Честно о нечестности - Дэн Ариели
Francesca Gino and Lamar Pierce, «Dishonesty in the Name of Equity», Psychological Science (2009).
Uri Gneezy, «Deception: The Role of Consequences», American Economic Review (2005).
Nina Mazar and Pankaj Aggarwal, «Greasing the Palm: Can Collectivism Promote Bribery?» Psychological Science (2011).
Scott S. Wiltermuth, «Cheating More When the Spoils Are Split», Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes (2011).
Глава 10. Полуоптимистичный финал: люди врут реже, чем могли бы!
Rachel Barkan, Dan Ariely, «Worse and Worst: Daily Dishonesty of Businessmen and Politicians», working paper, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel (2008).
Yoel Inbar, David Pizarro, Thomas Gilovich, Dan Ariely, «Moral Masochism: Guilt Causes Physical Self-punishment», working paper (2009).
Azim Shariff, Ara Norenzayan, «Mean Gods Make Good People: Different Views of God Predict Cheating Behavior», International Journal for the Psychology of Religion (2011).
Дополнительные источники
Keri L. Kettle, Gerald Haubl, «The Signature Effect: How Signing One’s Name Influences Consumption-Related Behavior by Priming Self-Identity», Journal of Consumer Research (2011).
Deepak Malhotra, «(When) Are Religious People Nicer? Religious Salience and the ‘Sunday Effect’ on Pro-Social Behavior», Judgment and Decision Making (2010).
1. Ira Glass, «See No Evil», This American Life, National Public Radio, April 1, 2011.
2. «Las Vegas Cab Drivers Say They’re Driven to Cheat», Las Vegas Sun, January 31, 2011, http://www.lasvegassun.com/news/2011/jan/31/driven-cheat.
3. A. Wazana, «Physicians and the Pharmaceutical Industry: Is a Gift Ever Just a Gift?» Journal of the American Medical Association (2000).
4. Duff Wilson, «Harvard Medical School in Ethics Quandary», The New York Times, March 2, 2009.
5. K. J. Winstein, «Inflated Credentials Surface in Executive Suite», The Wall Street Journal, November 13, 2008.
6. Anne Morse, «Whistling Dixie», The Weekly Standard (blog), November 10, 2005.
7. Geoff Baker, «Mark McGwire Admits to Steroids Use: Hall of Fame Voting Becoming a Pain in the Exact Place He Used to Put the Needle», http://www.seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/marinersblog/2010767251_mark_mcgwire_admits_to_steroid.html.
9. Steve Henn, «Oh, Waiter! Charge It to My PAC», Marketplace, July 21, 2008, and «PACs Put the Fun in Fundraising», Marketplace, July 22, 2008.
10. Steve Henn, «PACs Put the Fun in Fundraising», Marketplace, July 22, 2008.
11. Dennis J. Devine, Laura D. Clayton, Jennifer L. Philips, Benjamin B.
Dun-ford, and Sarah P. Melner, «Teams in Organizations, Prevalence, Characteristics, and Effectiveness», Small Group Research (1999).
John Gordon, «Work Teams: How Far Have They Come?» Training (1992).
Gerald E. Ledford, Jr., Edward E. Lawler III, and Susan A. Mohrman, «Reward Innovations in Fortune 100 °Companies», Compensation & Benefits Review (1995).
Susan A. Mohrman, Susan G. Cohen, and Allan M. Mohrman, Jr., Designing Team-Based Organizations: New Forms for Knowledge Work (San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1995). Greg L. Stewart, Charles C. Manz, and Henry P. Sims, Team Work and Group Dynamics (New York: Wiley, 1999).
12. 1Bernard Nijstad, Wolfgang Stroebe, and Hein F. M. Lodewijkx, «The Illusion of Group Productivity: A Reduction of Failures Explanation», European Journal of Social Psychology (2006).
13. ADA Council on Scientific Affairs, «Direct and Indirect Restorative Materials», The Journal of the American Dental Association (2003).
15. Левит из Барселоны. Сефер га-хинух. Книга наставления. — М.: Книжники; Лехаим, 2014.
16. Rabbi Eliyahu Eliezer Dessler, Letter from Eliyahu (Bnei Brak: Sifriati [Gitlers] LTD, 2002).
17. «Craving to smoke in orthodox Jewish smokers who abstain on the Sabbath: a comparison to a baseline and a forced abstinence workday», Reuven Dar, et. al. Psychopharmacology (2005) 183: 294–299.