

Gombrich. Raphael’s Stanza della Segnatura and the Nature of Its Symbolism. – Gombrich Ernst. Raphael’s Stanza della Segnatura and the Nature of Its Symbolism // Symbolic Images: Studies in the Art of the Renaissance. London: Phaidon, 1972.

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