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Апокалипсис Средневековья. Иероним Босх, Иван Грозный, Конец света - Валерия Косякова






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34 См: Lemprière J. Lempriere’s universal biography. NY, 1826, р. 220. Michelet J. L’histoire de France. Paris, 1835, 2:132. Landes R. The Fear of an Apocalyptic Year 1000 // Speculum, Vol. 75, 2000, рр. 97–145.

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36 Glaber Rodulfus. Historiarum libri quinque ab anno incarnationis DCCCC usque ad annum MXLIV.

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65 Giorgio Vasari. Le vite de’piu eccellenti pittori, scultori e architettori. Florence, 1878, p. 390. Erbach-Fürstenau, A. Apokalypse von Santa Chiara // Jahrbuch der Preußischen Kunstsammlungen, 58, 1937, pр. 81–83.

66 Bologna, F. I pittori alla corte angiona di Napoli. Rome, 1969, p. 138.

67 Berlin, Kupferstichkabinett, Hamilton Bible 78 E 3.

68 Escorial, Biblioteca del Monasterio MS. Vitr.5, Gardet C. L’Apocalypse figure des ducs de Savoie. Annecy, 1969.

69 Borchert T., Waterman J. The Book of miracles. Facsimile of the Augsburg manuscript from the collection of Mickey Cartin. Taschen, Köln, 2013.

70 Jean Juvenal des Ursins. Histoire de Charles VI, Roy de France. Paris, 1841, р. 221.

71 Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France. MS. Néerl. 3.

72 Borchert, T. Van Eyck. London, 2008, p. 89.

73 Подробнее см.: Hemphill, R. E. The Personality and Problem of Hieronymus Bosch. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Medicine, 1965. Ribi, A. Die Dämonen des Hieronymus Bosch. Versuch einer Deutung. Küsnacht, 1990. Fromm, E. The Manifest and Latent Content of Two Paintings by Hieronymus Bosch: A Contribution to the Study of Creativity. A Pyschoanalytic Journal for Culture, Science and the Arts. Vol. 26, No. 2. 1969.

74 Dixon, L.S. Bosch’s St. Anthony Triptych. An Apothecary’s Apotheosis. Art Journal, Vol. 44, No. 2, 1984. Jenner, В. Hieronymus Bosch’s Endless Fire and the discovery of LSD // Сontemporaryfoodlab, 2016.

75 Bauer, V. H. Das Antonius-Feuer in Kunst und Medizin, Berlin Heidelberg, 1973.

76 Combe, J. Hieronymus Bosch, 1946. Bergman, M. Hieronymus Bosch and Alchemy: A Study on the St. Anthony Triptych, 1979. Dixon, L. Alchemical Imagery in Bosch’s Garden of Delights, 1981. Lennep, J. Alchimie: contribution à l’histoire de l’art alchimique, 1984. Bertrand, J.A. La Alquimia en el Bosco, Durero y otros pintores del Renacimiento, 1989.

77 Harris, L. The Secret Heresy of Hieronymus Bosch, 1985.

78 Fraenger, W. Hieronymus Bosch. Das tausendjährige Reich. Grundzüge einer Auslegung, 1947.

79 Bax, D. Ontcijfering van Jeroen Bosch, 1949. Vandenbroeck, P. Jheronimus Bosch: tussen volksleven en stadscultuur, 1989. Dijck, G.C.M. Op zoek naar Jheronimus van Aken alias Bosch. De feiten. Familie, vrienden en opdrachtgevers, 2001. Bruyn, E. De Vergeten Beeldentaal Van Jheronimus Bosch, 2001. Fischer, S. Hieronymus Bosch. The Complete Works, 2016.

80 Dijck, L. Jheronimus Bosch van moederszijde: Een lastige puzzle. Zaltbommel, 2001, р. 44–51.

81 Dijck, L. van. Jheronimus Bosch inspired by people in his environment: research from the archival sources/2nd International Jheronimus Bosch Conference. P. 113–115, Hertogenbosch, 2007.

82 Dijck, L. Jheronimus Bosch inspired by people in his environment: research from the archival sources // 2nd International Jheronimus Bosch Conference. Hertogenbosch, 2007, рр. 118–121.

83 Исследование архивов, посвященных жизни И. Босха: Dijck, L. Op zoek naar Jheronimus van Aken alias Bosch. De feiten. Familie, vrienden en opdrachtgevers, Zaltbommel, 2001.

84 История эстетики. Памятники мировой эстетической мысли. Т.1. М., 1962, с. 507.

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