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Происхождение тебя. Как детство определяет всю дальнейшую жизнь - Ричи Поултон






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Psychopathology, 8, 399–424.

Moffitt, T. E., Caspi, A., Harrington, H., & Milne, B. J. (2002). Males on the life-course persistent and adolescence-limited antisocial pathways: Follow-up at age 26 years. Development and Psychopathology, 14, 179–207.

Odgers, C., Caspi, A., Broadbent, J. M., Dickson, N., Hancox, B., Harrington, H. L., Poulton, R., Sears, M. R., Thomson, M., & Moffitt, T. E. (2007). Conduct problem subtypes in males predict differential adult health burden. Archives of General Psychiatry, 64, 476–484.

Odgers, C. L., Moffitt, T. E., Broadbent, J. M., Dickson, N., Hancox, R. J., Harrington, H., Poulton, R., Sears, M. R., Thomson, W. M., & Caspi, A. (2008). Female and male antisocial trajectories: From childhood origins to adult outcomes. Development and Psychopathology, 20, 673–716.

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Belsky, J., Steinberg, L., Houts, R., Friedman, S. L., DeHart, G., Cauffman, E., Roisman, G. I., Halpern-Felsher, B., Susman, E., & The NICHD Early Child Care Research Network. (2007). Family rearing antecedents of pubertal timing. Child Development, 78, 1302–1321.

Belsky, J., Steinberg, L., Houts, R. M., Halpern-Felsher, B. L., & The NICHD Early Child Care Research Network. (2010). The Development of Reproductive Strategy in Females: Early Maternal Harshness → Earlier Menarche → Increased Sexual Risk Taking. Developmental Psychology, 46, 120–128.

Caspi, A., Lynam, D., Moffitt, T. E., & Silva, P. (1993). Unraveling girls’ delinquency: Biological, dispositional, and contextual contributions to adolescent misbehavior. Developmental Psychology, 29, 19–30.

Caspi, A., & Moffitt, T. E. (1991). Individual differences are accentuated during periods of social change: The sample case of girls at puberty. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 61, 157–168.

Moffitt, T., Caspi, A., Belsky, J., & Silva, P. (1992). Childhood experience and the onset of menarche: A test of a sociobiological model. Child Development, 63, 47–58.

Ramrakha, S., Paul, C., Bell, M. L., Dickson, N., Moffitt, T. E., & Caspi, A. (2013). The relationship between multiple sex partners and anxiety, depression, and substance dependence disorders: A cohort study. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 42, 863–872.

Sung, S., Simpson, J. A., Griskevicius, V., Kuo, S. I., Schlomer, G. L., & Belsky, J. (2016). Secure infant-mother attachment buffers the effect of early-life stress on age of menarche. Psychological Science, 27, 667–674.

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Belsky, J., Vandell, D., Burchinal, M., Clarke-Stewart, K. A., McCartney, K., Owen, M., & The NICHD Early Child Care Research Network. (2007). Are there long-term effects of early child care? Child Development, 78, 681–701.

McCartney, K., Burchinal, M., Clarke-Stewart, A., Bub, K. L., Owen, M. T., Belsky, J., and the NICHD Early Child Care Research Network. (2010). Testing a series of causal propositions relating time in child care to children’s externalizing behavior. Developmental Psychology, 46, 1–17.

NICHD Early Child Care Research Network. (1997). The effects of infant child care on infant-mother attachment security: Results of the NICHD Study of Early Child Care. Child Development, 68, 860–879.

NICHD Early Child Care Research Network. (1998). Early child care and self-control, compliance and problem behavior at 24 and 36 months. Child Development, 69, 1145–1170.

NICHD Early Child Care Research Network. (1999). Child care and mother-child interaction in the first three years of life. Developmental Psychology, 35, 1399–1413.

NICHD Early Child Care Research Network. (2000). The relation of child care to cognitive and language development. Child Development, 71, 958–978.

NICHD Early Child Care Research Network. (2001). Child care and family predictors of preschool attachment and stability from infancy. Developmental Psychology, 37, 847–862.

NICHD Early Child Care Research Network. (2002). Child care and children’s development prior to school entry. American Education Research Journal, 39, 133–164.

NICHD Early Child Care Research Network. (2003). Families matter – even for kids in child care. Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics, 24, 58–62.

NICHD Early Child Care Research Network. (2003). Does amount of time spent in child care predict socioemotional adjustment during the transition to kindergarten? Child Development, 74, 976–1005.

NICHD Early Child Care Research Network. (2003). Early child care and mother-child interaction from 36 months through first grade. Infant Behavior and Development, 26, 345–370.

NICHD Early Child Care Research Network (Ed.). (2005). Child care and child development: Results of the NICHD Study of Early Child Care and Youth Development. New York: Guilford Press.

NICHD Early Child Care Research Network. (2005). Early child care and children’s development in the primary grades: Follow-up results from the NICHD Study of Early Child Care. American Educational Research Journal, 43, 537–570.

Vandell, D. L., Belsky, J., Burchinal, M., Steinberg, L., Vandergrift, N., & the NICHD Early Child Care Research Network. (2010). Do effects of early child care extend to age 15 years? Child Development, 81, 737–756.

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Jaffee, S. R., Caspi, A., Moffitt, T. E., Polo-Tomos, M., & Taylor, A. (2007). Individual, family, and neighborhood factors distinguish resilient from non-resilient maltreated children: A cumulative stressors model. Child Abuse and Neglect, 31, 231–253.

Odgers, C. L., Caspi, A., Russell, M. A., Sampson, R. J., Arseneault, L., & Moffitt, T. (2012). Supportive parenting mediates neighborhood socioeconomic disparities in children’s antisocial behavior from ages 5 to 12. Development and Psychopathology, 24, 705–721.

Odgers, C. L., Donley, S., Caspi, A., Bates, C. J., & Moffitt, T. E. (2015). Living alongside more affluent neighbors predicts greater involvement in antisocial behavior among low income boys. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 56, 1055–1064.

Odgers, C. L., Moffitt, T. E., Tach, L. M., Sampson, R. J., Taylor, A., Matthews, C. L., & Caspi, A. (2009). The protective effects of neighborhood collective efficacy on British children growing up in deprivation: A developmental analysis. Developmental Psychology, 45, 942–957.

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Baldwin, J. R., Arseneault, L., Odgers, C., Belsky, J. W., Matthews, T., Ambler, A., Caspi, A., Moffitt, T. E., & Danese, A. (2016). Childhood bullying victimization and overweight in young adulthood: A cohort study. Psychosomatic Medicine, 78, 1094–1103.

Bowes, L, Maughan, B., Caspi, A., Moffitt, T. E., & Arseneault, L. (2010). Families promote emotional and behavioural resilience to bullying: Evidence of an environmental effect. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 51, 809–817. Fisher, H. L., Moffitt, T. E., Houts, R. M., Belsky, J. W., Arseneault, L., & Caspi, A. (2012). Bullying

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