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Мой лучший друг - желудок. Еда для умных людей - Елена Мотова






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34. Wolever, R., Reardon, B. and Hannan, T. (2015). Mindful Diet, T e. New York: Scribner.

35. Уильямс, М. Осознанность: как обрести гармонию в нашем безумном мире. Марк Уильямс, Денни Пенман; пер. с англ. Ю. Цыбыше-вой. – М.: Манн, Иванов и Фербер, (2014).

36. Изюмная медитация была предложена профессором психологии Джоном Кабат-Зинном, автором программы медитации осознанности для снижения уровня стресса (Mindfulness-based stress reduction). Видеозапись упражнения доступна по ссылке: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rkl4fpn61LE.

37. Kristeller, J., Wolever, R. and Sheets, V. (2013). Mindfulness-based eating awareness training (MB-EAT) for binge eating: A randomized clinical trial. Mindfulness, 5(3), pp.282–297.

Глава 4. Еда и тело


1. Статья психолога Анастасии Рубцовой доступна по ссылке: http://www.adme.ru/svoboda-psihologiya/chtoby-vyjti-iz-zony-komforta-nado-snachala-v-nej-okazatsya-1123560/.


2. T ompson, M. and Gray, J. (1995). Development and validation of a new body-image assessment scale. Journal of Personality Assessment, 64(2), pp.258–269.

3. Swami, V., Salem, N., Furnham, A. et al. (2008). Initial examination of the validity and reliability of the female photographic f gure rating scale for body image assessment. Personality and Individual Dif erences, 44(8), pp.1752–1761.

4. Swami, V., Frederick, D., Aavik, T. et al. (2010). T e attractive female body weight and female body dissatisfaction in 26 countries across 10 world regions: Results of the international body project I. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 36(3), pp.309–325.

5. Franzoi, S. (1994). Further evidence of the reliability and validity of the body esteem scale. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 50(2), pp.237–239.

6. Cooper, P., Taylor, M., Cooper, Z. and Fairbum, C. (1987). T e development and validation of the body shape questionnaire. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 6(4), pp.485–494.

7. Gillen, M. (2006). Body Image Development in Emerging Adulthood. A T esis in Human Development and Family Studies.

8. Pliner, P. , Chaiken, S. and Flett, G. (1990). Gender dif erences in concern with body weight and physical appearance over the life span. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 16(2), pp.263–273.

9. Flegal, K. (2005). Excess deaths associated with underweight, overweight and obesity. JAMA, 293(15), pp.1861–1867.

10. Killen, J., Taylor, C., Hayward, C. et al. (1994). Pursuit of thinness and onset of eating disorder symptoms in a community sample of adolescent girls: A three-year prospective analysis. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 16(3), pp.227–238.


11. Abramson, E. (2006). Body intelligence: Lose Weight, Keep It of and Feel Great about Your Body without Dieting. New York: McGraw-Hill.

12. Wansink, B., Painter, J. and North, J. (2005). Bottomless bowls: Why visual cues of portion size may inf uence intake. Obesity Research, 13(1), pp.93– 100.

13. Wansink, B., Just, D. and Payne, C. (2009). Mindless eating and healthy heuristics for the irrational. American Economic Review, 99(2), pp.165– 169.

14. Castellini, G., Mannucci, E., Lo Sauro, C. et al. (2012). Dif erent moderators of cognitive-behavioral therapy on subjective and objective binge eating in bulimia nervosa and binge eating disorder: A three-year follow-up study. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, 81(1), pp.11–20.


15. Hoeger, W. and Hoeger, S. (2009). Principles and Labs for Physical Fitness. 7th ed., Brooks Cole.

16. WHO expert consultation. (2008). Waist circumference and waist–hip ratio: report. Geneva.

17. Ouchi, N., Parker, J., Lugus, J. and Walsh, K. (2011). Adipokines in inf ammation and metabolic disease. Nature Reviews Immunology, 11(2), pp.85–97.

18. Краткое руководство по метаболическому синдрому Международной федерации диабета, содержащее консолидированные мировые критерии диагностики, доступно по ссылке: http://www.idf.org/webdata/docs/IDF_Meta_def_fnal.pdf.

19. Эндокринология: Национальное руководство. Краткое издание; под ред. И. И. Дедова, Г. А. Мельниченко. – М.: ГЭОТАР-Медиа, (2016). – (Серия «Национальные руководства»).

Глава 5. Еда и движение


1. Хоули, Э., Дон Френке, Б. Руководство инструктора оздоровительного фитнеса. / Эдвард Т. Хоули, Б. Дон Френке; пер. с англ. Аллы

Ященко и Виталия Левицкого. – Киев: Олимпийская литература, (2004).

2. Столов, И. И. Спортивный резерв: состояние, проблемы, пути решения (организационный компонент): монография. – М.: Советский спорт, (2008).

3. Morris, J., Heady, J., Raf e, P. et al. (1953). Coronary heart-disease and physical activity of work. T e Lancet, 262(6795), pp.1053–1057.

4. Lee, C., Blair, S. and Jackson, A. (1999). Cardiorespiratory f tness, body composition, and all-cause and cardiovascular disease mortality in men. T e American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 69(3), pp.373–380.

5. Manders, R., van Dijk, J. and van Loon, L. (2010). Low-intensity exercise reduces the prevalence of hyperglycemia in type 2 diabetes. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 42(2), pp.219–225.

6. Rector, R., Rogers, R., Ruebel, M. et al. (2009). Lean body mass and weight-bearing activity in the prediction of bone mineral density in physically active men. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 23(2), pp.427–435.

7. Romeo, J., Wärnberg, J., Pozo, T. et al. (2010). Physical activity, immunity and infection. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, 69(03), pp.390–399.

8. Брошюра Мирового фонда исследования рака доступна по ссылке: http://www.wcrf.org/sites/default/fles/CUP-Summary-Report.pdf.

9. Sieverdes, J., Ray, B., Sui, X. et al. (2012). Association between leisure-time physical activity and depressive symptoms in men. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 44(2), pp.260–265.

10. Eriksson, P., Perf lieva, E., Björk-Eriksson, T. et al. (1998). Neurogenesis in the adult human hippocampus. Nature Medicine, 4(11), pp.1313–1317.

11. Bherer, L., Erickson, K. and Liu-Ambrose, T. (2013). A review of the ef ects of physical activity and exercise on cognitive and brain functions in older adults. Journal of Aging Research, 2013, pp.1–8.

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