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Тело помнит все - Бессел ван дер Колк






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• Fosha D., M. Solomon, and D. J. Siegel. Te Healing Power of Emotion: Afective Neuroscience, Development and Clinical Practice (Norton Series on Interpersonal Neurobiology). New York: Norton, 2009.

• Siegel, D., and M. Solomon. Healing Trauma: Attachment, Mind, Body and Brain (Norton Series on Interpersonal Neurobiology). New York: Norton, 2003.

• Courtois, Christine, and Julian Ford. Treating Complex Traumatic Stress Disorders (Adults): Scientific Foundations and Therapeutic Models. New York: Guilford, 2013.

• Herman, Judith. Trauma and Recovery: The Aftermath of Violence – from Domestic Abuse to Political Terror. New York: Basic Books, 1992.

Нейробиология травмы

• Panksepp, Jaak, and Lucy Biven. The Archaeology of Mind: Neuroevolutionary Origins of Human Emotions (Norton Series on Interpersonal Neurobiology). New York: Norton, 2012.

• Davidson, Richard, and Sharon Begley. The Emotional Life of Your Brain: How Its Unique Patterns Affect the Way You Think, Feel, and Live – and How You Can Change Tem. New York: Hachette, 2012.

• Porges, Stephen. The Polyvagal Theory: Neurophysiological Foundations of Emotions, Attachment, Communication, and Self-regulation (Norton Series on Interpersonal Neurobiology). New York: Norton, 2011.

• Fogel, Alan. Body Sense: The Science and Practice of Embodied Self-Awareness (Norton Series on Interpersonal Neurobiology). New York: Norton, 2009.

• Shore, Allan N. Affect Regulation and the Origin of the Self: The Neuro-biology of Emotional Development. New York: Psychology Press, 1994.

• Damasio, Antonio R. The Feeling of What Happens: Body and Emotion in the Making of Consciousness. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2000.

Телесно-ориентированные подходы

• Cozzolino, Louis. The Neuroscience of Psychotherapy: Healing the Social Brain, second edition (Norton Series on Interpersonal Neurobiology). New York: Norton, 2010.

• Ogden, Pat, and Kekuni Minton. Trauma and the Body: A Sensorimotor Approach to Psychotherapy (Norton Series on Interpersonal Neurobiology). New York: Norton, 2008.

• Levine, Peter A. In an Unspoken Voice: How the Body Releases Trauma and Restores Goodness. Berkeley: North Atlantic, 2010.

• Levine, Peter A., and Ann Frederic. Waking the Tiger: Healing Trauma. Berkeley: North Atlantic, 2012.

• Curran, Linda. 101 Trauma-Informed Interventions: Activities, Exercises and Assignments to Move the Client and Therapy Forward. PESI, 2013.


• Parnell, Laura. Attachment-Focused EMDR: Healing Relational Trauma. New York: Norton, 2013.

• Shapiro, Francine. Getting Past Your Past: Take Control of Your Life with Self-Help Techniques from EMDR Therapy. Emmaus, PA: Rodale, 2012.

• Shapiro, Francine, and Margot Silk Forrest. EMDR: The Breakthrough “Eye Movement” Therapy for Overcoming Anxiety, Stress, and Trauma. New York: Basic Books, 2004.


• Schwartz, Richard C. Internal Family Systems Therapy (The Guilford Family Therapy Series). New York: Guilford, 1997.

• O. van der Hart, E. R. Nijenhuis, and F. Steele. The Haunted Self: Structural Dissociation and the Treatment of Chronic Traumatization. New York: Norton, 2006.


• Gottman, John. The Science of Trust: Emotional Attunement for Couples. New York: Norton, 2011.


• Emerson, David, and Elizabeth Hopper. Overcoming Trauma through Yoga: Reclaiming Your Body. Berkeley: North Atlantic, 2012.

• Cope, Stephen. Yoga and the Quest for the True Self. New York: Bantam Books, 1999.

Нейробиологическая обратная связь

• Fisher, Sebern. Neurofeedback in the Treatment of Developmental Trauma: Calming the Fear-Driven Brain. New York: Norton, 2014.

• Demos, John N. Getting Started with Neurofeedback. New York: Norton, 2005.

• Evans, James R. Handbook of Neurofeedback: Dynamics and Clinical Applications. CRC Press, 2013.

Физические последствия травмы

• Mate, Gabor. When the Body Says No: Understanding the Stress-Disease Connection. New York: Random House, 2011.

• Sapolsky, Robert. Why Zebras Don’t Get Ulcers: The Acclaimed Guide to Stress, Stress-Related Diseases, and Coping. New York: Macmillan, 2004.

Медитация и самоосознанность

• Zinn, Jon Kabat, and Tich Nat Hanh. Full Catastrophe Living: Using the Wisdom of Your Body and Mind to Face Stress, Pain, and Illness, revised edition. New York: Random House, 2009.

• Kornfeld, Jack. A Path with Heart: A Guide Trough the Perils and Promises of Spiritual Life. New York: Random House, 2009.

• Goldstein, Joseph, and Jack Kornfeld. Seeking the Heart of Wisdom: The Path of Insight Meditation. Boston: Shambhala Publications, 2001.

Психомоторная терапия

• Pesso, Albert, and John S. Crandell. Moving Psychotherapy: Theory and Application of Pesso System-Psychomotor Therapy. Northampton, MA: Brookline Books, 1991.

• Pesso, Albert. Experience in Action: A Psychomotor Psychology. New York: New York University Press, 1969.

Пролог. Перед лицом травмы

1. V. Felitti, et al. “Relationship of Childhood Abuse and Household Dysfunction to Many of the Leading Causes of Death in Adults: The Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) Study.” American Journal of Preventive Medicine 14, no. 4 (1998): 245–58.

Глава 1. Уроки от ветеранов Вьетнамской войны

1. A. Kardiner, The Traumatic Neuroses of War (New York: P. Hoeber, 1941). Позже я обнаружил, что многие учебники о психологической травме были напечатаны после Первой и Второй мировых войн, однако, как заметил в 1947 году Абрам Кардинер: «Тема невротических нарушений вследствие войны последние двадцать пять лет становилась жертвой общественных интересов и прихотей психиатров. Общественность не поддерживает к ней интереса, который был весьма значительным после Первой мировой войны, равно как и психиатрия. Как следствие, эти вопросы не были в достаточной степени изучены».

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