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Леонардо да Винчи - Уолтер Айзексон






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Notebooks / MacCurdy = Edward MacCurdy, The Notebooks of Leonardo da Vinci (Cape, 1938). Многочисленные издания доступны онлайн. Нумерация относится к номерам параграфов, присвоенных им Маккерди.

Paris Ms. = Парижские рукописи из Института Франции, в том числе A (written 1490–92), B (1486–90), C (1490–91), D (1508–9), E (1513–14), F (1508–13), G (1510–15), H (1493–94), I (1497–1505), K1, K2, K3 (1503–8), L (1497–1502), M (1495–1500).

Windsor = Royal Collection, Windsor Castle [Королевская коллекция, Виндзорский замок]. Инвентарные номера Королевской коллекции (RCIN), обозначающие листы Леонардо, начинаются с 9, а далее следует каталожный номер.

Другие часто цитируемые источники

Anonimo Gaddiano = The Anonimo Gaddiano или Anonimo Magliabecchiano, в «Life of Leonardo,» translated by Kate Steinitz and Ebria Feinblatt (Los Angeles County Museum, 1949), 37, и в Ludwig Goldscheider, Leonardo da Vinci: Life and Work (Phaidon, 1959), 28.

Arasse = Daniel Arasse, Leonardo da Vinci (Konecky, 1998).

Bambach, Master Draftsman = Carmen C. Bambach, ed., Leonardo da Vinci Master Draftsman (Metropolitan Museum of New York, 2003).

Bramly = Serge Bramly, Leonardo: The Artist and the Man (HarperCollins, 1991).

Brown = David Alan Brown, Leonardo da Vinci: Origins of a Genius (Yale, 1998).

Capra, Learning = Fritjof Capra, Learning from Leonardo (Berrett-Koehler, 2013).

Capra, Science = Fritjof Capra, The Science of Leonardo (Doubleday, 2007).

Clark = Kenneth Clark, Leonardo da Vinci (Penguin, 1939; revised edition edited by Martin Kemp, 1988).

Clayton = Martin Clayton, Leonardo da Vinci: The Divine and the Grotesque (Royal Collection, 2002).

Clayton and Philo = Martin Clayton and Ron Philo, Leonardo da Vinci Anatomist (Royal Collection, 2012).

Delieuvin = Vincent Delieuvin, ed., Saint Anne: Leonardo da Vinci’s Ultimate Masterpiece (Louvre, 2012). Каталог выставки в Лувре, 2012 г.

Fiorani and Kim = Francesca Fiorani and Anna Marazeula Kim, «Leonardo da Vinci: Between Art and Science,» University of Virginia, March 2014, http://faculty.virginia.edu/Fiorani/NEH-Institute/essays/.

Keele and Roberts = Kenneth Keele and Jane Roberts, Leonardo da Vinci: Anatomical Drawings from the Royal Library, Windsor Castle (Metropolitan Museum of New York, 2013).

Keele, Elements = Kenneth Keele, Leonardo da Vinci’s Elements of the Science of Man (Academic, 1983).

Kemp, Leonardo = Martin Kemp, Leonardo (Oxford, 2004; revised 2011).

Kemp, Marvellous = Martin Kemp, Leonardo da Vinci: The Marvellous Works of Nature and Man (Harvard, 1981; revised edition Oxford, 2006).

King = Ross King, Leonardo and the Last Supper (Bloomsbury, 2013).

Laurenza = Domenico Laurenza, Leonardo’s Machines (David and Charles, 2006).

Lester = Toby Lester, Da Vinci’s Ghost (Simon and Schuster, 2012).

Marani = Pietro C. Marani, Leonardo da Vinci: The Complete Paintings (Abrams, 2000).

Marani and Fiorio = Pietro C. Marani and Maria Teresa Fiorio, Leonardo da Vinci: The Design of the World (Skira, 2015). Каталог выставки в Милане, в Палаццо-Реале, 2015 г.

Moffatt and Taglialagamba = Constance Moffatt and Sara Taglialagamba, Illuminating Leonardo: A Festschrift for Carlo Pedretti Celebrating His 70 Years of Scholarship (Brill, 2016).

Nicholl = Charles Nicholl, Leonardo da Vinci: Flights of the Mind (Viking, 2004).

O’Malley = Charles D. O’Malley, ed., Leonardo’s Legacy (University of California, 1969).

Payne = Robert Payne, Leonardo (Doubleday, 1978).

Pedretti, Chronology = Carlo Pedretti, Leonardo: A Study in Chronology and Style (University of California, 1973).

Pedretti, Commentary = Carlo Pedretti, The Literary Works of Leonardo da Vinci: Commentary (Phaidon, 1977). Двухтомный сборник примечаний и комментариев к рукописям Леонардо и к сборнику Ж.-П. Рихтера.

Reti, Unknown = Ladislao Reti, ed., The Unknown Leonardo (McGraw-Hill, 1974).

Syson = Luke Syson, Leonardo da Vinci, Painter at the Court of Milan (National Gallery of London, 2011).

Vasari = Giorgio Vasari, Lives of the Most Eminent Painters, Sculptors, and Architects (первая публикация — в 1550 г., исправленное второе издание — в 1568 г.). Доступно в многочисленных печатных изданиях и в интернете. Марго Прицкер (Margot Pritzker) предоставила мне оригинальное исправленное издание и некоторые научные работы, посвященные ему.

Wells = Francis Wells, The Heart of Leonardo (Springer, 2013).

Zöllner = Frank Zöllner, Leonardo da Vinci: The Complete Paintings and Drawings, 2 vols. (Taschen, 2015). Том 1 — живопись, том 2 — рисунки.

Источники иллюстраций

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James L. Amos/Corbis Documentary/Getty Images: Сh1 opener

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Musée du Louvre/©RMN-Grand Palais/Art Resource, NY: 3

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