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Черчилль. Частная жизнь - Дмитрий Медведев






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Forster J, Bapasola J. Winston and Blenheim: Churchill's Destiny. Woodstock: Blenheim Palace, 2005.

Garnett O. Chartwell Kent. London: The National Trust, 2004.

Gilbert M. Churchill: A Life. London: Pimlico, 2000.

Gilbert M. Churchill: A Photographic Portrait. London: Pimlico, 1999.

Gilbert M. Winston S. Churchill. V. III. London: Heinemann, 1971.

Gilbert M. Winston S. Churchill. V. IV. London: Heinemann, 1975.

Gilbert M. Winston S. Churchill. V. V. London: Heinemann, 1976.

Gilbert M. Winston S. Churchill: Finest Hour. V. VI. London: Heinemann, 1983.

Gilbert M. Winston S. Churchill: Road to Victory. V. VII. London: Heinemann, 1986.

Gilbert M. Winston S. Churchill: Never Give In. V. VIII. London: Heinemann, 1988.

Hall D. The Book of Churchilliana. London: New Cavendish Books, 2002.

Humes J. C. Winston Churchill. New York: DK Publishing, 2003.

Jenkins R. Churchill. London: Pan Books, 2002. Kraus R. The Men Around Churchill. New York: J. B. Lippincott Company, 1941.

Lewis B. R. Churchill: An Illustrated History. London: The Reader's Digest Association Limited, 2005.

Lukacs J. Churchill: Visionary. Statesman. Historian. New Haven & London: Yale University Press, 2003.

Manchester W. The Last Lion: Winston Spencer Churchill; Visions of Glory: 1874–1932. New York: Dell Publishing, 1989.

Manchester W. The Last Lion: Winston Spencer Churchill; Alone: 1932–1940. New York: Dell Publishing, 1989.

McGinty S. Churchill's Cigar. London: Macmillan, 2007.

McGowan D. My Years with Churchill. New York: British Book Centre, 1958.

Moran C. Churchill at War 1940–1945. London: Robinson, 2002.

Moran C. Churchill. The Struggle for Survival. London: Robinson, 2006.

Nel E. Winston Churchill by his Personal Secretary: Recollections of The Great Man by A Woman Who Worked for Him throughout the crucial war years from 1941 to 1945. Lincoln: Universe, 2007.

Parker M. S. J. Sir Winston Churchill. Norwich: Jarrold Publishing, 2003.

Winston Churchill Studies in Statesmanship, ed. Parker R. A. C. London: Brassey's, 2002.

Paterson M. Winston Churchill the Photography. Cincinnati: David and Charles, 2006.

Pelling H. Winston Churchill. Ware: Wordsworth Editions Limited, 1999.

Ramsden J. Man of the Century: Winston Churchill and His Legend since 1945. London: Harper Collins Publishers, 2003.

Reynolds D. In Command of History. Churchill Fighting and Writing the Second World War. London: Penguin Books, 2005.

Roberts A. Hitler and Churchill: Secrets of Leadership. London: Phoenix, 2004.

Lord Rosebery. Lord Randolph Churchill. London: Arthur L. Humphreys, 1906.

Sandys C. Chasing Churchill. The Travels of Winston Churchill. London: Harper Collins Publisher, 2004.

Sandys C. Churchill. London: Contender Books, 2003.

Sandys C. Churchill Wanted Dead or Live. London: Harper Collins Publishers, 2000.

Soams M. Winston and Clementine: The Personal Letters of the Churchills. New York: Mariner Books, 2001.

Soams M. Clementine Churchill: The Biography of a Marriage. New York: Mariner Books, 2003.

Sebba A. American Jenny: The remarkable Life of Lady Randolph Churchill. New York: W. W. Norton and Company, 2007.

Stafford D. Churchill and Secret Service. London: Abacus, 2007.

Stafford D. Roosevelt and Churchill: Man of Secrets. London: Abacus, 2000.

Thomson W. Assignment: Churchill. New York: American Book-Stratford Press, 1955.

Thomson W. Beside the Bulldog: The Intimate Memoirs of Churchill's Bodyguard. London: Apollo Publishing, 2003.

Список статей из журнала Международного черчиллевского общества «Finest Hour»

Adams N. An Ardent Ally: Lady Randolph and Winston's Political Career // Finest Hour, № 98.

Alberigi M. Churchill as Painter. The Artist and His Critics // Finest Hour, № 85.

Bingham E., Bingham H. Schooldays. Yong Winston's Mr. Somervell // Finest Hour, № 86.

Breckenridge C. Art as Therapy: How Churchill Coped // Finest Hour, № 120.

Churchill W. S. My New York Misadventure // Finest Hour, № 136.

Cooper D. Winston and Clementine // Finest Hour, № 83.

Courtenay P. H. Churchilliana: Chartwell Menu Holders and More Roussillon Plumes // Finest Hour, № 133.

Daniels J. Churchill's Spencer Ancestry of Skeletons in the Cupboard // Finest Hour, № 68.

Digby M. Chartwell: A Gardener's view // Finest Hour, № 111.

Dilks D. The Queen and Mr. Churchill // Finest Hour, № 135.

Druckman D. In Winston's Footsteps: Retracing Churchill's South African Escape // Finest Hour, № 47.

Fletcher G. J. Spencer Churchill (p) at Harrow School 1888–1892: Part I // Finest Hour, № 133.

Fletcher G. J. Spencer Churchill (p) at Harrow School 1888–1892: Part II // Finest Hour, № 134.

Freeman J. Eddie Marsh: A Profile // Finest Hour, № 131.

Gabriel J. H. The Orpen Portrait: Winston Churchill at the Nadir of His Career // Finest Hour, № 118.

Glueckstein F. Winston Churchill and Colonist II «Perhaps, he said quizzically, Providence had given him Colonist as a comfort for his old age and to console him for disappointments» // Finest Hour, № 125.

Hall D. J. Man of Kent, Kentish Man // Finest Hour, № 111.

Hall D. J. Lady Randolph in Winston's Boyhood // Finest Hour, № 98.

Hamblin G. Frabjous Days: Chartwell Memories // Finest Hour, № 117.

Harrison M. Charting Churchill's Life as Painter // Finest Hour, № 120

Johnston D. L. Master of the English Language // Finest Hour, № 46.

Kimball W. F. Like Goldfish in a Bowl: The Alcohol Quotient // Finest Hour, № 134.

Kingsley M. Chartwell Revisited with Celia Sandys // Finest Hour, № 88.

Kops J. M. Manalapan Estates, Florida: The Churchill Connection and a New Painting Discovery // Finest Hour, № 116.

Langworth B. F. Churchill and Polo. The Hot Pursuit of his Other Hobby // Finest Hour, № 72.

Langworth R. «Fiel Pero Desdichado» Sidney Street, Gallipoli, and Other Dead Cats // Finest Hour, № 35.

Mather J. H. How Healthy Was Churchill? // Finest Hour, № 82.

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