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Красный флаг. История коммунизма - Дэвид Пристланд






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G. Breslauer, Gorbachev and Yeltsin as Leaders (Cambridge, 2002).

A. Brown, The Gorbachev Factor (Oxford, 1996).

A. Brown, Seven Years that Changed the World: Perestroika in Perspective (Oxford, 2007).

M. Burawoy and J. Lukacs, The Radiant Past: Ideology and Reality in Hungary's Road to Capitalism (Chicago, 1992).

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B. Miller, Narratives of Guilt and Compliance in Unified Germany: Stasi Informers and their Impact on Society (London, 1999).

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J. С Oi, State and Peasant in Contemporary China: The Political Economy of Village Government (Berkeley, 1989).

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M. Osa, Solidarity and Contention: Networks of Polish Opposition (Minneapolis, 2003).

D. Philipsen, We were the People: Voices from East Germany's Revolutionary Autumn of 1989 (Durham, NC, 1993).

G. Sanford (ed. and trans.), Democratization in Poland 1988-90: Polish Voices (Basingstoke, 1992).

S. Shirk, The Political Logic of Economic Reform in China (Berkeley, 1993).

V. Shue, The Reach of the State: Sketches of the Chinese Body Politic (Stanford, 1988).

R. G. Suny, The Revenge of the Past: Nationalism, Revolution, and the Collapse of the Soviet Union (Stanford, 1993).

R. L. Tokes, Hungary's Negotiated Revolution: Economic Reform, Social Change, and Political Succession, 1957-1990 (Cambridge, 1996).

B. Wheaton and Z. Kavan, The Velvet Revolution: Czechoslovakia, 1988-1991 (Boulder, 1992).

E. Wood, Insurgent Collective Action and Civil War in El Salvador (Cambridge, 1993).

S. Woodward, Balkan Tragedy: Chaos and Dissolution after the Cold War (Washington, DC, 1995).


G. Breslauer, Gorbachev and Yeltsin as Leaders (Cambridge, 2002).

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M. Burawoy and K. Verdery (eds.), Uncertain Transition: Ethnographies of Change in the post-Socialist World (Lanham, 1999).

J. G. Castaneda, Utopia Unarmed: The Latin American Left after the Cold War (New York, 1993).

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