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Вирусы и эпидемии в истории мира. Прошлое, настоящее и будущее - Майкл Олдстоун






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11. Strode, G. K., ed. Yellow Fever. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1951.

12. Freestone, D. S., Ferris, R. D., Weinberg, A. L., Kelly, A. “Stabilized 17D Strain Yellow Fever Vaccine.” Journal of Biology Stand. 5 (1977): 181–8.

13. McNeill, W. H. Plagues and Peoples. New York: Anchor Books, 1976.

14. Carter, H. R., L. A. Carter, and W. H. Frost. Yellow Fever: An Epidemiological and Historical Study of Its Place of Origin. Baltimore: Williams and Wilkins, 1931.

15. Block, H. “Yellow Fever Epidemic in Philadelphia 1793.” New York State Journal of Medicine 73 (1973).

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26. The Daily Appeal, August 13, 1878. Newspaper announcement.

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29. Hamer, P. M., ed. The Centennial History of the Tennessee State Medical Association 1830–1930. Nashville: Tennessee State Medical Association, 1930.

30. Encyclopedia of Microbiology: Yellow Fever, 609. https://www.encylopedia.com/…/yellow fever.

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34. Carroll, J. “A Brief Review of the Aetiology of Yellow Fever.” New York Medical Journal 79 (1904).

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39. Reed, W., to J. Carroll. Letter, September 7, 1900. Archives University of Maryland Medical School. https://archives.hshs.umaryland.edu.

40. Carroll, J. Yellow Fever Commission Letters. https://archives.hshs.umaryland.edu.

41. Editorial. Washington Post. November 2, 1900.

42. de Lesseps, F. Recollections of Forty Years. New York: D. Appleton, 1888.

43. Rodrigues, J. C. The Panama Canal. Its History, Its Political Aspects and Financial Difficulties. New York: C. Scribner’s, 1885.

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46. Roosevelt, T. An Autobiography. New York: C. Scribner’s, 1920.

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51. Theiler, M., and H. Smith. “The Use of Yellow Fever Virus Modified by in Vitro Cultivation for Human Immunization.” Journal of Experimental Medicine 65 (1937): 787–800.

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53. Garske, T., M. D. Van Kerkhove, S. Yactayo, O. Ronveaux, R. F. Lewis, J. E. Staples, W. Perea, and N. M. Ferguson; Yellow Fever Expert Committee. “Yellow Fever in Africa: Estimating the Burden of Disease and Impact of Mass Vaccination from Outbreak and Serological Data.” PLoS Medicine 11 (2014): e1001638.

54. Dorigatti, I., A. Hamlet, R. Aguas, L. Cattarino, A. Cori, C. A. Donnelly, T. Garske, N. Imai, and N. M. Ferguson. “International Risk of Yellow Fever Spread from the Ongoing Outbreak in Brazil, December 2016 to May 2017.” Euro Surveillance 22 (2017): pii30572.

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