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Горечь войны - Найл Фергюсон






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20 M. Farrar, Preclusive Purchases, pp. 117–33.

21 Hardach, First World War, p. 30.

22 Burk, Britain, America and the Sinews of War, pp. 41, 80.

23 Hardach, First World War, p. 124.

24 Liddell Hart, British Way, p. 29. Ср. Ferguson, Food and the First World War, pp. 188–95.

25 Hardach, First World War, p. 33.

26 См. различные оценки в Keynes, Economic Consequences, pp. 161, 165 (довоенные германские оценки); Economist, Reparations Supplement, 31 May 1924, p. 6 (оценка Комитета Маккенны); Hoffman, Grumbach und Hesse, Wachstum, p. 262; Kindleberger, Financial History, p. 225.

27 Bundesarchiv [ранее в Потсдаме], Reichswirtschafts ministerium, 764/268–301, Verluste der deutschen Handelsflotte.

28 Eichengreen, Golden Fetters, pp. 82ff. Подробности о германском платежном балансе см. в Bresciani-Turroni, Economics of Inflation, pp. 83–93; о британском в E. Morgan, Studies in British Financial Policy, p. 341.

29 Zunkel, Industrie; Ehlert, Die wirtschaftsliche Zentralbehörde; Feldman, Der deutsche organisierte Kapitalismus, pp. 150–171.

30 Классической работой на эту тему остается Feldman, Army, Industry and Labour. Ее отголоски см., напр., в Fischer W., Die deutsche Wirtschaft; Bessel, Mobilising German Society.

31 French D., British Economic and Strategic Planning, pp. 6–27; Marwick, Deluge, p. 79.

32 Adams, Arms and the Wizard; Wrigley, Ministry of Munitions, pp. 32–56; Beveridge, Power and Influence, p. 117. Ср. Dewey, New Warfare; Chickering, World War.

33 Hurwitz, State Intervention, p. 62. Ср. McNeill, Pursuit of Power, p. 327.

34 Reid, Dilution, p. 61.

35 Kemp, French Economy, pp. 28–57; Godfrey, Capitalism at War, pp. 64, 1014f, 289–296.

36 Winter J., Public Health, pp. 170ff.

37 Winter J., Great War, pp. 279ff, 305.

38 Winter J., Capital Cities, pp. 10f. См. также Offer, First World War, passim.

39 Cecil L., Albert Ballin, pp. 212f.

40 Warburg, Aus meinen Aufzeichnungen, pp. 34f.

41 Ferguson, Paper and Iron, p. 146.

42 Pogge von Strandmann, Walther Rathenau, p. 189.

43 Ibid., p. 200.

44 Feldman, War Aims, pp. 22f.

45 Ibid., p. 145.

46 Feldman, Iron and Steel, p. 80.

47 Moeller, Dimensions of Social Conflict, pp. 142–168.

48 Ferguson, Paper and Iron, p. 105.

49 Crow, Man of Push and Go, pp. 65–85.

50 Dewey, New Warfare, pp. 78f.

51 French D., British Economic and Strategic Planning, pp. 11–25; Adams, Arms and the Wizard, pp. 14–69, 83, 90,164–179; Wilson T., Myriad Faces, pp. 217–236; Wrigley, Ministry of Munitions, pp. 34–38, 43–49; Wrigley, David Lloyd George, pp. 83–84; Crow, Man of Push and Go, pp. 86–92; Beveridge, Power and Influence, pp, 124ff, Ср. Marwick, Deluge, p. 99. О России: Stone, Eastern Front, pp. 196f. О Франции: Godfrey, Capitalism at War, pp. 45–48, 107, 184–210, 259f.

52 Wilson T., Myriad Faces, p. 237; Wrigley, David Lloyd George, pp. 85–89.

53 Godfrey, Capitalism at War, pp. 186, 261–284.

54 McNeill, Pursuit of Power, p. 340.

55 Warburg, Aus meinen Aufzeichnungen, pp. 92, 100.

56 Hardach, First World War, pp. 58–61; Feldman, Iron and Steel, pp. 67f; Feldman, Great Disorder, pp. 52ff.

57 Harris J., William Beveridge, p. 235.

58 Kemp, French Economy, p. 45; Godfrey, Capitalism at War, pp. 49f; McNeill, Pursuit of Power, p. 320.

59 Godfrey, Capitalism at War, pp. 197f.

60 Ibid., pp. 107–122.

61 Boswell and John, Patriots or Profiteers, pp. 427–434; Alford, Lost Opportunities, pp. 222f. Ср. Wrigley, Ministry of Munitions, pp. 42f.

62 Boswell and John, Patriots or Profiteers, pp. 435f; Hurwitz, State Intervention, pp. 174–179. Ср. Holmes G., First World War, pp. 212–214.

63 Hurwitz, State Intervention, p. 179.

64 См. Rubin, War, Law and Labour.

65 Glaser, American War Effort, p. 16.

66 Stone, Eastern Front, pp. 197–209.

67 Ibid., pp. 210f.

68 Hardach, First World War, p. 106.

69 Ferguson, Paper and Iron, pp. 105ff.

70 Feldman, Iron and Steel, pp. 11f.

71 Bresciani-Turroni, Economics of Inflation, p. 288.

72 Посчитано по: Vierteljahreshefte zur Statistik des Deutschen Reiches, Ergänzungsheft II (1914), p. 11; (1915), p. 9; (1916), p. 9; (1917), p. 11; (1918), p. 11; (1920), p. 106.

73 Hardach, First World War, p. 106.

74 Boswell, John, Patriots or Profiteers, p. 443; Marwick, Deluge, p. 164; Holmes G., First World War, p. 211; Alford, Lost Opportunities, pp. 210–218.

75 Lyashchenko, History of the National Economy, p. 751. См. также Stone, Eastern Front.

76 Dewey, British Farming Profits, p. 378.

77 Kemp, French Economy, p. 54.

78 Graham, Exchange, pp, 307f; Petzina, Abelshauser und Foust, Sozialgeschichtliches Arbeitsbuch, vol. III, p. 82; Fontaine, French Industry, p. 455.

79 Stone, Eastern Front, pp. 205, 297ff.

80 Hurwitz, State Intervention, pp. 72; Burk, Britain, America and the Sinews of War, pp. 24–38.

81 Godfrey, Capitalism at War, pp. 69–74.

82 Cecil L., Albert Ballin, p. 216; Warburg, Aus meinen Aufzeichnungen, pp. 34–37.

83 Feldman, Iron and Steel, pp. 72–77.

84 Burk, Britain, America and the Sinews of War, pp. 14–42. Ср. и см. также Burk, Mobilization of Anglo-American Finance, pp. 25–42.

85 Hurwitz, State Intervention, p. 173; G. Holmes, First World War, pp. 208ff; Godfrey, Capitalism at War, pp. 72–80, 94–101.

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