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Вопросы — это ответы - Хэл Грегерсен






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5. Edgar Schein. Humble Inquiry: The Gentle Art of Asking Instead of Telling. San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler, 2013.

6. Robert Pate and Neville Bremer. «Guiding Learning through Skillful Questioning». Elementary School Journal 67. May 1967, 417–422.

7. «Steve Jobs Used to Ask Jony Ive the Same Question Almost Every Day». Business Insider. October 8, 2015. http://www.businessinsider.com/this-is-the-question-steve-jobswould-ask-jony-ive-every-day-2015-10.

8. Tina Seelig. «How Reframing a Problem Unlocks Innovation». Co.Design, May 19, 2013. https://www.fastcodesign.com/1672354/how-reframing-a-problem-unlocks-innovation.

9. Amitai Etzioni. «Toward a Macrosociology». Academy of Management Proceedings, 27th Annual Meeting. Washington, DC (December 27–29, 1967), 12–33.

10. Clayton Christensen, Karen Dillon, Taddy Hall, and David Duncan. Competing Against Luck: The Story of Innovation and Customer Choice. New York: HarperBusiness, 2016.

11. Цит. по: Малкольм Гладуэлл. Гении и аутсайдеры. Почему одним все, а другим ничего? М.: Манн, Иванов и Фербер, 2012. С. 19.

12. См.: Quest Autism Foundation’s history and current activities. http://questnj.org/.

13. Ibrahim Senay, Dolores Albarracin, and Kenji Noguchi. «Motivating Goal-Directed Behavior Through Introspective Self-Talk: The Role of the Interrogative Form of Simple Future Tense». Psychological Science 21, № 4 (April 2010), 499–504.

14. Если вас заинтересовала дилемма, с которой обычно сталкиваются СЕО, см.: «Bursting the CEO Bubble». Harvard Business Review, March/April 2017.

15. Аллюзия на стихотворение Артура О’Шонесси «Ода», подарившее нам термин «потрясать устои»: «Мы все творцы мелодий, / Проводим время мы в мечтах… Потрясаем устои/ Мира во все времена».

16. Nelson Repenning, Don Kieffer, and James Repenning. «A New Approach to Designing Work». Sloan Management Review, Winter 2017.

17. Особенно рекомендую книгу Майкла Стеньера «Коучинг-лидерство. Говори меньше, спрашивай больше и навсегда измени свой стиль управления» (М.: Эксмо, 2018), которая рассказывает о семи вопросах, крайне полезных для каждого, кто занимается коучингом.

2. Почему мы не задаем вопросы чаще?

1. Mark Lasswell. «True Colors: Tim Rollins’s Odd Life with the Kids of Survival». New York magazine, July 29, 1991.

2. Edwin Susskind. «The Role of Question-Asking in the Elementary School Classroom» / The Psycho-Educational Clinic, eds. F. Kaplan and S. B. Sarason. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1969.

3. G. L. Fahey. «The Extent of Classroom Questioning Activity of High-School Pupils and the Relation of Such Activity to Other Factors of Pedagogical Significance». Journal of Educational Psychology 33, № 2 (1942), 128–137. http://psycnet.apa.org/doiLanding?doi=10.1037%2Fh0057107. См. также: George L. Fahey. «The Questioning Activity of Children». Journal of Genetic Psychology, 60 (1942), 337–357.

4. William Floyd. «An Analysis of the Oral Questioning Activity in Selected Colorado Primary Classrooms» (неопубликованные тезисы на соискание ученой степени, Colorado State College, 1960), 6–8.

5. James T. Dillon. «Questioning in Education» // Глава в эссе Questions and Questioning, ed. Michael Meyer. New York: Walter de Gruyter, 1988.

6. Max Wertheimer. Productive Thinking. London: Tavistock, 1961, 214. Издание на русском языке: Макс Вертгеймер. Продуктивное мышление. М.: Прогресс, 1987.

7. Philip H. Scott. «Teacher Talk and Meaning Making in Science Classrooms: A Vygotskian Analysis and Review». Studies in Science Education 32 (1998), 45–80.

8. A. Scott Berg. Goldwyn: A Biography. New York: Knopf, 1989, 376.

9. Douglas N. Walton. «Question-Asking Fallacies». Глава в Questions and Questioning, ed. Michel Meyer. New York: Walter de Gruyter, 1988, 209.

10. Liz Ryan. «What to Do When Your Manager is a Spineless Wimp». Forbes, June 22, 2017. https://www.forbes.com/sites/lizryan/2017/06/22/what-to-do-when-your-manager-is-a-spineless-wimp/#5ba86d673be9.

11. Stacey Lastoe. «The Worst Boss I Ever Had». Muse. https://www.themuse.com/advice/the-worst-boss-i-ever-had-11-true-stories-thatll-make-you-cringe.

12. Barbara Kellerman. Bad Leadership: What It Is, How It Happens, Why It Matters. Boston: Harvard Business School Press, 200), 22.

13. Damon Darlin and Matt Richtel. «Chairwoman Leaves Hewlett in Spying Furor». New York Times, September 23, 2006.

14. Maureen Porter and Sally MacIntyre. «What Is, Must Be Best: A Research Note on Conservative or Deferential Responses to Antenatal Care Provision». Social Science & Medicine 19 (1984), 1197–1200; William Samuelson and Richard Zeckhauser. «Status Quo Bias in Decision Making». Journal of Risk and Uncertainty 1 (1988), 7–59; M. Roca, R. Hogarth, and A. John Maule. «Ambiguity Seeking as a Result of the Status Quo Bias». Department of Economics and Business, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Economics Working Paper 882 (2005); K. Burmeister and C. Schade. «Are Entrepreneurs’ Decisions More Biased? An Experimental Investigation of the Susceptibility to Status Quo Bias». Institute of Entrepreneurial Studies and Innovation Management, Humboldt University-Berlin Working Paper (2006).

15. Цитата взята из: «Carol Dweck Revisits the ‘Growth Mindset’». Education Week. September 23, 2015. Более подробно см.: Кэрол Дуэк. Гибкое сознание. Новый взгляд на психологию развития взрослых и детей. М.: Манн, Иванов и Фербер, 2017.

16. Vijay Anand. «Cheat Sheet to Create a Culture of Innovation». Intuit Labs (blog), May 2, 2014. https://medium.com/intuit-labs/cheat-sheet-to-create-a-culture-of-innovation-539d53455b53.

17. Christina Pazzanese. «‘I Had this Extraordinary Sense of Liberation’: Nitin Nohria’s Exhilarating Journey». Harvard Gazette. April 29, 2015. https://news.harvard.edu/gazette/story/2015/04/i-had-this-extraordinary-sense-of-liberation/.

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