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7. Cowdrey Η. E. J. The Peace and the Truce of God in the 11th century // Past & Present. 1970. Vol. 46. № 1. P. 42–62.

8. Erdmann C. Die Entstehung des Kreuzzugsgedankens. Stuttgart 1935 (nep. на англ.: Erdmann C. The Origin of the Idea of Crusade. Oxford, 1977).

9. Flori J. La Premiere Croisade. L’Occident chretien contre l’islam (aux origines des ideologies occidentales). P., 1992.

10. Gieysztor A. The Genesis of the Crusades: the Encyclical of Sergius IV (1109–1112) // Medievalia et Humanistica. 1948. Vol. 5. P. 3—23.

11. Gilchrist J. The Erdmann Thesis and the Canon Law // Crusade and settlement. Papers read at the first conference of the Society for the Study of the Crusades and the Latin East and presented to R. C. Smail / Ed. P. Edbury. Cardiff, 1985. P. 37–45.

12. Grabois A. Les pelerins occidentaux en Terre Sainte au Moyen age // Studi medievali. 1989. Vol. 30. P. 15–48.

13. Munro D. C. The Speech of Urban II at Clermont 1095 // American Historical |Review. 1906. Vol. 11. № 2. P. 275—293

14. Riley-Smith J. Crusading as an Act of Love//History. 1980. Vol. 6. P. 177–192.

15. Somerville R. The Council of Clermont and the First Crusade // Studia Gratiana. 1976. T. 20. P. 325–339.

16. Wilkinson J. Jerusalem Pilgrims before the Crusades. Warminster, 1977.

Глава 2. Как восприняли призыв папы римского средневековые миряне

1. Alphandiry Р., Dupront A. La Chretiente et l’idee de la croisade. P, 1995.

2. Bull M. Knighty Piety and the Lay Response to the First Crusade (The Limousin and Gascogny, c. 970—c. 1130). Oxford, 1993.

3. Constable G. Medieval Charters as a Source for the History of the Crusades // Idem Crusaders and Crusading in the 12th century. Farnham, 2016. P. 93—116.

4. Crozet R. Le voyage d’Urbain II et ses negotiations avec le clerge de France, 1095–1096 // Revue historique, 1937. T. 179. P. 270–310.

5. Duby G. Le chevalier, la femme et le pretre. P, 1984.

6. Flori J. Pierre l’Ermite et la Premiere croisade. P, 1999.

7. Richard J. Departs de pelerins et de crois6s bourgignons au XI siecle. A propos d’une charte de Cluny // Annales de Bourgogne. 1988. T. 60. P. 99—101.

8. Riley-Smith J. The Motives of the Earliest Crusaders and the Settlement of Latin Palestine, 1095–1100 // English Historical Review. 1983. Vol. 98. № 3. P. 721–736.

9. Rousset P. Les origines et les caracteres de la Ргегшёге croisade. Neucha-tel, 1945.

Глава 3. «Дорога к Гробу Господню»

1. Лучицкая С. И. Образ Другого: мусульмане в хрониках крестовых походов. СПб., 2001 (2-е изд. 2017).

2. Brundage J. Prostitution, Miscegenation and Sexual Purity in the First Crusade // Crusade and settlement… P 57–65.

3. Cowdrey Η. E. J. Martyrdom in the First Crusade // Crusade and settlement. Papers read at the first conference of the Society for the Study of the Crusades and the Latin East and presented to R. C. Smail / Ed. P. Edbury. Cardiff, 1985. P. 51–56.

4. Duncalf F. The Peasant’s Crusade // American Historical Review. 1921. Vol. 26. P 440–453.

5. France J. Victory in the East. A Military History of the First Crusade. Cambridge, 1994.

6. Lapina E. Warfare and the Miraculous in the Chronicles of the First Crusade. University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press, 2015.

7. Lobrichon G. 1099. Jerusalem conquise. P, 1998.

8. Morris C. Policy and Vision: the Case of the Holy Lance at Antioch // War and Government in the Middle Ages. Essays in Honour of J. O. Prestwich / Ed. J. Gillingham & J. C. Holt. Cambridge, 1984. P. 33–45.

9. Porges W. The Clergy, the Poor, and the Non-combatants on the First Crusade // Speculum. 1946. Vol. 21, No. 1. P. 1—23.

10. Riley-Smith J. The First Crusade and the Persecution of Jews // Persecution and Toleration (Studies in Church History). Oxford, 1984. P. 51–72.

11. Riley-Smith J. Death on the First Crusade // The End of Strife /Ed. D. M, Loads. L., 1984. P. 14–31.

12. Riley-Smith J. The First Crusade and St Peter // Outremer: Studies in the History of the Crusading Kingdom of Jerusalem presented to Joshua Prawer / Ed. B. Z. Kedar, Η. E. Mayer, R. C. Smail. Jerusalem, 1982. P. 41–63.

13. Tattersall J. Anthropophagi and Eaters of Raw Flesh in French Literature of the Crusade Period: Myth, Tradition and Reality // Medium Aevum. 1988. T. 57. P. 240–253.

Глава 4. Папство и священная война

1. Трубецкой Е. Н. Религиозно-общественный идеал западного христианства. М., 2004.

2. Cowdrey Η. Е. J. Pope Gregory VII (1073–1085). Oxford, 1998.

3. Erdmann C. Die Entstehung des Kreuzzugsgedankens. Stuttgart, 1935.

4. Flori J. La guerre sainte. P., 2001.

5. Morris C. The Papal Monarchy: The Western Church from 1050 to 1250. Oxford, 1980.

6. Noth A. Heiliger Krieg und Heiliger Kampf in Islam und Christentum: Beitrage zur Vorgeschichte und Geschichte der Kreuzziige. Bonn, 1966.

7. Noble T. F. X. The Republic of St. Peter: The Birth of the Papal State, 680–825. Philadelphia, 1986.

8. Partner P. The Lands of St. Peter: The Papal State in the Middle Ages and the Early Renaissance. L., 1975.

9. Rist R. The Papacy and Crusading in Europe, 1198–1245. NY, 2009.

10. Russell F. C. The Just War in the Middle Ages. Cambridge, 1975.

11. Schramm P. E. Kaiser, Konige und Papste. Stuttgart. Stuttgart, 1968–1971. Bd. 1–4.

12. Ullmann W. The Growth of Papal Government in the Middle Ages: A study in the ideological relation of clerical to lay power. L., 1955.

Глава 5. Западная Европа и латинский Восток в XII веке

1. Constable G. The Second Crusade as Seen by Contemporaries // Idem. Crusaders and Crusading in the 12th century. Farnham, 2016. P. 229–301.

2. Constable G. Two Notes on the Anglo-Flemish Crusade of 1147–1148 // Ibidem. P. 302–311.

3. Eickhoff E. Friedrich Barbarossa im Orient. Kreuzzug und Tod Friedrichs

I. Tiibingen, 1977.

4. Gervers M. (ed.) The Second Crusade and the Cistercians. NY, 1992.

5. Gillingham J. Richard Coeur-de-Lion: Kingship, Chivalry and War in the Twelfth Century. L., 1994.

6. Grabois A. The Crusade of Louis VII: A Reconsideration // Crusade and settlement. Papers read at the first conference of the Society for the Study of the Crusades and the Latin East and presented to R. C. Smail / Ed. P. Edbury. Cardiff, 1985. P. 94—104.

7. Kedar B. Z. (ed.) The Horns of Hattin. Proceedings of the 2. Conference of the Society for the Study of the Crusades and the Latin East: Jerusalem and Haifa 2–6 July 1987. L., 1992.

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